The efficiency of the national economy in the modern Russian Federation largely depends not only on natural and labor reserves, but also on the scientific and technical potential of the country. As a result of the transition of the economy to a new qualitative level, the importance of innovative technologies, the development of science-intensive production has increased, which is the most important aspect of the state's exit from the economic crisis and the formation of favorable conditions for the growth of all significant indicators.
Innovative activity is the most important moment in the life of society, which includes many significant factors for ensuring the normal functioning of the state and the life of citizens, namely, socio-political, economic, public and others. narrowerthe definition (in terms of specific terminology) of this kind of field of activity implies ensuring the latest level of interaction between aspects of production through the use of new knowledge and scientific and technical developments. It is no wonder that she is assigned a serious role in the functioning of the country as a whole, and therefore the need for control and competent management of its resources is fully justified. In view of this, the question arises about the paramount importance of the methods of state regulation of innovation activity in Russia.
In itself, the innovative sphere of the functioning of the country provides for the creation and dissemination of various types of know-how in the field of production and industry, which can become the most important link between the production and scientific fields. Due to this, in turn, the technical and economic social needs of citizens will be realized. But if the correct fulfillment of the goals and objectives of state regulation of innovation activity in the Russian Federation is not ensured, it is hardly possible to speak of any progress in this area of functioning. After all, such an industry needs control, financing, support, promotion, provision of resources and much more - all this can be provided to this process at the proper level only by the state represented by the government.
What is the essence of intervention in the development of scientific and technological progress of the regulatory body? Support and state regulation of innovation activity in Russia is carried out at two levels: federal (national) and local (regional). Firstthe level of regulation of scientific and technological development is manifested in the creation of a favorable innovation climate in order to materialize the country's priorities and introduce various types of know-how into the main operating industries. The second level provides for the maintenance of the main idea within the framework of local self-government. Taken together, the government's policy is mainly aimed at effectively solving problems of a sectoral and intersectoral nature that require a mandatory solution in terms of subsidizing, injecting resources and the ability to change the technological base of the country as a whole.
The government coordinates the activities of ministries and departments in the field of the latest developments, thus ensuring a well-coordinated and workable program of federal bodies represented by the executive branch. The work involves such objects of support and investment as the Russian Academy of Sciences, industry academies of sciences in terms of the formation and implementation of state policy in the field of innovation, regional and local budgetary institutions, as well as organizations for the creation and development of new products and technological improvements.

The role and essence of state regulation of innovation activity, the scientific validity of the need to invest and maintain this process, as well as the end result that the entire collegium of the country's research fund is striving for - all this is closely intertwined with the main goals of government intervention incurrent developments. This is explained by the fact that the progressive technical potential is of interest to the state, since it is able to bring the country to a new level and provide a new status of a highly developed power with an appropriate level of economy with modernized equipment and improved production equipment. However, in order for this industry to develop and multiply the fruits of its activities, it must not only be regularly financed, but also competently exercise its control and regulatory function. Achieving the set goals is the main issue of the state in this vein. But what are they - the goals of state regulation of innovation activity in the Russian Federation? Here are some of them:
- Developing ways to rationally deploy and effectively use scientific and technological potential.
- Formation of an effective structure for the development of the STP apparatus.
- Stimulation of increasing scientific contribution to the country's economy by creating elements of production and industrial know-how.
- Fostering a close relationship between the country's scientific and technical progress and the implementation of the most important social tasks.
- Structural transformations in the field of material and technical production, as well as increasing the level of its competitiveness and efficiency.
- Developing a strategy to strengthen the country's defense capability, providing for the creation of top-level protection based on specific developments.
- Monitoring the observance of the security of society and the state as a whole.

It is worth noting that the sphere of innovation activity differs from research and production by the presence of a specific function of marketing, methods of financing, legal regulation, lending, and, most importantly, a system of motivation for creating innovative projects. After all, it is pointless to deny the advantages of this branch of development: innovations can significantly improve working conditions, increase the content of work and education, ensure development in the field of environmental protection, defense, pharmaceuticals, increase the overall level of social viability, keeping life expectancy longer, the level of nutrition and medicine is better, the choice of variations for satisfying spiritual and moral needs is many times wider. However, this requires that the tasks assigned to innovators in the person of research scientists bear fruit, satisfy the requirements of the state and the desires of society. What are these tasks in the mechanism of state regulation of innovation activity in the Russian Federation? Here are some:
- Informational - the fundamental task of the state is to notify the current government about the processes that are taking place in the field of scientific and technological development both within the country and abroad.
- Strategic - provides for the development of proposals for work based on the formation of the most priority areas in the implementation of innovative potential.
- Analytical - involves monitoring available alternative resources and opportunities to submit new projects for approval.
- Normative - predetermines the examination of incoming legal acts relating to scientific and technical issues.
- Foreign economic - aims to prepare proposals for the conclusion of interstate treaties and agreements on scientific and technological revolution.
- Documentary - provides for the argumentative background of developments, projects, ideas produced in the field of innovation that require official permission.
This is about the federal level. At the local state, it carries out its controlling and regulatory activities in the face of regional ministries and is aimed at:
- organization of innovative forecasting;
- selection and assessment of priority aspects of the development of science, education, technology;
- development and application of organizational and economic mechanisms for the implementation of the predicted goals;
- creation of state programs and projects in terms of scientific and technological revolution;
- development of a methodological manual with the preparation of the personnel apparatus for regional technical programs;
- funding civilian NSCRs of national importance;
- creating an enabling environment for scientific and innovative activities;
- stimulating organizational structures;
- organization of conditions to support the advanced development of scientific fundamental research;
- ensuring international relations in terms of the development of education, technology, science, etc.

