Do you want to learn how to draw animals? Preferably marine? How about a walrus? Interesting? Then let's start our lesson for beginners "How to draw a walrus with a pencil step by step".
Who is the walrus
Agree, before you draw someone, you need to learn as much as possible about him. The walrus is a marine pinniped mammal. Have you ever seen how they move awkwardly? The one who was able to see it with his own eyes, and not in pictures or videos from the Internet, was especially lucky. It is much easier for them to draw a walrus. No matter how hard you try, but the most believable animal will come out only after you see it. Basically, walruses, of course, swim. It turns out they are much more beautiful.
In order to know how to draw a walrus, you need to at least have an idea of how it looks. You have to think about how you want to see it: size, pose, figure. Yes, yes, for a drawing that you will be completely satisfied with, this is all very important. And, of course, you need to know as much as possible about them.
The body of walruses is close to fish in shape. Someone may notice a subtle resemblance to a spindle. In principle, the way it is, only the spindle is alreadyvery plump. They have a streamlined head, the neck expands with a cone, and the limbs are turned into flippers. They have no tail, and their hind legs look like two tail lobes.
Young walruses are covered with wool. Yes, you will also have to decide on the age of your hero in order to know exactly how to draw a walrus. Over time, the wool is erased, and a very thick skin remains naked, gradually lightening. The skin of walruses is too wrinkled. They have quite a lot of whiskers on their muzzle. And an integral element of each representative of this species are huge tusks - fangs sticking down. Walruses eat shellfish.

Interesting facts
Maybe this is not useful to you to know how to draw a walrus, but you must admit, it is very exciting to discover something new for yourself.
If you literally translate the Latin name of walruses into Russian, you get "a sea horse walking with the help of its teeth." This name was given to them for a reason. When an animal needs to get ashore, it helps itself with its tusks, which, by the way, can be up to one meter long.
Almost 20 percent of walruses' total body weight is skin. Beneath it is about a fifteen-centimeter layer of fat, which allows animals not to freeze in ice water.

Once upon a time, walruses lived much south of their current habitat. This is evidenced by the fossilized remains of a walrus found in San Francisco Bay, which is about 28 thousand years old.
Towithstand the icy waters of the Arctic, these animals can slow their heart rate.
Now that you know enough about these animals, you can proceed to the lesson "How to draw a walrus with a pencil step by step".

Let's draw three circles of different sizes. It should look like a snowman, only incorrectly assembled. Draw the smallest circle. We draw the outlines of the eyes and tusks. Outline the contours of the body.
Now let's draw the outlines of the limbs and start the details of the muzzle. We draw eyes, a nose and tusks. We finish the contours of the head and limbs. Adding a mustache. Draw a clear outline of the body. It remains only to erase the extra lines and color.