Appeal to higher powers when a person is oppressed, frightened or surprised, is understandable. People stubbornly hold on to buttons, spit over their left shoulders (often symbolically) or knock on wood. Believers make the sign of the cross on themselves. The meaning of the word "wake up" is a mystery to many contemporaries. But this is just an imperative form of an ancient verb, meaning a call for caution in words and actions. Literally means “think, my friend, if you are feeling strong emotions.”
Think about it?
This word is used in different situations. For example, if your interlocutor expresses too bold ideas, bordering on insanity, and even intends to implement them, it would be quite acceptable to emotionally say “Wake up.”

The meaning of the word in this case is "think again about your words or actions." This is the most common use of the word in Russian.
Wheretree to knock?
Superstitious people understand the meaning of the word "wake up" more practically. If someone in their presence expressed an imprudent hope of success, they may require the interlocutor to perform a small ritual equivalent of beating trees. Although it must be said that the word is not often found in this meaning, this is usually the case in rural areas, where this particular wording is adopted.
From a bright word to blasphemy
Most often in the city the word is used by people who are far from religion and God. This is rather a sign of a person of an intellectual profession, and most often an unbeliever.

For a religious intellectual, the use of such a phrase is abnormal and can even be considered blasphemy, if not blasphemy, in some contexts. After all, the meaning of the word “wake up” is precisely the call to cross yourself. An appeal expressed in a slightly disparaging, simplified form and on a minor occasion. This is the very “use of the name of the Lord in vain” about which the commandments warn us.
Word paradox
And yet, in literary speech, this colloquial formulation should not be used. And in general, be careful, you may not make the best impression of a self-taught clown. This word is appropriate only in informal speech for those who want to warn their interlocutor about … blasphemy and blasphemy.

That is, if your counterpart clearly said something on the verge, clearly imagining the meaning of the word"Wake up" a person may well urge the interlocutor to be careful in wording.
A matter of taste
To speak or not to speak? My advice as a linguist is not to speak.
Of course, this is a matter of your personal taste, but still the use of such vernacular, deliberately "reduced" words in style makes your image more primitive. And to some extent "cheapens" the overall impression. In addition, its inappropriate use will show you as a dropout who has discovered a new bright word for himself. What does "wake up" mean? The most capacious definition is “be careful.”
I advise you not to forget that every word affects you. It's like a computer program. If you create a "crooked" idea, then the implementation will be so-so. So watch your speech and don't let yourself be carried away by outward brilliance.