Every educated person who speaks Russian is supposed to have a fairly large vocabulary in order to be able to express himself in different styles. Therefore, many people today own scientific terminology, professional vocabulary, replenish their speech with all sorts of borrowings from various languages, and so on. However, more and more native speakers in our time forget simple colloquial words, old vernacular, which might not be ashamed at all, but it is interesting enough to express themselves sometimes in a simple everyday situation. And it would be so great to read such a different word in the literature of the future! So this article is for those who are not indifferent to the fate of funny Russian words.

Dal Dictionary
Quite often in the speech of the older generations today you can hear the funny word "fuck", but its meaning is rather unclear. And no wonder, because according to the explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language of Vladimir Ivanovich Dal, he comes from the Novgorod and Perm dialects! ATin the same source we find the following meaning of this word: "ropiously deceive, rob".

Soviet dictionaries
In the explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, edited by Dmitry Nikolaevich Ushakov, both the meaning of "to beat" and the origin of this word are given. So, according to this entry in the dictionary, the etymology of the word "to beat" is associated with a long-standing Russian custom to conclude certain types of transactions on St. "). In addition, the author compares the word "to beat" with the obviously less popular in the language, but similar in meaning to the word "to bite".