Methods of teaching Russian at school

Methods of teaching Russian at school
Methods of teaching Russian at school

The issue of choosing the method of teaching the Russian language is already relevant for elementary school. The first way of teaching practices the technical side, as well as the psychological laws of the learning process as the needs of society.

Means of communication determine the ways of teaching for students according to their characteristics. The Russian language teaching method consists of interrelated parts on the formation of basic skills, concepts, the study of grammar, system changes over time (assimilation) and other parts of science.


methods and techniques of teaching the Russian language
methods and techniques of teaching the Russian language

Language is one of the most interesting tools in the hands of people to communicate. In order to properly apply skills and knowledge, a person must explore the features and details of the discipline. Russian language teaching methoddesigned to explore the concept of the subject and develop analytical skills. Linguistic analysis displays the evidence of differences depending on the level of knowledge. The method also works with different abilities, knowledge and skills of students.

The method of teaching the Russian language determines the reasons that stimulate the student to achieve success and realize mistakes. There are four basic rules:

  • First, "why should I know this."
  • Second, “what exactly am I supposed to study.”
  • Third, “how to teach properly.”
  • Fourth, "why not use another way of learning."

Methodology, pedagogy and philosophy are social sciences. They explore the direction of human activity. The method and these two sciences study the language of the base, goals and objectives, and are directly related to each other. The language and logic of the disciplines are also constantly interacting.

Another idea

Russian language teaching methods classification of methods
Russian language teaching methods classification of methods

Methods and techniques for teaching Russian include skills for students, grammar and literature. The essence of the subject lies in the fact that it is at the intersection of other disciplines, namely pedagogy, psychology and philosophy.

In 1844, Buslaev wrote his famous work "On the Teaching of the Russian Language". In this work, for the first time in the history of Russian pedagogy, a system based on methodology was described.

Buslaev's research was primarily based on the ability of students to correctly use information in their own speech. The author created such a group as "knowledge and skills, teachings and exercises."

The author divides the methods and techniques of teaching the Russian language into two forms:

  • The student finds the truth with the help of the teacher.
  • Dogmatic option.

Active teaching methods in Russian lessons

modern methods of teaching the Russian language
modern methods of teaching the Russian language

Usually the first way is the most preferred of these styles.

A book written by Shcherba in 1952 contributed to the development of teaching methods. It describes language systems to be developed through speaking, listening, reading and writing.

Thus, the book forms its own system. Shcherba believes that the best active learning methods for Russian lessons include reading, grammar, literary examples, and systematic exercises.

Throughout his life, Shcherba worked to improve the quality of education received in Soviet universities, published textbooks, and adapted school programs for greater efficiency and assimilation by students.


The Russian language, as a national treasure of the people, is the basis for the formation and improvement of speech. At the same time, it is not only a means, but also an instrument of thinking. The development of the language leads to its strengthening, development. During analysis, objects are decomposed into elements. The study of syllable and speech depends on universal methods of analysis and synthesis.

The Russian language is one of the richest in the world, and this is a generally recognized fact. Paustovsky wrote: "True love for one's country is unthinkable without sympathy for speech."

In the first program, one of the goals of studying the style is the education of a citizen and patriot, the formation of the idea of spiritual, moral and cultural values.

Methods of teaching the Russian language at school are also in the choice of materials for conducting lessons. Depending on the types of students, the tasks are dictated by the desire to uncover the treasures of vocabulary and phraseology in order to improve the ability to express all the features of the subject and the disclosure of its means, "all tones and shades", in order to arouse admiration among students. That is, the goal is for students to also begin to be proud of the diversity of the Russian language, learn to express their thoughts and feelings in the Russian environment.

The principle of connecting literature

The practice of teaching the Russian language uses works of art. Students learn to create different types of speech patterns:

  • description;
  • reasoning;
  • narratives.

These goals are achieved only through an individual approach to students, based on their competence and skills.

An example of such a differentiated approach to the process of teaching students, where competence is at the center, is the rather traditional writing of lists of "spelling errors", that is, extracting words from a dictation.


  • To determine which parts of speech these words belong to.
  • For the formation of the skill of creating sentences, including the subsequent search for this error.
  • To practice writing other words according to the same rule. Moreover, the quantity will directly affect the quality.

These exercises are very useful for increasing mindfulness. That is, when students peer into the alphabetic composition of words, they remember them.

In these tasks, there are three levels of complexity of the method of teaching the Russian language and literature:

  • mechanical copying;
  • determining whether a word belongs to a part of speech;
  • composing sentences from words.

At school, students develop basic skills. Of course, no one can remember every possible use of words, compatibility rules, stylistic features of vocabulary, idiomatic compositions, and so on. Therefore, more time should be allocated for the formation and improvement of linguistic intuition, which is given at birth. But for all people it is at a different level.

Interactive methods of teaching Russian

methods of teaching Russian at school
methods of teaching Russian at school

Educators who actively use such methods are confident that the most successful learning can proceed directly in the course of interaction. They believe that, in this way, adolescents develop faster and remember much better those points that they learned in the process of discussing the issue. This happens for the following reasons:

  • Students not only receive information, but also must logically explain why their solution and result can be considered correct, or be the best ofoptions.
  • Students work through thoughts the most thoroughly, as they understand that if there are errors or contradictions, their conclusions and proposals will be challenged.
  • Students apply their own and other people's experience in practice from the moment they receive the task. This way of studying is more effective than when working with a teacher in person.

In the interactive methodology, as in any other, there are a large number of ways that contribute to the organization of interaction in a team. These techniques can be systematized as follows:

  • similarities / differences;
  • ranking;
  • matching;
  • rating;
  • classification;
  • generalization;
  • true / false;
  • correct or needs change;
  • advantages and disadvantages;
  • revealing consequences;
  • do you think;
  • research and report;
  • role play;
  • brainstorming;
  • debate.

