Black box model: block diagram

Black box model: block diagram
Black box model: block diagram

The "black box" model, examples of which will be given below, is an illustration of an object for which an exit and an entrance are specified. However, its contents are unknown. Let's look further at how to build a black box model.

black box model
black box model

First stage

The initial action necessary for compiling a model of absolutely any system is the separation of an object from its environment. This simplest operation reflects two most important properties: the isolation and integrity of the object. The object of research is an object whose contents are unknown.

Interactions with the environment

Any model of system composition is not completely isolated. It maintains certain connections with the environment. With their help, there is a mutual influence of the object and the conditions in which it is located. Accordingly, when building the "black box" model at the next stage, the connections are shown by arrows and described in words. Those directed to Wednesday are exits. Accordingly, reverse arrows will be entries.

OnAt this level of system representation, the researcher deals with a declarative model. That is, outputs and inputs are determined by the scale of names. As a rule, such a display is sufficient. However, in some cases it is necessary to give a quantitative description of some or all of the outputs and inputs.


They are set so that the "black box" model is maximally formalized. As a result, the researcher comes to the task of 2 sets Y and X of output and input variables. At the same time, no relationship between them is fixed at this stage. Otherwise, you get a transparent model, not a "black box". So, for a TV set, X can be the limiting ranges of mains voltage and broadcast radio waves.

Black box model: systems analysis

At the final stage, object changes are examined and reflected. For example, they can occur over a certain period of time. That is, the researcher illustrates the state of the object in dynamics. The description of the "black box" model should show correspondences, firstly, between the components of the set X of probable values of the input parameters and the elements of the ordered T-set of time intervals. In addition, a similar ratio should be displayed for output indicators.

black box model examples
black box model examples


The key advantage of the object under consideration is its simplicity. However, in many cases it is very deceptive. Quite often, listing outputs and inputs is a rather difficult task. If aconsider the car as a model of the "black box" type, then this conclusion will be confirmed. The power of sets in the study of this object will exceed two dozen. In this case, the list of parameters will be far from complete.

Such a multiplicity of outputs and inputs is determined by the unlimited options for the interaction of the object in question with the environment.


The structural model of the system is used when it is necessary to illustrate a complex object that contains several elements. In the simplest situations, it contains a set of components. All of them are included in the object itself. In these cases, the concept of “system composition model” is applied.

Meanwhile, there are a number of issues that cannot be solved with its help. In particular, to assemble a bicycle, it is not enough to have a box with all its elements. You need to know how to properly connect them to each other. Obviously, only a model of the composition of the system will not help in this case. Moreover, in some cases it is necessary to establish certain connections between the components. Their character is shown by the block diagram. It makes it possible to solve more problems. The block diagram answers the questions: “What is included in the object and what are the relationships between its elements?”


Visual images are of particular importance for a person. The definition of a system used in practice does not characterize its internal structure. This allows you to distinguish it from the environment. At the same time, it will be depicted as a model of a "black box" - an integral and relatively isolated object. The goal achieved isare pre-planned changes in the environment, certain products of the work of the object, intended for consumption outside it. In other words, the black box model establishes certain connections and influences external conditions. As stated above, they are exits.

At the same time, the system acts as a means. Therefore, opportunities are needed for its application, impact on it. Accordingly, connections are established from the environment to the object - inputs. The use of the "black box" model allows one to study only the interaction between the object and the environment. It displays only the input and output parameters. At the same time, it even lacks the boundaries between the environment and the object (the walls of the box). They are only implied, considered to exist.

how to build a black box model
how to build a black box model

Black box model: examples

As mentioned above, sometimes a verbal meaningful display of outputs and inputs is enough. In this case, the black box model will be their list. So, for a TV, the display of links will be as follows:

  1. Inputs - power cable, antenna, setup and controls.
  2. Outputs - screen and speakers.

In other situations, you may want to quantify relationships.

Let's take another system - a wristwatch. It should be taken into account that the outputs are aimed at concretizing the goal. Accordingly, as one of them, you can fix the time reading at any arbitrary moment. Further, it should be noted that the expressed goal applies in general to all watches, andnot only to taken wrist. To differentiate them, you can make the following addition - the convenience of wearing on the wrist. It will act as an input. With this addition comes the need for a bracelet or strap. With him, in turn, there is the obligation to comply with the rules of hygiene (exit), since not every fastening is permissible on the hand. Then, if you imagine the conditions in which the watch is operated, you can enter a few more parameters: dust and moisture resistance, strength. Additionally, two more outputs can be used. They will be the accuracy needed in everyday life, as well as the availability of information on the dial for reading at a cursory glance. In the process of research, you can add a few more requirements to the clock. For example, such outputs as fashion fit, price-to-consumer purchasing power ratio are introduced.

