Only the deaf and blind will not notice that swearing has ceased to be something forbidden in our country. People on TV pour water on each other a lot and with relish. Russian films cannot do without swearing. The directors seem to think it adds "realism". Maybe artists want to enhance the impression of the work in this way? In any case, the analysis of the question of what swearing is does not seem out of time, but on the contrary.
Of course, first of all, we must start with history. After all, before "scold" was also called the battle. We have preserved in the language such phrases as "on the battlefield." It is clear here that we are not talking about a domestic quarrel. Therefore, it will be interesting to establish the truth.

So, the etymological dictionary says: the meaning of the word “scold” arose as a result of rethinking, that is, “battle”, “battle”. It is also interesting that the word goes back to the common Slavic verb borti. Even the inexperiencedthe reader will immediately remember the verb "fight" and "defense" and will be absolutely right.
By the way, closing the topic of origin and partly answering the question of what abuse is, it should be noted: the ancient meaning comes through in the modern meaning. Is cursing not a confrontation, not a battle? Only words are used instead of knives and swords, and the goal is the same - to hurt the living. Therefore, the etymological dictionary is good for that, it opens your eyes to seemingly obvious things. That is, we better understand what scolding means.
With history, everything is more or less clear. What about the modern meaning? To answer this question, we need to open an explanatory dictionary. If we perform this simple operation, we will find out the meaning of the object of study: “Condemning and offensive words; swearing.”

When we have mastered the theory, we can begin to practice. But do not take it literally and start swearing. It is enough just to turn on the TV in the evening and see what is being done in the world, or rather, in Russia. Many TV shows rate on aggression. And here everything is clear: to make it interesting to watch, you need a conflict. TV performs its function flawlessly. The host, with the grace of a magician, pits people against each other, and they, in turn, deliver incredible pleasure to the audience. And an ordinary person will look and say: “God, thank you, I’m still not so bad!”. Thus, television even plays a kind of calming role, preventing people from becoming especially indignant with their lives.
Is it worth resortingto similar methods of dialogue?
After we learned what swearing is, of course we want to understand also whether it is necessary to use it. Is that logical? People still have legends about energy vampires - people who enjoy quarrels.

We will leave this topic, although yes, such people exist. But in general, if you are not a fan of quarrels and squabbles, then this method does not lead to anything, but only sets people against you. Another thing is emotional intensity or character traits. That is, a person simply cannot remain silent, but in general, he should.
Character or not, but you need to be able to control yourself. Remember what scolding is from the very beginning, this is a battle. The battles are so tiring and life is short. If there is a peaceful solution to the problem, then they should be used.