Linguistic Department

Methods and forms of teaching the Russian language will help students understand the patterns of skills formation in this area, the study of the system of scientific concepts of grammar and other sections.

A series of linguistic departments such as phonetics and phonology, lexicology and phraseology, word formation, grammar, style frames and orthography are important foundations of the subject.

The principles and methods of teaching the Russian language are based on the theory of literature. It allows students to develop theoretical and practical knowledge in the process of assimilation of information, helpsunderstand the basic concepts, improve skills, and encourage students to explore the discipline course.

The task of the "literary reading" object in elementary school is designed to develop the skills of fast, accurate and expressive recitation, to encourage students to create a special relationship to the subject, as to the art of the word.

It is worth noting that in the methods of teaching the Russian language, the classification of methods is not the same. That is, it is impossible to single out a perfect program.

For example, the methods of teaching Russian in elementary school according to Lerner and Skatkin are as follows:

  1. Explanatory-visual: the teacher tells the finished data by various means (narration, performance, activity with a textbook, clarification of the rules).
  2. Self-reproducing: students' perception of various operations according to a specific algorithm. Used to gain skills and abilities.
  3. The method of problematic presentation of the material used: a dual source is given, which must be compared and conclusions drawn.
  4. Partially exploratory: the educator divides information into small problematic groups, and the students step by step select the solution.

Grammar and spelling

methods and forms of teaching the Russian language
methods and forms of teaching the Russian language

This modern method of teaching the Russian language includes writing and calligraphy, the formation of elementary concepts of these skills.

Students begin to understand the lesson as a subject of study, analysis and synthesis. They learn how to build sentences correctly, andalso improve their own skills, which are oral speech, graphic form, vocabulary and syntax. The method of language formation should further enrich the children's vocabulary, as well as develop oral and written skills.

Methods of teaching the Russian language were formed on the basis of the experience of foreign countries. The one who noticed and developed these methods was a famous linguist, professor of academic discipline - Lev Vladimirovich Shcherba.

Teaching reading, writing and speaking are important aspects for the formation of specific language skills and abilities.

Russian methods of teaching the syllable cannot be separated from the corresponding developmental psychology and pedagogical discipline. Of course, reading is also based on literary theory.

Pedagogy as a form of education

Russian language training
Russian language training

Modern methods are based on the valuable experience of various teachers and scientists. The history of methodical thinking is inextricably linked with the development of Russian society and literature in general, with the names of famous thinkers and artists, writers and teachers who were the first authors of textbooks, as well as various manuals, articles on the theory and history of literature.

Experience has shown the need to combine different methods depending on the purpose and conditions of training. Preference is given to teaching techniques that stimulate the development of creativity and increase motivation to learn the language.

The content of the subject is aimed at the formation and development of all components of the communicativecompetencies: syllable skills bases on linguistic knowledge. The most important component is the language part, based on a certain amount of knowledge, building grammatically correct sentences and understanding the nuances of speech.

The most convenient and acceptable form of learning is the lesson

This is the most famous form of practice. An important condition for a good lesson is the implementation of some special goal that was set earlier.

Solving the problems of education contributes to the formation of literature and the improvement of the culture of communication.

The teaching goal is to create a positive attitude of students towards the culture of the people.

The objectives of the Russian language lessons are the formation and development of the motivational, emotional spheres of personality, values, cognitive processes, observation, memory, thinking, imagination and intellect. Thus, teaching the native language depends not only on the educational interests of students, but also on the need for communication.

Correct vocabulary choices, well-formed sentences, and commutative functions motivate students and facilitate communication.

The Russian language, as a national landmark, is the basis for the formation and improvement of speech. The principle of the system can be defined through the connections between sections of science.

Linguistics presents an ordered set of elements that act as a whole. The principle of the system is of great importance for the practice of teaching the Russian language. This allows you to show the logical connections between individualcomponents of this item:

  • phonetics;
  • spelling;
  • lexicology;
  • phraseology;
  • morphology;
  • syntax;
  • punctuation;
  • speech;
  • language;
  • types of speech;
  • styles.


modern methods of teaching the Russian language
modern methods of teaching the Russian language

The way of interaction between a teacher and students is a set of actions and results of their joint activities. There is no single classification in the theory and practice of teaching the Russian language. Some scientists mainly use didactic material, which is based on the peculiarities of students' cognitive activity. Lerner defines five ways:

  • explanatory;
  • illustrative;
  • reproductive;
  • problem decomposition method;
  • partial search (heuristic).

In addition, there is a classification of teaching methods, in which the source of knowledge comes first. Another feature of it lies in the way of organizing the joint activities of teachers and students. According to these sources of knowledge, the following methods are distinguished:

  • verbal (the key is live teachers): lectures, discussion, explanation;
  • language analysis: syntactic, visual, experiment, observation;
  • practice: various types of exercises, laboratory work;
  • as the organization of joint activities of the teacher and students, the following methods are also distinguished: discussion, explanation, independent work.

Professor L. P. Fedorenko identifies the following ways of learning:

  • observation,
  • practice: various types of exercises, laboratory work, preparation of oral and written reports, drawing up decisions, developing plans, abstracts, summaries, searching and identifying grammatical and stylistic errors in speech, developing students' skills in working with reference literature.

Methods of theoretical language learning:

  • messages;
  • conversations;
  • look up answers in dictionaries and learn the rules.

Methods of theoretical and practical language learning (exercises):

  • analysis of the entire material;
  • learning grammar;
  • changing the main exposure;
  • grammatical construction;
  • composition;
  • spelling, punctuation errors and rules;
  • copy;
  • dictation;
  • learning styles.

The research method is an important component of general methodological systems.
