Iron chelate: features and methods of preparation

Iron chelate: features and methods of preparation
Iron chelate: features and methods of preparation

Iron is a substance that not only humans, but also plants need. It requires much less than other trace elements. However, it is essential for the normal growth and development of plants. Most importantly, iron must be available. Therefore, a universal preparation was created - iron chelate. This substance can significantly improve the condition of plants. What is this drug?

iron chelate
iron chelate

Can I do without it?

Iron chelate for plants is simply irreplaceable. After all, the microelement in it is contained in an accessible form. Many believe that you can do without this drug. However, this is not the case. Some housewives water their plants with rusty water. Finding it is not difficult, given that tap water contains a lot of iron. In this case, the microelement, once in the soil, will not dissolve and will not be absorbed by the plant. That is why you should use iron chelate.

The second option is the unique composition of the soil. Many believe that if the plant is planted in soil that contains dolomite or chalk, then additional fertilizers will not need to be applied. Unfortunately, these are mixtures that have a slightly alkaline reaction. Iron, hittingsuch soil will turn into insoluble s alt. As a result, the plant will need enhanced nutrition. In addition, iron in an accessible form, upon contact with oxygen, oxidizes and passes into an inaccessible form. Iron chelate avoids this and provides the plant with good nutrition.

iron chelate for plants
iron chelate for plants

When to use the drug

When should I use iron chelate? The use of this drug is allowed under the following phenomena:

  1. The plant slows growth.
  2. Even young leaves become chlorotic.
  3. Young shoots are weak and stunted.
  4. Crop is decreasing.

If a plant experiences severe iron deficiency, then its leaves begin to turn white. Only along their edges remain green veins. It is worth noting that iron does not move from old leaves to young ones.

iron chelate application
iron chelate application

Will it be useful in the garden?

Iron chelate is needed not only for indoor plants, but also for trees in the garden. Most often, apple trees, cherries and peaches suffer from a lack of a trace element. In addition, grapes that were grown on over-limed or carbonate soil can also experience an iron deficiency. In this case, chlorosis is observed. Symptoms of this disease are reduced yields, slightly colored fruits, and poor flowering. In such situations, iron chelate for plants is a must.

Product properties

The cost of the drug is from 20 to 30 rubles per 10 grams. It's high enoughprice. For the same amount, you can buy up to 400 grams of iron sulfate. However, it is worth considering that the consumption of these drugs is completely different. More iron sulphate is required to achieve a positive result.

Iron chelate penetrates better into plant tissues. Therefore, it needs much less. This drug nourishes the plant completely. Most often, iron chelate is used for spraying foliage, since its cost is quite high. In this case, the treatment is carried out once every 1-1.5 weeks. However, there are several recipes for making iron chelate. It is much cheaper than buying it.

iron chelate at home
iron chelate at home

Recipe one

How to get iron chelate at home? For this you will need:

  1. Pure water, preferably boiled - 3.5 liters.
  2. Iron vitriol - 1 teaspoon.
  3. Ascorbic acid - 10 grams.

The process of making iron chelate is quite simple. The main thing is to follow all the rules.

Production process

First of all, it is worth preparing all the components. Water is recommended to boil and cool. Ascorbic acid can be purchased at a pharmacy. To make iron chelate, it is not recommended to buy the drug in pills and with glucose.

In ½ liter of water it is necessary to dissolve a teaspoon of ferrous sulfate. After that, ascorbic acid should be added to the solution and shaken thoroughly. The resulting mixture should be poured into a container with three liters of water and mixed again. This solution is used not onlyfor spraying the ground part of the plant, but also poured under the roots.

It is worth considering that the resulting preparation has a significant drawback: iron gradually oxidizes and precipitates. Of course, when diluting the finished powder, exactly the same process occurs. Therefore, the finished solution is recommended to be used immediately. It is not recommended to store the drug in a diluted form.

iron chelate preparation
iron chelate preparation

Recipe two

How else is iron chelate prepared? The preparation of this drug takes a little time. This requires:

  1. 3 liters of boiled and chilled water.
  2. Citric acid - 1 tablespoon.
  3. Iron vitriol - 1 heaping teaspoon.

To prepare fertilizer, pour water into a deep container and add citric acid. When the component is completely dissolved, iron sulfate should be added and mixed thoroughly. As a result of such manipulations, the solution should acquire a light orange hue. This indicates that the iron has reacted with the rest of the ingredients to form an iron chelate.

The finished product is stored for a short time. Experts recommend using it within a few hours after preparation. It is worth noting that obtaining iron chelate is a simple process that even an amateur gardener can do. At the same time, you can save a lot. After all, 1 bag of vitriol is enough for more than one year.