It is quite obvious that this list can be continued. It is permissible to include a requirement to read information from the dial in the dark. Its implementation will lead to a significant change in the design. It may provide, for example, different options for self-illumination, reading by touch, backlighting, signaling, etc.

The black box model considers the organization as a system
The black box model considers the organization as a system

Characteristics of the business entity

Let's consider the specifics of building a model on the example of an enterprise. It should be said right away that its creation is based on the selection from an infinite set of interactions of such a set of them that would adequately reflect the purpose of the study. Certainly suchthe model should not be reduced to a monosystem. That is, to such an object that has only one input and output.

The "black box" model considers the organization as a system of relations between the enterprise and the environment. In the analysis, to justify a sufficient and necessary set of parameters for the sets of outputs and inputs, the methods of mathematical statistics are widely used. Often, experienced experts are also involved in the process.

With regard to the relationship between the company and the environment, a few explanations should be given here. First of all, capital is needed to conduct production activities. It can be presented in the form of borrowed funds or the firm's own shares. Due to liquid assets, the enterprise gets the opportunity to use production factors in the process. As you know, they are materials, equipment and other resources that are converted into finished products.

Another connection with the environment is expressed in the process of marketing products. The sale of products gives the company funds, which, in turn, are used to pay off debts, pay wages, and so on. Interest is charged on loans. They are paid to the credit institution. In addition, the company deducts mandatory payments to the budget. Along with this, the state provides subsidies to the company.

structural model of the system
structural model of the system

Practical value

Often, the "black box" model is not only very useful, but also the only one available for use in research. For example, in the analysis of mentalprocesses in the human body or the effect of drugs on the patient, specialists can only intervene in internal processes through inputs. Accordingly, conclusions are drawn based on the study of outputs.

In general, this provision refers to such observations, as a result of which it is necessary to obtain information about the system in its usual conditions, in an environment where special care must be taken to ensure that the measurement process has a minimal effect on it.

The use of such an "opaque" object is also due to the fact that the researcher has no information about its internal structure. In particular, it is not known how the electron is arranged. But it has been established how it interacts with magnetic, gravitational, electric fields. This characteristic is the description of the electron according to the principle of the “black box” model.


One more important phenomenon should be noted. The considered model is already structured. It knows whether the connection belongs to the category of outputs or inputs. Meanwhile, at the initial stages of the study, this information may not be available. The researcher has the opportunity to highlight a certain connection of an object with the environment, to observe and measure any parameter by which it is characterized. However, there will not be enough grounds to unconditionally establish its direction.

In such situations, it makes sense to examine two competing black boxes. In one, the connection will be considered as an input, in the other, respectively, as an output. An example would be the study of processes for which noit has been established which is the effect and which is the cause, or whether their relationship generally belongs to the category of cause-and-effect.

using the black box model allows you to explore
using the black box model allows you to explore

Selection criteria

The multiplicity of outputs and inputs is determined by an unlimited number of interactions between the object and the environment. When building a model, a certain set of links is selected that will be included in the list of outputs and inputs. The criterion in this case is the purpose of the object, the significance of the interaction with respect to the goal.

Accordingly, the choice is made as follows. Everything that is essential is included in the model, and everything that is not essential is excluded from it. However, it is at this stage that mistakes can be made. The fact that the model does not take into account a certain set of relationships does not make them unrealistic. They exist in any case and act regardless of the will of the researcher making the choice.

It often turns out that previously unknown or insignificant conditions are actually very important and must be taken into account. This moment is of particular importance in determining the purpose of the system. When establishing the outputs of the object, the main task has to be supplemented with auxiliary problems. It should be emphasized that the fulfillment of only the key goal will not be enough. At the same time, non-implementation of additional tasks can make in some cases unnecessary, in others - dangerous - the solution of the main problem.

Especial attention needs to be paid at this point, asIn practice, misunderstanding, ignorance or underestimation of the significance of this provision is often found. In fact, it acts as one of the central ideas of systemology.

black box model systems analysis
black box model systems analysis


The opaque (black) box model is considered the simplest in systemology. Meanwhile, when it is created, various difficulties often arise. They are determined mainly by the variety of possible options for establishing links between the object and the environment in which it is located. When using the model, it is necessary to take into account a variety of factors, clearly define the final and additional goals. The fulfillment of the latter is often critical to obtaining the planned results of observation.
