In various areas of research activities, preliminary or intermediate processing of the received data is expected. This is important for correcting further studies or for analyzing the final materials for their correctness. In both cases, cameral processing is involved - this is how the work that can be done with a minimum degree of error is designated.

General information about office processing
From the point of view of methodology, cameral processing can be attributed to metrological, that is, measuring activities. It aims to conduct measurements or experimental tests in order to clarify the initial data or correct the research methodology. It is important to bear in mind that cameral processing of the results is not an independent method for obtaining certain data. It is used as an auxiliary means of quality control and completeness of the work performed as part of the main method.
For example, one of the most common areas in which this method of correcting results is used is geodesy. Engineering surveys are carried out in the field and not alwaysallow obtaining data of optimal quality due to the peculiarities of the technical organization of work in conditions of remoteness from the laboratory. It is to identify survey errors that field cameral processing is used, which, in the intervals between operations, allows you to verify and control the measurement results.

Office processing tasks
Again, cameral processing itself only indirectly participates in measuring activities. In fact, this is a tool for determining the errors that are allowed in the process of using one or another measurement method. Therefore, the main task will be precisely to fix the deviations of the results obtained from the actual or normative ones. Ideas about the same standards cameral processing does not always allow you to get. For example, in the field, one can only get an idea of the measurement values that are close to the standard values by performing serial cameral surveys. However, classical processing is performed in laboratory conditions with minimal influence of third-party factors on the quality of the results. This is a fundamental difference between chamber processing and field research, and the difference between them also allows you to adjust the measurement process.

Requirements for camera events
Each application may have different requirements for office processing. The requirements for processing in the same field will be fundamentally different.geodesy or archaeology, and to activities that are performed in the laboratory. And yet there is a certain list of standards that must be observed when performing almost all types of work of this nature. First of all, office processing of measurement results should initially be based on the ranges of permissible errors. Going beyond them will mean the inefficiency of this method of control. The next requirement is that the conditions for conducting office processing are initially established. Again, each type of work will have its own requirements, which may take into account ambient temperature, humidity, wind speed, the characteristics of the tool used and other factors. Also, mandatory requirements include reporting and labeling of controlled objects or materials.
Types of office work

According to the areas of application, cameral processing is divided into formal, normative, arithmetic and direct. Formal processing checks the measurement technique for compliance with work standards. That is, the organizational part of the research is subject to control. Arithmetic verification refers to the specific indicators of the tests carried out. The accuracy of measurements, their correctness and reliability are evaluated. With regard to regulatory verification, it refers to the analysis of the received data for compliance with legal acts. Direct processing is a test of the methodological part. At the same time, the correctness of the practical application of the method in a particular case is evaluated. In addition, cameral processing can be initial, intermediate and final. These types of checks can be used both separately and together, within the framework of one control measure.
Verification steps
The list of specific steps may vary depending on the application. As a rule, at the first stage, specialists collect the initial data that were obtained for the measurement technique itself. At the second stage, control measurements are made according to the method used, but already as part of a desk audit. At this stage, arithmetic control can be used to identify possible errors in the calculations. In some cases, serial measurements can be used, which allow more accurate identification of averaged and more reliable data. The results obtained in this way are compared with the data derived from measurements by the target verification method. At the final stage, cameral processing provides general information about the control performed, on the basis of which a report is made.
Processing field measurements

Field measurement work is often opposed to office work, since the very conditions for conducting such events do not imply obtaining the highest possible reliable result. Obviously, verification tests will not allow obtaining extremely correct data. However, serial and intermediate controlschecks still make it possible to get closer to more accurate measurements. Most often, cameral processing of field measurements is used in geological surveys. In particular, this method can be used to assess the depth of rocks, their dimensions, soil structure, etc. The quantitative determination of indicators is carried out using experimental and theoretical methods. Control metrological equipment can be used to evaluate, for example, the magnetic and electrical properties of ores and rocks. The results obtained are further processed already in the laboratory using computer programs.
Fields of application of office processing methods
Desk inspection technology is used not only in geodesy, but also in other construction work. The results of engineering activities can also be controlled by this method, both in laboratory conditions and in the field. Office processing is also used when taking into account cadastral data. For example, cameral processing of the results of field measurements is used in the analysis of materials obtained in the process of topographic survey. Inventory methods in archeology, warehouse accounting, museum and warehouse storage can also be controlled by a desk audit. This mainly concerns inspections for compliance with regulations. Arithmetic control is usually applied to tax accounting and data obtained during architectural measurement work.
Office processing reports

The composition of the documentation for the report is determined even before the audits. The content is formed as a database sufficient to assess the quality of the measurements. Reporting can include both graphic and text documents, supplemented by formulas and maps. In geology, for example, the composition of documents can be supported by graphs built using profiling methods. In particular, graphs are created showing sections of rocks. Indicate in the reporting and characteristic parametric data compared with standard indicators. Separately, the results of control measurements are presented - either in the form of tables with numbers, or in the form of the same graphs. Depending on the requirements, office processing of materials may also involve the creation of a conclusion with recommendations for changing the method of measurement being checked.

In many ways, office verification methods are similar to the technologies for monitoring standard metrological measurements. But in metrology, individual measurement techniques and even more often the instrumentation itself are tested. In turn, cameral processing of measurements rather shows an example of an integrated approach that takes into account many factors in the study of an object. Specific arithmetic indications, climatic conditions, characteristics of the equipment used, degrees of error, etc., can be taken into account. Together, these factors make it possible to point-correct measuring operations within the framework of not general, but specific working conditions. I.eeach act of control is applicable only to a specific situation and cannot be considered as a single recommendation for the use of similar methods for other cases.