In addition to the goals and objectives, the legal and state regulation of innovation in the field of scientific and technical developments and the creation of projects that have a truly high value for the country as a whole, works on the basis of firmly established principles. The main ones are:
- focus on domestic scientific potential;
- freedom of creativity in scientific development;
- succession of democratization of the scientific sphere;
- transparency and openness in the formation and direct implementation of research policy;
- stimulating basic research;
- he althy competition and entrepreneurship in science and technology;
- supporting and stimulating innovation;
- integration of education and science into the development of holistic training of the required level;
- protecting the intellectual property rights of research scientists and scientific organizations;
- free exchange of information;
- support for small scientific and technical entrepreneurship, as well as the development of organizations of various forms of ownership in terms of innovation;
- growth in the level of prestige of scientific work, provision of decent living conditions and work activities for scientists-specialists;
- promoting the achievements of modern scientific and technical progress, highlighting its significance for the future of the Russian Federation.

Regulation tools
Unfortunately, onToday, the development of innovative projects is carried out primarily in the interests of the manufacturer, and therefore it is the representatives of commercial relations, and not the state, who are the main producers and consumers of innovations. In order for innovations to find their application, it is necessary to prepare an appropriate competitive market environment. In principle, the state is able to work for the movement of innovations forward, but often this leads to some failures in the economy, inefficient consumption of financial resources and their spending, and sometimes even leads society into a dead end. Of course, the state cannot stand aside from the process of developing the latest systems, programs and objects of functioning, but it would probably be more correct if its role becomes guiding and orienting.
In view of this, at the federal and local levels there is a list of tools through which the government influences the course of the technical process. These tools to support state regulation of innovation activities in the scientific and commercial spheres include:
- socio-economic and scientific-technical forecasting of state policy in terms of finance, money circulation, prices, structural and reproductive policy;
- general economic, state-administrative and market leverage;
- regional and federal programs, optimization models and balances of economic processes;
- government orders and modern contractual contract systems;
- mechanisms of indicative relationships andregulators of the coexistence of state and commercial organizations;
- integration of regulators and structures.

Functions of the State
How is the state regulation of innovation activity carried out? The main directions of government influence on the implementation of scientific and technical developments and raising the level of such in the country are undergoing some problems in terms of their effectiveness. However, one cannot fail to note a number of objective prerequisites that allow us to speak about the existence of positive dynamics in the formation of the research system. And although the level of return at this stage of the formation of the NIS in the Russian Federation is still weak, attempts to increase the degree of effectiveness of the funding invested in its work are reflected in the functions carried out by the state:
- development of methods for accumulating funds for innovative projects and scientific research;
- coordination of innovation activities;
- stimulating the development of know-how and providing a competitive environment for them;
- introduction of a system of insurance of innovative risks and sanctions for the production of obsolete products;
- providing a legal basis for scientific and technical processes, in particular the creation of a system for the protection of copyrights of innovators, the protection of their intellectual property;
- creation of the personnel apparatus in the operating environment;
- preparation of appropriate infrastructure;
- constitutional provision of processes for creating innovativepublic sector projects;
- mandatory presence of an environmental and social component in the direction of innovation;
- raising the status of social innovation;
- wide regulation and control of innovation processes;
- interaction with foreign representatives of NIS, regulation of international aspects.

Forms of state support
And if theoretically the government promises strong state support in the form of ministries and local governments in terms of promoting domestic innovations, then citizens would like to see more actions not in words, but in practice. The forms of state support that are now introduced into the innovation sphere can clearly prove the intervention and provision of all possible assistance by the state in the development of the research system. They look like this:
- flows of direct financing - an article on the provision of this activity is specified in a separate item in the state budget;
- interest-free bank loans - city and local governments provide individual inventors and small enterprises for the implementation of know-how in production with all possible financial assistance as favorable conditions for financing and providing benefits;
- provision of venture funds - a kind of subsidizing entrepreneurs involved in the field of innovation;
- reducing the level of fees - the state reduces the amount of mandatory payments for those involved in the fieldNIS;
- deferment of repayment of government payments - small implementers of resource-saving inventions are allowed to pay patent fees with some delay;
- eligibility to accelerate equipment depreciation;
- providing a network of technoparks, technopolises and the like.
Types and methods of regulation
Even despite the existing difficulties, the innovation policy of the Russian Federation objectively has a promising trend. This is mainly due to the innovative ideas and potential of the Academy of Sciences. Taking into account properly organized measures to promote their implementation, it can be assumed that the federal industry can acquire an additional source for development and increase in the level of its competitiveness not only at the state level, but also abroad. All this seems possible in the case of correctly applied methods of state regulation of innovation activity - direct and indirect.
The first are:
- funding procedures for a number of projects that are of a scientific and technical nature;
- list of government orders for certain development products;
- assistance of the state as a guarantor in case of risk in the implementation of projects;
- venture company organization;
- preparation of events and competitions (kind of tenders) in which the winners represented by innovative companies can receive a decent reward as decent funding;
- fixing a certain part of the company's property in state ownership (namelyshares), including the right to own this property.
Second include:
- provision of tax incentives;
- provision of depreciation benefits;
- inclusion of the expenses of an innovative enterprise to the article admissible in terms of the cost of computer equipment;
- reducing the interest rate on account of the right to use the loan for a long time;
- provision of benefits in terms of income tax.
The difference between the two described innovation support groups lies in the fact that direct methods are purposefully provided as finance and events organized in support of scientific and technical commerce, while indirect ones, meanwhile, only indirectly enable innovative firms to develop under a more simplified taxation system on preferential terms.

