Development of the organization's competency model

Development of the organization's competency model
Development of the organization's competency model

Competency models are the basis for determining the knowledge requirements of the company's employees. It is a set of skills that collectively define a successful job. Competency models are widely used in business to define and evaluate the competencies of employees in organizations. They are a key component of hiring and also guide the performance management activities of HR departments. Competence assessment often helps shape the basis for curricula and the content of learning, both formal and non-formal.

competency model example
competency model example

Reason for creating models

Competency models have become valuable tools used by HR and training departments to define skill and knowledge requirements for specific jobs. They are used to evaluate competence and performance to determine business strategy. Models can be created for specific jobs, jobsgroups, professions, industries and organizations. In some areas, such as sales, the necessary competencies have been scrutinized in relation to the specific skills, attitudes, and behaviors of employees required for the success of an organization. On their basis, a model of personnel competencies was drawn up, which makes it possible to effectively select and train employees to work with clients. Another reason for the growing popularity of such models is their role in identifying strengths and weaknesses that favorably affect the learning process.

Main forms of models and their descriptions

Models can take many forms, but usually include a few basic elements:

  • specific competencies and definitions such as corporate conduct;
  • description of actions or behaviors associated with each competency;
  • model diagram.
  • personnel competency model
    personnel competency model

Organizations tend to use specific frameworks, allocating knowledge and skill requirements into specific categories such as personal effectiveness, academic, technical, industrial, professional, managerial, and professional competencies. The rapid growth of Internet technologies is also fueling interest in competency modeling. For example, organizations can embed skill profiles into HR processes, create learning portals, and model learning experiences with updated content.

Creating an efficient model

Efficient modelscompetencies also form the basis for linking competencies to organizational strategy and important best practices advised by learning consultants. They also allow organizations to link expertise to HR processes, assessments, and performance goals.

To create their own competency model, organizations are encouraged to follow these steps:

  1. Collect background information. This step involves cataloging the available resources and organizing them to define a common industry model.
  2. Development of a draft model of professional competencies. At this stage, it is important to identify problems and trends in the industry and compare them with the trends in the development of the organization.
  3. Collect feedback from skill experts in the industry. Where possible, experts from different industry sub-sectors should be selected to obtain more information.
  4. Refining the structure. Appropriate competencies should be added or removed from the model.
  5. Testing the project on the target audience.
  6. organizational competency model
    organizational competency model

Using the resulting organizational competency model based on employee skills required for the job, the organization will be able to hire and develop staff based on their demonstrated core competencies, rather than on ineffective evaluation criteria such as educational attainment. Assessing candidates based on actual skills allows more accurate prediction of their futureefficiency.

Using the model in practice

Furthermore, using the competency model example, organizations can personalize assessments based on employees' competence in a given area to develop customized learning options. Such adaptive learning increases loy alty, increases employee engagement and positively affects return on investment. Starting with adaptation to a new workplace and throughout the entire life of an employee in an organization, training managers can use an example of a competency model for qualification training and assessment, as well as for personal career development using automatic algorithms. By using its assessments during initial training, you can identify the undiscovered talents of your new hires and develop plans for their subsequent career advancement as needed. This process helps the company ensure a level playing field for all new hires.

Defining and measuring competencies

A competency model includes three elements: the specialization and definitions of competencies, descriptions of the behaviors that demonstrate them, and the outline of the model itself. The most effective models link competencies to the organization's strategic goals. It is recommended to identify competencies that embody or directly represent the corporate culture of the organization. They are necessary to achieve success and leadership in the industry, support the strategic goals of the organization, and also to stand out from the competition. But it should be kept in mind that the presencemore than 4-6 competencies can make the model ineffective.

teacher competency model
teacher competency model

Using technology to assess competencies

Before choosing a platform for assessing competencies, you should make sure in advance that it allows you to evaluate the content of employee responses. The platform should support multiple types of questions rather than simple answer options that provide little information about employees. In order to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the candidate and find out how he learns, you will need different criteria for evaluating his answers. But not everything depends on the functionality of the platform. Without proper content, its use will be useless.

An effective grading system goes beyond typical knowledge tests. It should help to determine exactly in which areas additional training is required. The use of technology helps to learn more about each employee. The program finds areas where skills can be improved and makes personalized recommendations to stimulate learning. Offering greater personalization and flexibility, the system helps develop competencies that are aligned with organizational strategy. By using technology to develop and measure these competencies, organizations can support better talent development and better outcomes.

Competency Model for Learning Manager

As an example, consider a model for a training manager. It defines seven core responsibilities and core leadershipcompetencies that are essential for successful learning management. Within each of the seven core areas, there are competencies that a learning manager must have in order to be successful in their job, as they themselves are lifelong learners who continually improve their skills.

The Teacher Competency Model provides strategic guidance for focusing learning on the strengths of the trainer. In identifying the competencies needed to be successful as a learning manager, the model can be used to create a plan that focuses on opportunities to improve and maintain these areas. A leadership competency model can also be used to train future team leaders, which will be a key component to the success of their training.

model of professional competencies
model of professional competencies

Development of the competency model in teaching

Using a competency-based training method allows you to compare the individual work responsibilities of employees and their professional skills. This method can be especially useful for environmental, he alth and safety training because it focuses on the content and only what employees need to know. Its relevance increases employee engagement and facilitates their learning by eliminating unnecessary knowledge.

Definition of competencies

Defining competencies and developing training around them is not a one-time activity, but an ongoing process. Let's start with a definitiondangers associated with a specific professional role.

The next step is to associate the hazards with the skills that can protect against them, and then determine which employees in this role need to learn to successfully demonstrate these skills.

Competencies can also be defined based on internal corporate rules. To do this, you need to carefully determine which indicators are most valuable to the business. Based on them, it will be possible to create a system that can analyze auxiliary data in real time.

manager competency model
manager competency model

The key to the development of this system is to involve stakeholders at all levels - leaders and managers, as well as employees who will help increase the involvement of their colleagues. It takes time to develop an effective, well-designed approach to competency-based training.

Effective learning based on a competency model

When it comes to Internet technology in employee training, at worst, improper use of it can lead to messy, ineffective training. Continuing education courses delivered over the internet or via dedicated software need to be secure and accessible across all devices so that every student can access them and conduct their learning more effectively.

Assessing the impact of competency-based training

Measuring learning effectiveness can bepretty simple. But it is also important to measure the psychological state of the employee. When a company sincerely cares about its employees and invests in their development, the staff responds positively to this and becomes more loyal. Companies can evaluate this parameter using measures such as turnover, productivity and corporate reputation.

It's important to note that grades should require a demonstration of total proficiency, not a specified percentage of correct answers, in order to pass the test. Teaching skills and applying them in practice is critical. By identifying the competencies needed to successfully and safely perform job duties, organizations can improve collaboration and productivity while improving employee loy alty.

manager competency model
manager competency model

Importance of creating a model in a company

The Competency Model defines what separates a “good company” from a “great one”. Essentially, the value of the Competency Model is that it defines what skills each person in a company must have in order to be “great.” If all employees perform at a “great” level, then the strategy will be successful and the company will most likely have a competitive advantage. To survive today, organizations must constantly innovate, which only increases the number of skills required. That is why it is so important to have a clear and effective corporate employee competency model.
