Soviet, and then Russian scientist, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Zhukov Vasily Ivanovich in 2006 organized the Social University of Russia and became its first rector. All the activities of this party functionary took place in the field of social sciences and in the field of the Ministry of Education. It was here that Vasily Ivanovich Zhukov became an Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation and received an award from the Government of the Russian Federation.

Born in 1947 in the outback of the Kursk region, Zhukov fell in love with history lessons from childhood. However, he treated other subjects with full attention, which allowed him to graduate from school with a gold medal, and Voronezh University with honors. In addition to history, the German language was noted in the diploma, which was also allowed to be taught, which Vasily Ivanovich Zhukov has been studying since 1970 at school No. 64 in the city of Voronezh. After a while he is already an assistantdepartments of the Polytechnic Institute.
Then followed by service in the air defense of the Soviet Army and postgraduate studies at his native university, after which - teaching at the Voronezh Polytechnic. In 1985, the defense of the second, doctoral, dissertation on the topic of modern historiography followed, which allowed him to become a professor at the Department of the History of the CPSU of the Polytechnic Institute. Then the career quickly went up. Zhukov Vasily Ivanovich two years later was appointed head of the department of the Higher Party School (Higher Party School) in Moscow, which in 1991, through the efforts of Zhukov, was transformed into the RSSU, where a long rectorship awaited him.
The Russian State Social University was devoted to a large extent to historical education, and the denigration of the Soviet past that took place in those years, but did not stop now, hurt the rector of the former Higher School of Education. In 2010, a conference was held at which Zhukov said that the rehabilitation of the Soviet historical period is simply necessary.
Naturally, modern "young historians" objected ardently, including Igor Kurlyandsky and Nikita Petrov, because now it will be difficult to falsify archival documents that incriminate the Soviet government in terrible crimes, despite free outlets with these materials in the media. The Russian State Social University experienced a real war on its territory.

The public immediately learned that Zhukov was exorbitantly rich. Among the rectorsanyway. Figures were given of his enormous salary: he monthly received as much as 579,400 rubles at the university's cash desk. Funny. In the same 2011, a good programmer - not an academician, not a professor, not a rector, in general, no one to name at all, was quite capable of earning such an amount within a month.
You can compare this salary with the needs of any provincial regional administration. In Vladimir, for example, brushes and toilet paper were ordered more expensive than the monthly salary of the rector of the RSSU. But many were still convinced that Zhukov was wrong. And the rest elected him a member of the Public Chamber of the Central Federal District of Moscow.
Zhukov's whole life was a contribution to scientific and pedagogical work, to the training of highly qualified specialists. At various times, Academician Zhukov Vasily Ivanovich was awarded. These are two orders "For Merit to the Fatherland", and the Order of Prince Daniel of Moscow for strengthening the moral principle in the education of modern youth.
Soviet and Russian scientist, member of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation, vice-president of the RASN (Academy of Social Sciences) and the National Committee "Russian Family", in addition to this, led a huge public activity.

Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation has made more than five hundred scientific publications so far. The main areas of his research were the same sociology and social history of education in Russia, many topics explored the theory and organizationpolitical activities.
As the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation among the Central Administrative District of Moscow, he headed the Russian Academy of Social Education, was engaged in strengthening Russian-Chinese friendship as chairman of this society, and sat on the presidium of the chess federation. But the most responsible thing is to solve education issues at scientific councils under the head of the Russian presidential administration. In addition, the list of public duties given here by Vasily Ivanovich Zhukov is far from complete.
Practically all relatives of the academician by kinship are close to him in their way of life. His wife, Galina Sevostyanovna, also graduated with honors from the University in Voronezh in 1974. Applied mathematics, please note. Everyone now knows that in Soviet times a red diploma and insufficient knowledge are incompatible things. In 1979, she defended her first dissertation, in 1991 - the second, doctoral. Mathematics. But no, these postulates are called into question. And these are just those who studied much later, when Russian education ceased to be truly higher education, since they received it not for free and through competition, but for money.

Because of the struggle for the quality of knowledge received by young people, which was led by her husband, and Galina Sevostyanovna had to endure quite a lot of unpleasant minutes. Two of their daughters also went into science. Learned and repeatedly defended. And at the same young age as their parents. And then they were deprived of their academic titles. For plagiarism. I wonder if it's possible todayand also about thirty or even fifty years ago to find at least one dissertation in which there are no borrowings? But it was necessary to detect plagiarism from them. And found out, of course. Here's why.
As mentioned above, Zhukov V. I., among several young (up to forty years old) scientists, was sent from Voronezh to Moscow to step under the arches of the Higher Party School. Anticipating the collapse of a great country, the teacher in February 1991 turned to the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR with proposals to create a special center on the basis of the Higher School of Education, where highly professional workers for the social sphere would be trained.
Moreover, he had already developed both curricula and programs on social work, social psychology, social pedagogy, social ecology, in which the problems of politics and economics were highlighted and examples of comparative historical sociology were given. They met him halfway, and already in April 1991, Vasily Ivanovich Zhukov, whose biography was adorned with the creation of a new university, began to act as Vice-Rector of the RSPI, raising the former MHPSh to the level of the most prestigious and progressive universities. But the bite was too tasty to leave as is.
Rich heirs
But in August 1991, the coup broke out, the country ceased to exist, breaking up into a number of independent, but very small, except for the Russian Federation, and weak republics, among which the Russian Federation can be considered. RSPI was liquidated to create three new universities at once, but the sociological direction of the university was not provided.
Former VPSHbroke up into the Russian State Humanitarian University (with two main educational buildings, five dormitories, a postgraduate student's house, two residential buildings, all transport, a treasury, a library and much more), Moscow State Law Academy (with the premises of the correspondence department and hostels on Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya) and (here you need to perform the touch !) The Soviet-American University, which took over the buildings on Leningradsky Prospekt, a hostel and a restaurant on Skakovaya, an unfinished house and nearby dachas with land plots of the Central Committee of the CPSU and much more.

