Economist, manager, marketer, lawyer - this is part of the professions that are currently considered prestigious and in demand. Many applicants choose them, but at the same time they cannot decide on a university. Analyzing educational organizations in Minsk, it is recommended to pay attention to the Belarusian State Economic University. This educational institution is considered the leading university in the country, working in the field of training in the field of economics, law and management.
Getting secondary specialized education
Belarusian State Economic University (Minsk) provides a wide range of educational services. Their list includes secondary specialized education. The university has the right to prepare students, as it has a certificate of state accreditation. This document lists several speci alties related to the following areas:
- jurisprudence;
- production andorganizational issues in public catering;
- accounting, control and analysis;
- commercial activities;
- manufacturing and economics.
The certificate issued to the Economic University of Minsk came into force in 2015. The document will be valid until the end of December 2020. When the term expires, the educational organization will undergo the procedure of state accreditation of the educational institution in the speci alties.

Novogrudok Trade and Economic College
The educational institution in question has several branches. One of them is a college, a Belarusian trade and economic college. The University (Minsk) invites applicants to apply here. The address of the college is Novogrudok, Mickiewicz street, 15. This educational institution has been operating since 1947.
There are 3 departments in the Novogrudok College of Trade and Economics (commercial, economic and correspondence). There are 26 classrooms and laboratories, a library with 2 reading rooms, several sports halls (tennis, gymnastics, games).
Minsk Financial and Economic College
There is another branch - College of Finance and Economics. The University (Minsk) offers people who want to get a specialized secondary education to come here. The educational institution is located in the capital of Belarus. Address - Krasnaya street, 17.
The structure of the college includes 3 departments where the educational process is implemented on a full-time basis:
- finance;
- marketing, economics and accounting;
- banking.

Economic University in Minsk: undergraduate speci alties
At the Economic University of Minsk there is a large selection of undergraduate courses. This is confirmed by a certificate of state accreditation, which contains the following list:
- "Linguistic support of intercultural communications".
- "Sociology".
- "Psychology".
- "Political Science".
- "Jurisprudence".
- "Economy".
- “Commodity research and examination of goods.”
- "World economy".
- "Public Administration".
- "Finance and Credit".
- "Statistics".
- "Audit and revision".
- "Marketing".
- "Management".
- Economic Cybernetics and others
This certificate was received by the Belarusian Economic University (Minsk) in 2013. The document will be valid until February 2018. It is also worth noting that the university has another certificate. It was received in 2016. This document informs that the Belarusian Economic University was accredited in such a bachelor's program as "Commodity Science and Trade Entrepreneurship".

Choice of speci alty
Each applicant after getting acquainted with the list of speci alties available at the Economic University of Minsk,has difficulty making a choice. If we analyze the results of the 2016 admissions campaign, we can identify several areas of training that had the highest competition (for state-funded places):
- "Commodity research and examination of goods" - 3, 93 people. in place.
- "Accounting, audit and analysis (in budget organizations)" - 3, 6 people. in place.
- "Political Science" - 3, 4 people. in place.
The University of Economics (Minsk) recorded the smallest competition in the following areas of study:
- "National economy" - 1, 25 people. in place.
- "Finance and credit" - 1, 26 people. in place.
Commodity research and examination of goods
Different disciplines are studied in this area of undergraduate studies. Students receive the necessary economic knowledge, get acquainted with accounting and statistics. The main subjects in the curriculum are the theoretical foundations of commodity science, commodity expertise, commodity science and expertise of homogeneous commodity groups, etc.
The duration of study at the "Commodity Research and Expertise of Goods" at the Belarusian Economic University is 4 years. During this period, students of the university have practice 4 times. The first of them is aimed at familiarizing students with their future work, main responsibilities. The second and third practices are production. Final practice is required for writing the thesis.

Accounting, audit and analysis (in budget organizations)
All existing enterprises and organizations have one or more accountants. That is why the direction of training "Accounting, audit and analysis (in budgetary organizations)" is so in demand at the Economic University of Minsk. On it, students take special subjects: the national economy of Belarus, taxation and taxes, financial accounting in budgetary organizations, a comprehensive analysis of their economic activities, etc.
Graduates who graduated from the University of Economics (Minsk) and received higher education in this direction, when applying for a job in their speci alty, are engaged in the following activities:
- organize and maintain accounting in the organization, taking into account the laws and using the necessary programs;
- prepare interim and annual accounts;
- carry out basic control and auditing activities when checking financial and economic activities.

Political Science
The profession of a political scientist is currently in demand. Those people who receive it, orientate themselves in the political events of Belarus and other countries, make various forecasts. At the Economic University of Minsk there is such a direction of preparation for undergraduate studies. Students study many interesting disciplines:
- national economy and foreign policy of Belarus;
- local government in the country and foreign countries;
- theory of international relations;
- policy theory;
- political culture and ideology;
- theory of public administration.
After completing their studies, graduates get jobs in youth organizations, government structures, the media, and business companies. The salary of specialists depends on which organization or structure they got a job, what position they received.
National economy
"National Economics" - the direction in which there was a small competition in 2016 (compared to other speci alties). However, it is promising. Applicants who entered the University of Economics (Minsk) in this direction will study economic theory, micro- and macroeconomics, socio-economic statistics, the national economy of Belarus, regional economics, and analysis of economic growth factors.
After graduation, graduates can:
- develop plans for the development of companies and their subdivisions;
- carry out forecast and planned calculations;
- prepare and justify proposals for improving organizational forms of management;
- analyze important issues of socio-economic development and conduct scientific research in this area.

Finance and credit
This is another direction for which a small competition was typical in 2016. On it, students study macro-, microeconomics, higher mathematics, the national economy of Belarus, monetarycirculation and credit, state budget, finance, taxation and taxes.
People who graduated from the University of Economics (Minsk) and received a diploma in Finance and Credit can:
- plan the financial activities of the company;
- predict processes in the field of credit, financial and monetary relations;
- manage economic processes, divisions of the financial and credit sphere.

Economic University in Minsk: passing score
For many applicants who are just starting to study the conditions for admission to an economic university, such a term as "passing scores" is incomprehensible. So, in the university, as in all other educational institutions, the sum of the scores of the last applicant according to the rating is indicated. Passing scores show the approximate results that you need to achieve in order to get into budget or paid seats.
Applicants entering in 2017 will find it useful to know the passing scores of 2016. They can be found in the admission committee or on the official website of the University of Economics. Below is a table built on the basis of statistical information collected by the Economic University in Minsk. The 2016 passing score is indicated for several areas of study.
Training direction | Budget form of education | Paid form of study, full-time department |
"Political Science" | 296 | 172 |
"Accounting, audit and analysis in banks" | 296 | 156 |
"National economy" | 286 | 139 |
"Finance and Credit" | 293 | 148 |
"Sociology" | 297 | 174 |
"Psychology" | 184 | 95 |
"World Economy" | 339 | 222 |
"Jurisprudence" | 338 | 288 |
"Linguistic support of intercultural communications" | 357 | 221 |
Belarusian University of Economics is a large educational institution that trains specialists in economics for various sectors of the national economy. An educational institution, conducting its activities, takes into account the requirements of the time. That is why the educational process is being improved in the university, new speci alties appear, new departments are created. Thus, colleges (Minsk Finance and Economics and Novogrudok Trade and Economics), the university in Minsk are the right choice for applicants who have decided to connect their future lives with economics, politics, and management.