The best universities in Novosibirsk

The best universities in Novosibirsk
The best universities in Novosibirsk

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Novosibirsk is the third largest city in Russia, and it is not only an economically developed region, but also a major scientific center. Therefore, there are 38 institutions of higher education in the city, many of which are universities. Let's talk briefly about which universities in Novosibirsk are the largest, most prestigious and popular outside the native region.


Novosibirsk State University is one of the most desirable universities in Siberia from the point of view of an applicant. It is being graduated by the future business elite and prominent political figures not only in the region, but throughout the country. Technical and scientific specialists with NSU diplomas are in demand all over the world.

Novosibirsk universities
Novosibirsk universities

Future academics and scientists also study here, so the entry requirements are serious. It is also important that, according to the data for 2016, Novosibirsk State University entered the top ten universities in the country and took 9th place in it. No othersuniversities in Novosibirsk have never come close to such success.

The passing score for admission to this university is traditionally high - a minimum of 67 points is required, but more than 230 points are required to enter prestigious speci alties (such as computer science or management). The cost of studying at prestigious faculties is about 120-150 thousand rubles a year, and at simpler faculties - 70-80 thousand.


Technical University is also in the list of 100 best universities in Russia, however, it occupies only 24th position, and compared to the ranking of 2015, NSTU has lost 4 positions.

Despite this, there are invariably many who want to study at the Novosibirsk State Technical University at the faculties of mechatronics, automation, aircraft, radio engineering. There are a little more than 1,600 budget places at the university, and tuition on a paid basis will cost 90-120 thousand a year. Distance learning will cost half as much, but the process of obtaining a diploma will take a year more than full-time. The passing score, depending on the direction, is from 40.

Novosibirsk State Technical University
Novosibirsk State Technical University

NSTU gives an opportunity to get an international diploma. Just like other large universities in Novosibirsk, this university cooperates with dozens of universities in Europe, especially in Asia and the CIS countries.

Also, NSTU is one of the founders of the Siberian Open University, a member of many international education associations and a successful leader in the field of industry merger,business, science and education.


The University of Economics and Management is the largest economic university in Western Siberia. At 4 faculties, specialists are trained not only in economic areas. The university successfully develops the information and technical direction of work. The university is proud that 90% of its graduates are in demand in the labor market, and many are already at the stage of undergraduate practice focused on permanent employment. The university is also accessible from the point of view of paid education - the largest number of speci alties cost about 40-60 thousand a year, however, on a correspondence course. Full-time costs twice as much, and in some speci alties there is a choice of part-time form.


The University of Railways and Communications is a unique university specializing in the training of railway workers and managers. Few universities in Novosibirsk, and indeed the whole country, practice the distribution of graduates in modern conditions. SGUPS is one of them. Naturally, this is a huge plus for applicants, since by entering SGUPS, you can be sure of your subsequent employment. Moreover, the main customers of specialists are Russian Railways and the regional administration. The university fruitfully cooperates with similar universities in Japan and Korea, has strong ties with other South Asian countries, including teaching foreign students.

pedagogical university novosibirsk
pedagogical university novosibirsk

The most demanded speci alties are connected with the railway. The passing score for them is from 180 and above. There isbudget places. And the cost of paid education is about 100 thousand per year. There is also the possibility of distance learning in some speci alties, mainly related to management and management.


Pedagogical University (Novosibirsk) trains specialists in 50 areas of training. Scientific centers of ontogenesis, philosophy of education, enlightenment and information technologies have been created on the basis of the university. The university keeps up with the times and makes high demands on applicants. In response, he offers modern conditions for obtaining education and its high quality.


Architecture and Civil Engineering University is often called in the old way - Sibstrin. Once it had such a name (from the Novosibirsk Construction Institute) and for a long time was the only university of this profile in Western Siberia and up to the Far East. It is believed that NGASU is one of the 50 universities in the country, whose graduates are most in demand in the labor market. The largest construction concerns in the region are 90% staffed by Sibstrin graduates. In addition, specialists are in demand in other regions of Russia, including Moscow.

medical university novosibirsk
medical university novosibirsk

Training at its faculties will cost about 100 thousand rubles a year, but there are also state-funded places - about 170.


Medical University (Novosibirsk) has been training doctors of various speci alties since 1935. Today it is the largest scientific center, which graduates about 5 thousand specialists a year. Medical University (Novosibirsk)teaches students at 70 scientific bases, which are located in leading clinics and centers of the city and region.
