In all educational institutions, the history of the native land must be studied. Universities of Kazakhstan are no exception. The younger generation will be able to fully work for the good of the country only after a deep study of its potential. The republic includes several economic and geographical regions, among which is East Kazakhstan. Let's take a quick look at its geographic location.
It borders on two states: the People's Republic of China (Autonomous Territory of Xinjiang Uyguria) and the Russian Federation (Altai Territory and the Republic of Altai). The eastern part of Kazakhstan is located along the upper reaches of the river. Irtysh. Thanks to this, the region is supplied with water resources, which are so important for life and watering of the land. However, the problem of land irrigation still exists. This jeopardizes the development of agriculture. When choosing a future profession, it is very important for applicants to take into account the fact that important natural resources are being extracted in this region, and the easyindustry. From this we can draw certain conclusions: after graduation, students will quickly find a job in a prestigious job.

Water resources
Agriculture and many industries cannot function without natural water resources. And since there are educational institutions on the territory of East Kazakhstan that train specialists in this area, it will be useful for students to study the hydrology of this region. Water resources are represented by several rapid full-flowing rivers, such as the Ulba, Uba, Bukhtarma and Kurchum, as well as about 850 smaller streams, the total length of which is 10 km. Complementary stocks and lakes - more than one thousand, with an area of 1 ha. Reservoirs and rivers are located rather unevenly, concentrating in the north and northeast of such a region as East Kazakhstan. Thus, 40% of all water resources of the country are located here.

The features of the relief of this region are also very important to study. The area is characterized by mountains and lowlands. From all sides the region is surrounded by several ridges - Southern Altai, Saur, Tarbagaty. The territory of East Kazakhstan is rich in various hollows, valleys, canyons. This diversity was reflected in the formation of several landscape zones: sandy-desert, clay, steppe, mountainous, forest and taiga, as well as meadow (mainly alpine).
The climate has a pronounced continental character, thanks toproximity to the Altai mountains. Therefore, there are sharp differences in day and night temperatures. East Kazakhstan is a region where seasonality is pronounced. In summer it is dry and quite hot, and in winter it is very cold. The average January temperature is fixed at around -20 °C, but sometimes it can drop to -50 °C. In summer (in July) the minimum is +32…+37 °С, and the highest figure reaches +45…+47 °С.

Economic potential
Traditional areas of economy are timber, military and energy industries, metallurgy (non-ferrous), construction of machines. At the same time, there is a certain imbalance: the gross regional product is the lowest in the country, and the development of industry is close to the leading areas. The mountainous relief practically deprived East Kazakhstan of agriculture. The food industry (meat and dairy) is developed in the lowland areas. Agriculture is widespread on the plains. Grain, fodder and industrial crops are usually sown. Small auxiliary farms are being created near cities and rural settlements. Due to the developed water system, East Kazakhstan generates a huge amount of energy resources. This is facilitated by the creation of three hydroelectric power stations.
There are several metallurgical basins on the territory: copper, gold ore, polymetallic ore, as well as quite a lot of rare precious metals. On their basis, large plants operate - lead, titanium-magnesium, lead-zinc, mining and metallurgical,copper and chemical. As a result, the cities of East Kazakhstan are kept at a sufficient economic level, producing zinc, magnesium, cadmium, bismuth, enriched copper ores. The second place is occupied by the processing of metals and the creation of machines, the production of cement and wood. The third is the silk, fur and meat industries.

The history of East Kazakhstan is quite an interesting question. Settlement of this area happened late. Until 1997, the region included seven northern and northeastern regions, as well as two cities - Ust-Kamenogorsk and Ridder. After the administrative reform, all 15 sections of the north and east were united into the East Kazakh region with the administrative center - Ust-Kamenogorsk. Urbanization has covered 10 large cities, 3 villages, as well as more than 750 settlements throughout the region, including rural areas.
More than 15 higher and secondary educational institutions operate in Ust-Kamenogorsk. Of these, four are universities, the rest are colleges. Technological, economic, construction and transport areas are especially popular among applicants. Each student who graduates is confident that he will find a prestigious and well-paid job in his region.