Studying at university is very different from studying at school. First of all, the fact that students need knowledge here. And so the learning process depends on them, and the teacher plays a smaller role. How to pass the session successfully? This question is of concern not only to freshmen.

Building a relationship with the teacher
The final grade on the exam depends on your relationship with the teacher. This issue needs to be given special attention. The best path to success is the sympathy of your high school teacher.
It is necessary that the teacher remembers you from the flow of students. At the same time, you should be characterized in his eyes from the positive side. Then the question “how to pass the session perfectly” will worry you much less. Always say hello to the teacher and be sure to remember his name. This will already earn him a certain amount of respect.
And of course, they remember first of all those who work in pairs - they ask questions, add on the topic. That is, students who are really interested in the subject. This is almost half of your success on the way tohow to pass a session. And yet - it is better not to be late for lectures. And if you need to leave early, warn the teacher in advance.

Working during the semester
It will be much easier to pass the exam if you remember about studying not only once every six months. The same applies to those who study at the distance learning. The installation session is only a small part of the knowledge that you must learn on your own. Then you won't have to memorize all the material on the last night before the important exam.
How can you improve your memory? Through training, of course. In your spare time you can read lectures. In addition, the ability to take notes correctly is of great importance. The structure of the lecture, highlighting the main points - all this will allow you to quickly remember the necessary material. And in the margins you can write down something that seems to be irrelevant to the topic, but the lecturer is happy to voice it. If you remember the example given by the teacher on the pair, then this will definitely please him.

When preparing for the exam, you also need to find the sources that the teacher spoke about and expand his thoughts as much as possible. This approach to business suggests that you are really interested in the subject, and that you come to the university not for grades and a diploma, but for the sake of knowledge.
Another important point in preparing for a session is to understand what you are learning. Some even advise trying to explain the material to some acquaintance who is studying at another faculty. Don't believe? Try itwill surely help.
Want to write cheat sheets for the exam? You are welcome! Even if you can’t peep into precious notes, anyway, while doing them, remember the necessary information. This is especially helpful when the material is structured and its main points are highlighted.
Help a friend
Preparing for a session together is much easier! So feel free to reach out to fellow students. After all, they can rewrite a lecture that you once missed, consult about those tasks that you did not understand. In addition, a friend in a few words will always tell you what has flown out of your head.
That's all the secrets of how to pass the session successfully. And the main thing here, of course, is confidence in your knowledge and strength!