Strategic Action Lines
At any enterprise, state regulation of innovation activity (foreign experience is a priority, or echoes of post-Soviet management continue to be applied - no difference) is reflected in the strategic directions specifically developed at the federal level. Without following specific guidelines and in the absence of a focus on results, no control is exercised over any sector of the economy as a whole. In other words, in order for government support for innovative projects to be truly effective and bear fruit, the government must develop certain areas of ongoingactivities, in accordance with which systematic activities will be carried out to provide assistance to both budgetary organizations and commercial ones. Here are the destinations:
- Restructuring the NT potential in all segments of the economy with the calculation of the concentration of financial, material, intellectual resources on the main platforms of science and technology.
- Building a property and innovation fund, subsequently implemented for the benefit of the latest developments.
- Modeling the system of using leasing as an effective market mechanism for innovative design entities striving to develop and manufacture science-intensive products using expensive equipment and devices.
- Modernize bank loan mechanisms to expand innovation activities to create a favorable environment and ensure the growth of the sales market.
- Improvement and further application of systems of mandatory deduction of the share of profits from exported oil, gas, oil products, minerals to support the fund of innovative projects in the fuel and energy complex.
- Building and equipping special innovation centers that coordinate and implement innovative projects.
- Training and retraining of full-time staff corresponding to positions held in the research board.
- Providing education through foundations that support innovation, namely technical development,manufacturing innovation, promoting small businesses, etc.
- Ensuring control over the spending of funds for their intended purpose in terms of the depreciation fund to finance all kinds of activities directly related to R&D. The state is ready to support experimental work, development of innovations, patenting of innovative solutions, acquisition and development of domestic and foreign patent and non-patent licensing.
- Development and promotion of proposals related to changes in tax regulations in terms of increasing innovation activity.
Legal regulation
Like any government activity, support for scientific and technical developments and projects of an innovative nature is regulated at the legislative level by the relevant legal norms. This is the exclusive prerogative of the government: it predetermined the need to legislate the status of innovative scientific activity, the responsibility and rights of researchers and innovators, as well as the mechanism for developing and further applying the resulting innovation products. One of the key roles in this aspect is played by the Law of the Russian Federation on Science and State. NT-policy, dated 23.08.1996. Legal regulation, which is implemented by the state through this law, includes the main significant theses:
- Establishment of strategy, principles and order in the formation of state policy in terms of scientific and technical progress.
- Determination of the place of scientific activity in the country, society, economy, andalso a designation of the legal status of a researcher.
- Fixing the types of scientific enterprises and organizations, sources of their funding, principles of control of scientific activities, forms of influence of authorities on the innovation process at the federal and regional levels.
- Reflection of the legal framework for the regulation of domestic and international scientific and technical cooperation.
Foreign experience
State regulation of innovation activity in the US, as in many other developed countries, is somewhat different from the Russian one. The American government pays much attention to the aspects of forecasting, standardization, state expertise, optimization of management decisions, and keeping statistics of innovative products. Here, non-departmental expertise of projects is widely used in the formation and distribution of the budget, and this process is regularly improved. The staff of employees - designers, technologists, economists, investors, managers - has been using the most complex national standards in terms of functional and cost analysis of various objects for more than thirty years and has been applying a system of standards in terms of product quality management based on INBO series 9000 for about ten years.
In Japan, the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Industry plays a key role in the strategy of industrial potential and the development of all kinds of innovative ideas. Here, the control of scientific and technical progress is carried out by the Office of Science and Technology, and the emphasis in implementation is on the largest corporations.
In Belarusscientific and technical developments occupy a serious place in the development of the economy. Support and state regulation of innovation activity in the Republic of Belarus are aimed at stabilizing and strengthening the Belarusian Republican Fund for Fundamental Research, the Belarusian Innovation Fund, the Informatization Fund of the Republic of Belarus and industry funds. But, as in many other states, there are still problems with the practical application of innovations. Despite the support of the state and the provision of bank loans, the creation of venture funds, the reduction of duties, the innovation sector needs to be finalized and improved. This remark is also applicable to the state policy of the Russian Federation in this part of development.