Marginalization is What kind of people are called marginalized?

Marginalization is What kind of people are called marginalized?
Marginalization is What kind of people are called marginalized?

Marginalization is a natural process. Some see it as negative. But that's not the case at all. Moreover, marginalization can also be positive. After all, it is a powerful stimulus to human development. Many famous personalities were marginalized. If a person really wants something, then sooner or later he will definitely achieve it. Therefore, sometimes you need to be able to want something. But marginals often become imperceptible. There are many reasons for this. But before analyzing them, you need to understand the very meaning of this concept.

What is marginalization?

Marginalization is
Marginalization is

Marginalization is a process when a person is at the junction of several social groups and does not feel belonging to any of them. This can happen due to various events:

  • Wars or revolutions.
  • Due to problems in society.
  • Due to mental illness.
  • Due to antisocial or antisocial behavior.

These are the mainreasons why people become marginalized. But how exactly does this process take place? What are the patterns of human marginalization? Let's figure it out.

How does marginalization happen?

Every person experiences marginalization differently. This is a very complex process that has not yet been unraveled by sociologists and social psychologists. Nevertheless, marginalization can start from scratch or become a form of social adaptation. Accordingly, the sign of this process depends on this (whether it is good or bad).

  • Marginalization from maladaptation.
  • Marginalization as a process of maladaptation.
Reasons for the marginalization of society
Reasons for the marginalization of society

As you can see, it can be completely different. Probably every person at some point feels marginalized. And the difference emphasizes the fact that marginal groups can include both criminal gangs and ordinary alcoholics. However, more positive examples can be given. For example, really good revolutionaries who were supplanted by society, but at the same time created their own groups that are fighting for a place in the social structure.

Disadvantages of marginalization

Obviously, marginalization has a lot of downsides. First of all, they are associated with the psychological discomfort of a person who finds himself between different social groups. We'll fix it. Moreover, you can get used to it. But this point must be taken into account. There are also disadvantages of marginalization:

  • Deteriorating self-esteem.
  • Decrease in social status.
  • Difficulties of survival.
  • Lack of stability.

These are the disadvantages of marginalization. This is a complex process for a person. In fact, a person needs to undergo socialization again if he suddenly finds himself at the junction of social groups in which he is not fully accepted as a full-fledged member. And in another, he was generally expelled for inconsistency with social norms. That's how it works.

Marginalization of society
Marginalization of society

Pros of marginalization

Marginalization has many benefits. Many people find themselves in a rather low social position. But since everything remains stable, they do not seek to change anything. When a person turns out to be marginal, he feels a rather strong threat to his well-being. And so he goes to marginalized groups. If they can win their place in the sun, then the man is on horseback.

Also, marginalization can become an incentive for a person to develop independently, without joining these groups. We will talk about them further. In this case, this process provokes a sharp growth of a person. If he decides to tie up with a past life, then he may have quite a strong success. There are many examples that support this.

Marginal groups

What are marginalized groups? These are associations of marginals. They characterize such a phenomenon as the marginalization of society. The more groups of this kind appear, the stronger this phenomenon is expressed in its social structure. Too much marginalization indicates restructuringcomposition of society. The main reasons for the marginalization of society are precisely the phenomena associated with changes in the social system. For example, war, revolution, unemployment, and so on.

Marginalization in Russia

In Russia, marginalization has a fairly wide scope. Since the country is quite large, it cannot be considered as a full-fledged large social group. In any case, there are divisions between regions that have completely different psychological characteristics. Like it or not, Russia is a synthetic state. There are quite a few ethnic Russians in it. But there are many peoples of other nationalities. All this exacerbates the processes of marginalization in our society.

Marginalization in Russia
Marginalization in Russia

Another cause of marginalization, which is even more intense in intensity, is alcoholism. This social evil is condemned by society - yes. But on the other hand, drinking alcohol has been in our culture for a long time.

Do you know the secret of the French or Germans who drink but don't become alcoholics? It's that they disapprove of the first stage of alcoholism. For us, Friday drinking is considered absolutely normal. But narcologists say that drinking more than once every two weeks inevitably leads to alcoholism and, as a result, marginalization. In general, the frequency of use plays a much more important role than the amount. Although the latter also affects. In general, we do not know how to drink moderately. And by normal drinking we mean the first stagealcoholism, which is very sad.
