The article talks about what a mantle is, what meanings this word has, in particular, it talks about the planetary mantle.
In any living language that people speak, if it develops, over time, under the influence of certain circumstances, words appear that have several semantic meanings. They are inherent in them initially, or similar things happen over time. Examples include castle and castle, as well as the word "language". This is an organ in a person's mouth, and some kind of elongated terrain, and a prisoner of war who can provide valuable information.
And one of those words is "robe". What is a mantle? At the mention of it, various things come to mind - clothing, the structure of the planetary crust, and so on. In the article we will analyze the meanings of this word, but first things first.
In the depths of our planet, various reactions are constantly taking place, it is impossible to notice them with the naked eye, of course, but people have always felt their consequences. Their most striking manifestations are earthquakes and their "satellites": tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, and so on. Conventionally, the internal structure of our planet can be divided into three layers, these are the crust, mantle and core. So what is the Earth's mantle?

As already mentioned, the mantle is a layer that is found only on terrestrial planets and is located between the surface crust and the inner core of a celestial body. According to scientists, it is formed as a result of the processes of separation of metal parts from the primary substance of the planet and their withdrawal into the depths, and the products of melting of such substances as a result form the body's crust. So now we have figured out what the Earth's mantle is. On our planet, it consists mainly of peridotites.
As mentioned earlier, planetary mantles are characteristic not only of the Earth, but practically all other known celestial bodies of the so-called terrestrial group - the Moon, Venus, Mars have it. But Mercury was less fortunate: as a result of a strong meteorite bombardment, the entire crust and a significant part of the mantle were destroyed.
On Venus, on the other hand, the mantle differs from the earth's by a much higher temperature, and instead of tectonic plates, plume currents are present in the bowels of our celestial neighbor. So we figured out the question of what a geological mantle is. Now consider other meanings of this word.
Mantle is also a piece of clothing, it is very ancient, used by our ancestors millennia ago. But nowadays it is used mainly as a symbolic or ritual attire, for example, as a judicial mantle. Surprisingly, such a robe is considered the official attire of some members of the judiciary in many countries.

Such clothes seem to hide everythinghuman and weak, elevating the judge or lawyer above worldly passions and strong emotions that can influence the outcome of a case. And black also symbolizes impartiality. Now we also know what a mantle is as an official form of attire for servants of special bodies.
A similar element of vestments is also part of the academic clothing of graduates of many universities and teachers of academies and other educational institutions. True, such a tradition does not exist in all countries. It dates back to the Middle Ages, when the church had a strong influence on society, and most institutions and other educational institutions originated from church schools. So we have analyzed another aspect of the question of what a mantle is, the definition of this word and what it means.
In zoology, the mantle is a special fold of skin that fits part of the body or the whole body. We use the term in relation to molluscs and barnacles.

In the days of pre-revolutionary Russia, the mantle was often called epanche in biology textbooks, but nowadays this term is outdated and is no longer used.