Sometimes you need to find an antonym for a particular word. For example, "beautiful" - "ugly", "cheap -" expensive "," bold - "fearful". What are antonyms for the word "smart"? This article will describe all suitable options.
The lexical meaning of the word
Before proceeding with the selection of antonyms, you need to understand the lexical meaning of the term "smart".
This is an adjective. Answers the question "what?". Forms degrees of comparison: smarter - smartest.
Lexical meaning - "possessing good intellectual abilities", "able to think logically", "intelligent", "having a clear mind". This is a sane person, able to quickly absorb new information.

Antonym examples
When the lexical meaning of the adjective "smart" is known, antonyms for the word are chosen much easier. It is best to use for thisspecial dictionary. There are language units with the opposite meaning.
Introducing antonyms and examples of their usage:
- Emptyhead. My empty-headed classmate can't write the simplest essay.
- Stupid. Because of one stupid man, we missed the train.
- Stupid. Is it possible to be so stupid and irresponsible?
- Not far off. Misha seems to be a narrow-minded boy, but in fact he knows everything, he just doesn't like to talk.
- Stupid. Only a truly stupid person is capable of such vile betrayal and meanness.
- Fool (when the adjective smart is used as a noun). Do not call a person a fool, it does not paint you at all.
- Mattress (usually denotes an overweight person). Next to a clever and inventive friend, Kolya looked like an absolute mattress.
- Unintelligent. One foolish boy blew up a firecracker and seriously injured his hand.
Now you won't have a question what antonym to the word "smart" should be chosen. Here are eight options that are suitable for various speech situations.

Features of selection
Before choosing one or another antonym, you need to carefully analyze the context. For example, in a work of journalistic style, the adjective "smart" is used. Antonyms for the word should not contradict the style. The words mattress, fool or stupid will not work. They sound rough and are suitable for a conversational style. It's appropriate hereuse a neutral antonym - stupid, unreasonable or unintelligent.
When choosing an antonym for the word "smart", it is important to stick to style. It is necessary to take into account the context and choose such an opposite term that is best suited in this case.