There are no states in the modern world that, like Australia, could boast that their area occupies an entire continent. The “Green Continent” (as they often say about the Commonwe alth of Australia) is the only country completely isolated from neighboring powers by the waters of the oceans on all sides. To the southeast of Eurasia, the continent occupies a fairly favorable EGP. Australia is characterized by isolation and remoteness from the entire modern world, but this fact does not in the least prevent the country from being considered one of the most highly developed in the world.
Geographic location of the mainland
The waters of the Pacific and Indian oceans wash its shores. About 99% of the territory of the Commonwe alth of Australia is located on the mainland. The islands, including Tasmania, occupy the remainder of the area covered by the state's sovereignty. About 7.7 million sq. km allow Australia to be among the ten largest countries in the world, confidently occupying the 6th line in the corresponding ranking. Russia, the Republic of China, the North American states - the USA, Canada, and Brazil are ahead of it.

To cross Australia by car from east to west and from south to east, you will have to spend about a week. After all, the length of the mainland is almost 4.5 thousand kilometers, and the width is slightly more than 3 thousand km. In the central part of the continent is the Southern Tropic.
Australia is an economically developed country
EGP of Australia deserves special attention. The pros and cons of its remoteness from other modern states significantly affect all spheres of the country's life. The relatively close location of Australia to the powers in the south of Asia and Oceania in many respects has a positive effect on maintaining international relations and trade partnerships of this state with world leaders. The continent is a full member of many influential international organizations, including the UN, the IMF and others.
But the fact that the country has no land borders is an obstacle to the implementation of many trade projects and maintaining economic ties with other powers. In addition, it is the cost of transporting products from Australia that makes up the bulk of logistics costs.

Immediately it should be noted that Australia is undoubtedly a highly developed, modern country, whose economy is exemplary for many of today's powers that are at the stage of transition to a market economy. GNP indicators allow it to occupy leadership positions in the global division of labor. At the same time, the main specialized industry of the Commonwe alth of Australia is the agriculturalcommodity sector.
Climatic features of the continent and a brief history of its settlement
Characteristics of the EGP of Australia allows us to analyze the advantage of its location relative to other states and understand how the location of the mainland influenced the formation of such a successful and leading country in many respects. The "Green Continent" stretches across several climatic zones. If we consider their sequence from north to south, then it will look like this:
- Subequatorial (on the territory of the northern regions of the mainland).
- Tropical (occupies the central part of the country).
- Subtropical (Southern Australia).
- Moderate (Tasmania).
Even in the 17th century, sailors were interested in the peculiarities of the EGP of Australia. The mainland was discovered in 1606 by the Dutchman Willem Janszon, although most historians believe that the discoverer of the continent is James Cook, who proclaimed the Kingdom of England the owner of the Australian lands. His ships first landed on the coast in 1770.

The Parliament of England did not hesitate to assign parts of the mainland and Oceania. The law on the formation of a prisoner settlement on its territory finally extended the ownership of Europeans to until recently wild lands.
During the period from 1788 to the 50s of the XIX century, about 340 thousand people arrived in Australia, half of which were convicts, and the second - free settlers. Thus it wasformed the population of the country and formed the Anglo-Australian nation.
State structure and economic and geographical position of Australia
The main features of the EGP of Australia determined its administrative and political division. The federal state, which it is, is part of the Commonwe alth of Great Britain and includes 6 states, among which:
- Western Australia;
- South Australia;
- Victoria;
- Queensland;
- Tasmania;
- New South Wales.
Officially, the head of the Australian continent is the Queen of Great Britain. The Governor-General, acting on behalf of the monarch, is appointed at the insistence of the local government.

In 1931, Australia gained almost complete freedom and sovereignty. Both in domestic affairs and in the country's activities in the international arena, Australia has gained sufficient autonomy.
Oceania in the economic and geographical position of Australia
Oceania occupies a significant place in the Australian EGP. Briefly, it can be described as a complex of islands of various origins. The largest and most developed is Tasmania, while Ashmore and Cartier Islands are uninhabited. Located in tropical and equatorial latitudes, the air temperature in these areas varies between +23-30°C. A large amount of precipitation on the islands (up to 15,000 mm per year) contributes to the presence of a rich flora and fauna. However, the same cannot be said about Australia. Hiscalled the driest continent of the entire globe.
Mineral resources on the continent
Deserts play a huge role in the EGP of Australia. Vast expanses of sand that stretch more than 2.5 km from the Indian Ocean coast to the Great Dividing Range are considered uninhabitable and have not been used by man for a long time. The high air temperature, which averages about +35°C, and the almost complete absence of precipitation did their job - until the middle of the last century, about 35% of the mainland was empty and considered useless.

But the discovered deposits of minerals radically changed the situation. Work on the extraction of valuable resources is ongoing to this day. Deposits of gold, coal, uranium, iron ore, manganese and lead have allowed Australia to "fly up" to the top of the rankings of world countries in terms of mineral we alth. Today Australia is one of the largest producers and suppliers of natural raw materials.
Australia in conclusion
So, in a fairly short period of time, the state has passed the most difficult path of development. The EGP of Australia allowed the state to go from a colonial appendage of the English empire to an independent country with a high standard of living for the population. A huge role in this belongs to the flow of immigrants from the European part, because it was their fate that the task of raising and developing the newly-made state fell on them. Highly qualified professionals, includingrepresentatives of working speci alties, and engineers, have made their most valuable contribution to the formation of the modern Australian Union.

Australia's EGP, despite its isolation from the rest of the world, has been a top producer of food and agricultural commodities for over a century. More than 60% of all the country's products are exported. Dairy production, industry, winemaking and brewing are also considered developed in the country.