Volgograd Polytechnic University (VolgSTU) is today the dream of many young men and women who are still schoolchildren. Not only a significant part of the youth of Volgograd wants to join the number of students of this university. Every year, during the admission campaign, applicants from different parts of Russia and even from other countries come here.
What makes the university special?
Volgograd Polytechnic University attracts with a very good reputation. This university is referred to as:
- about one of the leaders of technical higher educational institutions of our country;
- about the leading educational organization of the Volga region;
- about a major scientific center in southern Russia.
The university is famous for its quality education. This dignity of the Polytechnic University of Volgograd is known even abroad. Foreigners come here in order to become highly qualified specialists. The geography of students is amazing. Today at the universitythere are students who are citizens of Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Ethiopia, Nigeria, China and other countries.
It is impossible not to note the fact that the Volgograd Polytechnic University keeps up with the times. It has several dozens of display classes, uses new technologies and teaching methods, and provides Internet access.

What faculties are there at VolgGTU?
Several dozens of different structural divisions function in the university. For example, full-time education is offered by Volgograd Polytechnic University faculties associated with the following areas:
- chemical engineering;
- automated systems, vehicles and weapons;
- by road transport;
- structural materials technologies;
- food production technologies;
- management and economy;
- computer technology and electronics.
There is also an institute of architecture and construction at the university, which implements programs of higher professional education in full-time education. As part of this large structural unit, there are 4 faculties:
- Urban development and architecture.
- Housing and communal services and construction.
- Transport, engineering systems and technosphere safety.
- Distance learning.

What does the faculty of distance learning offer?
The attention of many applicants amongall existing structural divisions are attracted by the faculty of distance learning. He is one of the youngest at the Volgograd Polytechnic University. The main advantage of the faculty is that it offers a modern and very convenient education. Distance technologies are used in teaching students. They make the whole process more interesting, productive, and allow you to combine work and study without any problems.
The faculty of distance learning provides its students with higher education in various forms - part-time, part-time accelerated, part-time. The structural unit has huge plans for the future. The faculty will develop. Students from different places will have access to electronic textbooks, lectures, teaching aids. Through the Internet, students will communicate with teachers. Elements of classical education will fade into the background every year.

Does the university have branches?
To get a diploma from such a famous higher educational institution, it is not necessary to go to the capital of the Volgograd region. There are several branches in this region of Russia:
- Volga Polytechnic Institute. Its location is the city of Volzhsky, st. Engels, 42a.
- Kamyshinsky Technological Institute. This educational institution operates in Kamyshin on the street. Lenina, 6a.
- Sebryakovskiy branch of the Volgograd Polytechnic University. The university is located in the city of Mikhailovka, on the street. Michurina, 21.

Is education provided to people with disabilities?
Those applicants with limited he alth opportunities can bring documents to the Volgograd Technical University. For the training of such persons, the university has created all the necessary conditions, organized convenience, comfort, and ensured the high quality of the educational process.
Now about 30 people with disabilities study at VolgGTU. Each of them chose the direction that he was interested in. Someone, for example, is listed in "mechanical engineering", "instrument engineering", "construction of unique buildings and structures", and someone chose "management", "economics", "architectural environment design".
Passing points
Every year the Volgograd Polytechnic University allocates state-funded places. In each speci alty, according to the results of the introductory campaign, a certain passing score is formed. In Volgograd Polytechnic University in 2017, the lowest indicator was:
- on "metallurgy" - 126 points;
- on "standardization and metrology", "construction", "information systems and technologies" - 131 points.

The highest score was in "software engineering" with 208. Even higher scores were recorded in "architecture" (242 points), "architectural environment design" (245 points) and "monumental decorative art" (266 points).), however, in these speci alties of the Volgograd Polytechnic University, applicants passed 4 entrance exams, and not3.