Poor relatives
Five hundred and eighty-six full-time students, sixty graduate students, one hundred and fifty-four teachers were simply thrown out into the street. The sociologists' papers were taken to the trash cans and mostly destroyed. What was the way out of such an ugly situation? Sociologists could only fight for the right to start over.
Here again, the future rector, founder of the RSSU, Professor Zhukov, showed his remarkable organizational skills, who represented the interests of students and teachers in the struggle for the right to receive a coveted education and work in a speci alty chosen with all their hearts. The fight was hard. With pickets, demonstrations, rallies, appeals to the government, courts and the media. There were even hunger strikes. And finally, the case was crowned with success.
October, great for RSSU
Politicians Khazbulatov, Vilchik, Lakhova and some others showed responsibility and foresight, contributing to the adoption of government decisions, and on October 141991 Zhukov RSSU opened! as a rector. It's not even a matter of personal and public victory over the arbitrariness of this difficult time. Russia began its renewal, it clearly needed representatives of the social profile who received the appropriate education.
Although the harmony in the relationship between government and society has not yet been present even in the sweetest dreams. It should be noted that Zhukov was elected to the post of rector, and not appointed. And - four times. And - more importantly - unanimously! Only in 2012, after the sixty-fifth anniversary, he left for the post of honorary president of the RSSU. But it should be remembered that ten years later, under his leadership, the university became one of the most attractive and prestigious universities in the country.

Fourteen out of fifteen indicators received the highest rating from the commission that conducted a comprehensive review of the university's activities - isn't this an indicator of the rector's excellent work? And his youngest daughter, Galina Vasilievna, one of the youngest doctors of science in the country, came up with and worked out a model of student self-government, which became the best in Russia and was accepted by many other universities.
The work of Academician Zhukov was highly appreciated. "Founding Rector of the RSSU" - became a life title, which was awarded to him by the Minister of Labor of the Russian Federation Pochinok. But most importantly, the university, headed by the founding rector, quickly became the flagship of domestic education. Thousands of excellent specialists and first-class scientists have left its walls, new scientificschools, a methodological base that meets all modern requirements, hundreds of manuals and textbooks have been published, which have no analogues in the world.
Education height
For several years, a powerful faculty was formed at this university, capable of training specialists with both secondary and higher education. More than three hundred thousand of them now work in social institutions, in employment and labor authorities, in pension and social insurance.
RSSU graduates became both federal ministers and their deputies, heads of social services in the regions, prominent scientists and teachers. Talented youth from all over the country flocked to this university. Alexander Povetkin and Ekaterina Gamova, Olga Kapranova and Roman Shirokov, Sergey Karyakin and Valentina Gunina and many more famous names among the RSSU graduates. Nine Olympic champions, five Paralympic champions, seventy-two world champions among the students of this university promoted the right way of life. Since 1994, the university has not smoked at all!
RGSU is grateful to Academician Zhukov not only for its creation, formation and development. First of all, the honorary rector is a researcher and scientist, and the scope of his scientific interests is impressive. These are social history, migration, population, historical comparative studies, demographic processes, management of social processes using the methodology of mathematical modeling, social statistics, ethnosociology, political processes and institutions, economics, sociology, history inin all its forms, the policy of educational processes.
His works have been published in many languages: in addition to everyday German, English and French, Zhukov is also read in Chinese, Korean, Serbian, Bulgarian and many others. This is what the university is proud of, and students and graduate students strive for this - to socially useful activities, as far as possible. But they didn't save it. RSSU, as noted above, is a very tasty morsel. And for control over it, many see the point in fighting - even against all sorts of rules. Recently, Academician Zhukov was attacked: he was almost killed with baseball bats. Two years in hospital and disability. But the academician continues his scientific work even in this state.

Public opinion
The reasons for the brutal beating of the academician seem very simple to many. His eldest daughter was fired from the RSSU, and the widow of Minister Pochinok is now working in her place. Attempts to recover through the courts led to telephone threats and even their partial embodiment. Vasily Ivanovich is sure that the goal of those who attacked him was precisely his death. Knowledge of sambo and the Osa pistol helped. What will happen next - time will tell.