Communication process: stages, essence, elements and interesting facts

Communication process: stages, essence, elements and interesting facts
Communication process: stages, essence, elements and interesting facts

Steps of the communication process include specific levels to achieve the goal. The process itself means the consistent exchange of information between people or groups of people. The main goal is to make sure that the information is received by the addressee and fully assimilated by him. It is also important that if there is no mutual understanding between the members of the process, it means that the goal has not been achieved.

Communication between people
Communication between people


The communication process is the exchange of information and information between two participants. It manifests itself through certain functions.

Communication functions in the modern organization:

  1. Informational. Includes the transmission of information itself of any nature.
  2. Incentive. Activates all options for interaction between individuals, for example, when you need to confirm specific actions, organize people, change moodthe interlocutor or his beliefs.
  3. Perceptual. Responsible for the mental perception of each other, affects the subsequent communication between people.
  4. Expressive. It affects the perception of a person, the state of his emotional and psychological background.

Process tasks and their components

The structure of the stages of communication
The structure of the stages of communication

The very process of information dissemination can be reproduced in order to perform certain tasks. All of this comes at the expense of:

  • correct prioritization and goals;
  • explanations on how best to use the method;
  • understanding that a person understood what exactly is required of him;
  • comprehension checks;
  • taking into account the interlocutor's own opinion;
  • information exchange;
  • mutual follow-up planning;
  • informing that the goal has been achieved.

The stages of the communication process also consist of the tasks of the interaction itself, so they are the basis for their formation. The main thing is to know all the subtleties of the procedure. In this case, there will be no potential problems in understanding between people.

Elements and stages of the communication process

Communication and its stages
Communication and its stages

In order for the communication process to be successful, it is necessary not only to know the concept of the communication process. The main steps are also important. There are only four of them. The communication process and its stages are important information that helps to reach mutual understanding between the participants.

  1. Sender. A person who is responsible for the formulation of an idea or for the collected information that he seeks to convey to another participant in the communication.
  2. Message. It includes the whole complex of information that is transmitted in writing or orally. The main component of this information is an idea, some factual statements, emotions or attitude towards the addressee. The process of transferring information itself includes both the person who talks about it and various Internet resources where you can provide information without eye contact.
  3. Channel. It is a specific tool through which information is transmitted. Various telephone conversations, as well as mail, letters, and oral transmission can serve as a channel. Thus, the means can be various options, which ultimately provide information to the addressee.
  4. Recipient. It represents a person who, as a result of completing all the stages, receives information prepared in advance for him.

The communication process, its elements and stages imply a complete understanding of the intricacies of the addresser, since in case of misunderstanding complications may arise in the form of questions, aggression and ignoring.

Stage objectives

When there is an interaction between people, both the addressee and the addresser go through a series of stages. The tasks of the main stages of the communication process are the construction of a message, the use of any selected channel for transmitting information. The main thing is to make sure that as you go through all the stagesthe quality of the information did not change. In other words, it must remain in its original form.


The stages of the communication process, the exchange of information, are the main stages that you need to go through before completing the process.

  • first of all, the appearance of an idea occurs;
  • its coding and choice of information transmission channel;
  • actually sending a message to the addressee;
  • the process of interpreting information, that is, explaining;
  • receiving feedback.

The essence of the problem of understanding the stages

The concept of the communication process, the main elements, stages are the components of the exchange of information. Often this causes some complications that are associated with a poor understanding of the terms. Basically, it is the stages of communication that raise questions, so it is important to know their definition, as well as the goals and consequences.

The emergence of an idea

Idea construction
Idea construction

The concept of a communication process, the main element of which is precisely the idea, is very important for successful communication between people. First of all, the addresser is required to formulate a topic that is topical for him and the interlocutor. The role of the sender himself at this stage of the communication process is important, since it is he who encodes the information, analyzes it and transmits it. What is important is that it is necessary to make the message not only meaningful in meaning, but also understandable to others. If the topic is irrelevant, then the communication will end before it starts.

Before submitting seemingly ready-made information,it needs to be tested taking into account many factors. First of all, of course, these are the views of the interlocutor. If the addressee is not familiar with the person, then it is better to start with a loyal, neutral topic about the weather and so on. Only after the addressee is already known to the sender, you can start a deeper conversation, the meaning of which depends on common interests.

Encoding and channel selection

Having passed the previous stage of the communication process, the information is still "green", it is too early to present it. The sender must beat her with appropriate gestures, codes, so that the address sees interest and more fully perceives the message.

The sender also has the right to choose the method of transmitting the message, as they can be varied. If live communication is not possible, then email, video or audio messages, or a simple SMS message will do. It is also possible to send a written message, but today few people use this type. The main thing is to ensure that the information is not distorted due to the channel used.

In modern communication theory, it is assumed that the best way to conduct a dialogue or polylogue is to use several ways of transmitting information. On average, the use of two channels is quite optimal. There must be a difference between the transmission time of information over the two channels, since a one-time message will look rather ridiculous. It is important to choose the right moment and apply the most common channel option first.

For example, firstthe sender sends a message via SMS, and after a while discusses the topic in more depth with the person live. In this way communication will be successful as the information will be better understood through repetition.


At this stage, the channel activation process itself is already taking place, that is, transmission is taking place. The stage itself is not communication, it fulfills the role of achieving this goal.

Information moves from addresser to addressee through the use of certain characters. Sign systems are inherent in many types of communication, for example, verbal and non-verbal communication. It includes a specific character system that a person uses when they want to transfer data to another.

Non-verbal communication collects all the signs that a person can use without words. These are gestures, facial expressions, body movements, gaze and much more. All these signs are needed so that the sender introduces as much expression and additional meaning into the main message as possible. This is so because, as a rule, non-verbal communication does not occur on its own, it is an addition to verbal communication.

Verbal communication involves the use of letters and sounds of the alphabet of a particular language as signs. A person builds these signs in a certain way and receives words. These are already more significant units of the communication process.


Recipient Perception
Recipient Perception

After the information is received by the addressee, he decodes in every possible way, rearranges it in his own way. That is, himselfthe stage is understood as the recipient's translation of information into his own thoughts. All the characters transmitted by the addresser will be fully assimilated by the addressee, and he will be able to understand what they wanted to convey to him. There are times when the recipient's response is not needed, then communication stops at this stage.

This expresses an unequal communication system, since in the case when the sender transmits information, he first formulates the idea according to the meaning, then encodes, transmits. The addressee will learn the meaning of the message delivered to him along with the passage of the decoding stage.


Successful Communication
Successful Communication

The process of receiving information by the receiver and the response is the stage by which the sender will understand whether the message is understood or not. At this stage, the receiver must become the sender to relay their thoughts back as evidence of full understanding and evidence that the communication was successful.

Communication stipulates that the whole process should have a two-way focus. This is necessary so that in case of misunderstanding, the addressee would say so. Then the message will be sent again, in a more understandable form. This perception is especially relevant in the sphere of relations between the boss and the subordinate. In order for the work to be comfortable, understandable, feedback from employees is necessary. Otherwise, the staff will be dissatisfied with the work and the boss, and the manager with his subordinates.


Misunderstanding due to noise around
Misunderstanding due to noise around

Noise in gener althe list of stages does not take up space, since it is most likely just a factor in completing all the stages. But it is quite important, since extraneous environmental noise can cause difficulties in understanding information. Also, the message may be poorly heard, so the addressee will understand a completely different, false one. Noise sources can be loud music, construction sounds, machine signals, and more.

So that noise does not cause communication difficulties, it is necessary to choose a quiet, calm place with a pleasant, relaxing atmosphere.
