Composition based on the painting "Friends" by E. Shirokov

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Composition based on the painting "Friends" by E. Shirokov
Composition based on the painting "Friends" by E. Shirokov

Writing a text on a picture in high school means the ability to both formulate the general impressions of the work seen, and explain them, and talk about those details that create mood. In addition, the student must show the skills of a consistent and logical presentation of his thoughts, structuring the text and respecting the composition. The essay-description of Shirokov's painting "Friends" usually does not cause difficulties in motivating the task, since the plot of the work turns out to be close to most adolescents. In order to prepare them for the successful completion of the task, you should pay attention to significant details, colors, composition of the picture, as well as help formulate their thoughts and associations.

General plot and errors in its perception

Before the student begins to write an essay on the painting "Friends", it is necessary that he understand the general plot of the picture. Oddly enough, important details often elude schoolchildren, making it difficult to understand the seemingly obvious. So, for example, in many school essays you can read that the plot of the picture isthat "the dog looks at the boy, trying to catch his mood and console", meanwhile, the picture, as you know, depicts the exact opposite. Children often make mistakes even about where the characters are (you can hear from them that the boy and the dog are "sitting on the couch").

friends painting essay
friends painting essay

Story Help

To organize the author's attention and help him write an essay-story based on the painting "Friends", without making a mistake in understanding the general content of the work, you can ask him the following approximate questions:

  1. Where is the dog? Where is the boy sitting?
  2. Where are the characters looking? Why?
  3. What position is the dog in? What about her condition?
  4. What posture is the boy? What is the expression on his face? What about his mood?
  5. What can you say about what is going on in their lives?
  6. What are the colors of the painting? What impression do they make? What guesses about the plot confirm?
composition description of the painting shirokov friends
composition description of the painting shirokov friends

Location of characters

An essay-description of Shirokov's painting "Friends" can be started exactly from where the characters are located.

The boy and the dog are on the floor: either on the dog's bedding, or on a blanket specially spread out for them. The fact that the boy is sitting on the floor next to the dog indicates their close relationship, that the dog occupies a large place in his life. The size of the blanket-litter, which is enough for both the animal and her young friend, indicates thatthat they often spend their time like this.

picture e shirokov friends essay
picture e shirokov friends essay

Character poses

Children often intuitively understand the postures of people and animals, and the painting by E. Shirokov "Friends", an essay on which implies the ability to "read" body language and gestures, is a good opportunity for a student to use his life experience and intuition. The body positions of the characters are very telling. An essay-description based on the painting "Friends" by E. Shirokov cannot do without a story about them.

The dog lies on its stomach with its muzzle on its paws. This posture is usually associated with the stressed state of the dog. In reality, just a tired animal may lie like this, but traditionally this pose is associated with illness, sadness or expectation. The dog's eyes are open, which indicates that he is not just resting.

essay description on the picture friends
essay description on the picture friends

The boy sits comfortably and habitually. He did not just sit down to pet the animal for a minute, but has been in this position for a long time and, most likely, will not leave for a long time.

Character looks

Thinking about how to continue the essay on the painting "Friends", the student will readily pay attention to the direction of the characters' eyes.

The eyes of the dog, as already mentioned, are open. She does not sleep and does not doze, and at the same time her gaze is not focused on the boy, or on the viewer, or on anything. She seems to be staring into space. This view excludes the understanding of her posture as a position of rest, peace, rest. She either listens sensitively to the boy, or suffers from pain, or something with tension.waiting.

The boy's attention is completely focused on the animal. He not only looks at the dog - his whole posture is turned towards her. He either thinks intensely about her, or turns to the dog in his expectations, experiences, finds an understanding listener in her. It is with the dog at the moment that all the thoughts, experiences and expectations of the boy are connected.

essay essay friends
essay essay friends

What's going on in their lives?

An essay based on the painting "Friends" by E. Shirokov, like any other text about a painting, does not exclude reflection on what is happening in the lives of the characters.

The position, poses and looks of the characters dictate the possible interpretations of the plot.

The characters are clearly united by common experiences. Perhaps the dog is sick, and the boy is worried about her and is nearby, because he cannot do otherwise. There is something doomed, unhurried in his posture. There is no despair in her, but rather humility.

Perhaps the boy and the dog will be separated. In the pose of the animal, loneliness, detachment and humility are felt. Neither she nor her friend resist what is happening, neither despair nor protest is read in their images. It may not be the first time they've been through this.

Maybe something irreparable happened in the life of the dog, and the boy is trying to somehow smooth out her loneliness, comfort and calm.

Besides, the student may well interpret this picture differently. It is quite possible that the boy himself seeks solace in the understanding of the dog, addresses his feelings to her. However, if you read all the details of the picture as significant, thenthis interpretation is resisted by the tense gaze of the dog. It is likely that each of them is worried about something different.

Fantasy about these possible plots can take up a significant part of the work. A story about a case from your life experience will also be appropriate here.


The composition based on the painting "Friends" easily lends itself to the logic of interpreting the basic colors. The work, poor in color, primarily focuses on the red plaid of the color of blood. This background creates a feeling of anxiety, tension. The "childish" plot - a boy and his four-legged friend, associated with carelessness and life, conflicts with a sense of anxiety and tension. This contradiction is reinforced by the combination of blue and red, which is unsuccessful in terms of color harmony. The gray color of the walls emphasizes the contradiction and a sense of anxiety, melancholy.


The name "Friends" can be a rich field for reflection of the author of the essay. It would be appropriate in one form or another to express the idea that friendship is not only shared joys, but also shared grief, it is also the fear of loss.

essay description on the picture friends e shirokov
essay description on the picture friends e shirokov

In general, an essay-description based on the painting “Friends”, reflecting a plot understandable for schoolchildren, provides great opportunities for self-expression for children of any degree of interest in the subject, since its writing is based precisely on the life and personal experience of the child. If you correctly organize his impressions, direct attention and help structure the future text, writing an essay will notwill be difficult.