VSU im. Masherova (Vitebsk State University): speci alties, faculties

VSU im. Masherova (Vitebsk State University): speci alties, faculties
VSU im. Masherova (Vitebsk State University): speci alties, faculties

For more than a century, a classical institution of higher education has been functioning in Vitebsk. We are talking about the institution that bears the name of Pyotr Mironovich Masherov, a prominent Soviet Belarusian party and statesman. The university is called Vitebsk State University. This is a real forge of personnel for the city, region and the whole country.

History of the school

At the beginning of the 20th century, the inhabitants of Vitebsk thought about opening a higher educational institution in the city. This significant event took place in 1910. A teacher's institute appeared, aimed at training teachers for schools. The history of this educational institution is not easy. At the beginning of its activity, the university was reorganized, changed its names. With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, its activities were suspended. Many teachers and students went to defend their homeland. The most terrible events in the history of the university are associated with the death of people at the front who worked and studied ininstitute, with the destruction of the buildings of the institution.

During the war years, classes could only be started in 1944. After 1945, when the fascist invaders were defeated, the restoration of the institute began. It lasted quite a long time. They started talking about the beginning of the development of the institution only in the 60s, when new faculties began to open, the number of people who wanted to get higher education increased. The Pedagogical Institute acquired its modern name only in 1995. It has become a classical university - VSU named after V. I. Masherova.

vgu im masherova
vgu im masherova

Modern period

The University has proved its effectiveness over the years of its existence, won the trust of people. He produced a considerable number of specialists who worked and continue to work now for the benefit of the whole society, the country. Some of the graduates have built their careers abroad thanks to the knowledge gained in this educational institution.

Today Vitebsk State University is a regional center in the field of multi-level science and social education. He offers applicants to get not only higher education. The university also implements other programs - secondary specialized and additional education, training of highly qualified scientists.

For successful work, the university has improved the material and technical base, updated the laboratories. The university periodically replenishes its library. It is one of the leading structural divisions. VSU Library Fund Masherov is more than 600 thousand copies,over 140 thousand titles.

Vitebsk State University
Vitebsk State University

Faculties in an educational institution

The university has 10 faculties. Here are some of them:

  1. Biological. It was created for people who want to work as teachers of biology, ecology, geography, chemistry. Its history began at the time of the opening of the university, when the natural-geographical department was opened.
  2. Historic. The faculty has been operating since 1918. It trains teachers of history and social science disciplines, librarians, specialists in theology and museum business.
  3. Mathematics and Information Technology. This is the most modern faculty at Masherov State University in Vitebsk. It trains specialists for work in the field of information technology, using modern material and technical base and innovative educational methods.
  4. Pedagogical. This department has been in existence for over 50 years. From its walls come specialist teachers, well prepared for work in the field of preschool, primary, music and special education.
  5. Social psychology and pedagogy. The structural unit was formed in 1991. Its goal is to train future social work specialists, practical psychologists, social educators.
  6. Philological. This faculty began its work in 1974. It trains specialists in philological disciplines for the education system.
  7. Physical culture and sports. This division has existed since 1978. Hischoose those applicants who want to work as trainers, instructors, teachers, tourism and sports managers in the future.
  8. Legal. This is a young department. It was formed in 1998. Since its foundation, the faculty has been preparing specialists for work in the field of jurisprudence.
VSU Masherova Vitebsk
VSU Masherova Vitebsk

Art and Graphic Faculty

Special attention deserves the graphic arts department at VSU named after V. I. Masherova. It was created for creative individuals who want to develop natural talents and improve existing skills. The faculty appeared in the organizational structure of the university in 1959. However, its history began much earlier - in 1918, when the Vitebsk Folk Art School began to function in the city. It was on the basis of this educational institution that the faculty of the university was formed in 1959.

The Faculty of Arts opens up great opportunities for applicants to realize their talents. Applicants can choose the direction of training that is closer to their liking and which in the future will allow them to find an interesting job for earning money and self-development. After graduation, graduates of the faculty can work as designers, decorators, advertising designers, teachers and educators, masters of arts and crafts.

Masherov State University Library
Masherov State University Library

Faculty of Education of Foreign Citizens

This is the youngest structural unit. At the VSU Masherov, it was created by order of the rector in2011. There are 2 divisions in its structure:

  • Department of Russian as a Foreign Language;
  • International Relations Department.

At the faculty, foreign citizens are prepared for studying at the university. They are offered individual and corrective courses here. The faculty also works with citizens of Belarus. Foreign language courses have been developed for them.

Choosing a speci alty at VSU Masherov

The university has a huge number of speci alties. There are several dozen of them. Among them there are both natural sciences, and social, and humanitarian ones. Applicants who see a huge list of speci alties are faced with the problem of choice. You can choose your future profession in different ways: taking into account the advice of parents, fashion trends, the choice of friends.

But the most correct option is to choose a speci alty depending on the subjects that will be selected for delivery in the form of centralized testing. For example:

  • when passing biology and chemistry, you can choose from "Biology", "Biology and Chemistry", "Bioecology";
  • when passing Physics and Mathematics - from Applied Mathematics, Mathematics and Informatics, Applied Informatics, Physics, Information Technology Software, etc.
VSU Masherov speci alty
VSU Masherov speci alty

VSU im. Masherova should definitely be considered as an option when choosing an educational institution. A huge selection of faculties and speci alties, a positive reputation that has been formed over the centuries of existence of the educational institution,highly qualified staff, modern material and technical base - the main advantages of the university.
