The study of biology in the school curriculum is given a lot of attention, but even more so in the specialized universities of the country. This is a developed science, including many branches related to the study of all life on the planet. Due to the large volumes of information and the possibility of applying their knowledge in practice, this science is very capacious. And the question of how to learn biology is increasingly being asked in schools and universities. It is proposed to solve it by optimizing the entire learning process.

Study Biology
There is one thing in common in the school and university curriculum. It comes down to a gradual complication of the material being studied, which is based on already known general patterns. This method of learning proceeds in the direction from the general to the particular and allows you to form a coherent body of knowledge for a particular student.student. The end of training is the search for a logical point at which everything related to the material is already clear to the student. Therefore, the main recommendation when studying paragraphs is to familiarize yourself with their content without interruption and distraction.

In comfortable conditions, you should read everything, understand and remember the content. One should not break away from reading in those sections in which the so-called logical point has not been set. This means that if the student needs to break away from reading, then it is better to do this at the end of the semantic block of the textbook. If you interrupt in the middle of explaining the material, the brain does not form a logical point, then you will have to learn biology again from the very beginning of the paragraph.
Biology note taking
The above recommendation also applies to taking notes. This means that one should not be distracted by putting the right moment into the abstract until the student has reached the logical point. You can not be distracted until the part of the material under consideration has not been deposited in memory. And after that, in a more understandable and formed form, it can be included in the abstract, if necessary.
It should be explained in detail why such a study scheme is successful.
Having reached a logical point in the material, the student understands it better. And vice versa, if a pupil or student, studying a paragraph, encounters an unfamiliar moment and breaks away from the book to put it in the abstract, he loses the “narrative thread”. Although this aspect is most often conveniently explained already inthe following suggestions. After reading them, you can understand the described process or phenomenon, and not memorize it.

Information that was understood will be stored in memory in a form in which it is convenient for reproduction. And the memorized data will be forgotten very soon, and the probability of their practical application is low. Of course, this way of learning takes time, since it is impossible to learn biology in 5 minutes. But later it is easy to repeat it, already understanding what was discussed in the paragraph.
Schemes and biological processes
Schemes and biological cycles deserve special attention when studying the material. They should be memorized in blocks, using visual and motor memory. This means that in addition to reviewing the diagram, you need to redraw it into an abstract or a draft in the form that seems most convenient for repetition. Since it is almost impossible to learn biology quickly due to the large amount of material, learning optimization will be very useful.

Simply redrawing schemes several times will allow them to be deposited in memory. This is an example of the so-called memorization. It is impossible to go the other way in such a situation, although the ability to reproduce the schemes in detail is needed only for exams. In the course of practical activities, you can always keep them in front of you.
It's important that you don't have to completely redraw the charts. You can transfer incomprehensible areas to paper. Having redrawn them once, you should repeat thisprocess from memory after a few hours. If the schemes are complex, then multiple redrawing and verification with the original is allowed. It will take patience, but this will help speed up the learning of the material and allow it to remain in memory for a long time.
Quick learning biology
It should be understood that a quick study of biology is possible if the material itself is at least partially familiar. For example, a student has previously watched an educational video on biology. The information obtained from such a source can be successfully applied as a basis on the basis of which new knowledge can be “arranged”. Since it is quite difficult to quickly learn a paragraph in biology, you will have to be cunning and apply already known information in order to skip some obvious points in the text. This means that in order to prepare the foundation of knowledge, you do not have to spend the time needed to understand what will be discussed in the material. This is how a better understanding of information is achieved, and its receipt is accelerated.
This is a good way to get new knowledge, because learning a paragraph in biology is much easier. And if it is simple, then the content can be synthesized independently, simply by retelling already known information. In most situations, especially when biology is not a core subject, these data should be enough for a successful graduation. And in biology, it is very important to learn the basics, after which further study of science will be a quick and easy process. Although this does not apply to botany and microbiology.
Study of Botany and Microbiology
Microbiology and botany are thoseareas of biology that are the hardest to study. This is due to the diversity of living organisms studied in the standard course. They have specific features, many of which you need to know perfectly in order to understand these disciplines. Therefore, botany and microbiology should be studied from simple basics, while biology can be learned in any order. In the case of botany and microbiology, only after successfully mastering the basics, you can study more complex points.

If any part of the previously studied program was forgotten, then for successful mastery of the material it must be repeated. It is important that in microbiology most of the material requires understanding, and in botany - memorization and careful search for differences. The best scenario for preparing for classes in botany or microbiology is to read a paragraph and draw up a summary in the form of diagrams and abstracts. After 4-5 hours, you need to re-read the paragraph and try to reproduce its content at least schematically, making additions to the abstract, if necessary.
Repetition of material
Immediately before the class, you should review your notes, trying to present a sequence of theses in your answer on the studied material. It is quite difficult to study these disciplines, while learning biology can be both faster and easier. There is only one way out: try to repeat the studied material according to your own schematic or thesis summary. Since new topics will be based in part on those already studied, this will save time andstart learning from already familiar points with their gradual complication.