General tasks of forensic science. Forensic methods. Measures to combat crime

General tasks of forensic science. Forensic methods. Measures to combat crime
General tasks of forensic science. Forensic methods. Measures to combat crime

Let's consider the general tasks of forensics. This is the science of tactical methods and techniques, technical means that are used to perform actions that are provided for by the criminal procedure law to detect, collect, fix, analyze and apply evidence in order to prevent and solve crimes.

specificity of criminology
specificity of criminology

Component parts

Forensic science is the science of investigation, detection, prevention of crimes, there is a subject of the science of criminology. It consists of two parts. One of them includes three groups of patterns:

  • mechanism of crime;
  • regularities in the emergence of information about the crime itself, its participants;
  • research, collect, apply evidence.

The second part of forensic science consists of special methods and means of forensic evidence research.

general tasks of forensic science
general tasks of forensic science

Crime Mechanism

The general tasks of forensic science are determined by the mechanism of the crime. It is commonly understood as a complex dynamic system, which consists of several components:

  • the subject of the crime, his attitude to the actions, consequences, accomplices;
  • crime setting;
  • the subject of encroachment, the option of hiding and committing a crime;
  • criminal result;
  • the actions of those persons who were accidentally involved in what is happening.

The areas of application of forensic science are determined by the legislation in force in the country.

Its main task is to promote the fight against crime with its methods and means. Forensic characterization is incomplete without highlighting special tasks:

  • studying the objective patterns that make up the subject of forensic science and creating the main methodological bases;
  • creating new and modernizing existing technical and forensic methods and means of collecting, analyzing, applying and evaluating evidence to detect and prevent serious crimes;
  • development of new methodological, tactical, organizational foundations of preliminary investigation, forensic examination;
  • modernize the work experience of foreign forensic specialists.

The third level implies the general tasks of forensics, the solution of which is carried out in specific situations.

experts at work
experts at work

Forensic principles

They are fundamentalprovisions, the main ideas, the use of which allows you to better understand the subject and essence of forensic science. Among them, historicism, objectivity, and systemic nature of science are distinguished. Forensic characteristics analyzes different aspects of the subject, which are based on dialectical laws, using methodology and philosophical categories.

Historicism involves consideration of knowledge from the point of view of its disappearance, development, appearance, since in order to study it it is necessary to consider it together with other phenomena. Consistency implies a holistic consideration of the subject of forensic science.

forensic characterization
forensic characterization

Scientific research methods

General tasks of criminology are solved using the following methods: general scientific, general, special.

The structure of the general method includes the laws and categories of philosophy, as well as the methods of logical thinking. They help to reveal the essence of emerging problems, to identify the significance of practice in conducting scientific research, as well as in the functioning of subjects. This method characterizes the scope of forensic science.

Among general scientific methods there are:

  • observation (inspection of the scene);
  • description (recording in the protocol of information obtained during the inspection);
  • experiment (it is used to establish the essence of what is happening);
  • modeling (thinking through investigative and search versions).
criminologists in action
criminologists in action

Math Methods

Forensic psychologist uses inprofessional activities mathematical methods:

  • calculations;
  • measurement of various physical characteristics, processes, objects;
  • geometric constructions.

It is mathematical methods that allow forensic specialists to draw up a description of the alleged criminal, determine his height, weight.

Special methods

Psychologist - criminologist also uses methods that are typical only for this science. For example, odorological, ballistic, traceological, handwriting examinations are carried out to help identify the criminal.

Among the special methods that forensic science borrows from other sciences, we note:

  • sociological methods used in compiling the characteristics of the type of crimes;
  • psychological methods are needed to develop tactical, psychological interrogation techniques;
  • biological methods are used in the analysis of objects of a biological species (hair, blood, particles of human body tissues) during the forensic medical examination of evidence found at the crime scene.

Chemical and physical methods are in demand in the framework of the study of materials and their properties (with their help, a technical and forensic study of documents is carried out).

scope of forensic science
scope of forensic science

Relationship with other sciences

Forensic science is associated with the sciences of civil and criminal procedural law, which are devoted to investigative and judicial actions.

To prevent crimewere effective and efficient, criminalists will be involved in the process of investigating a crime.

Related to forensic sciences are such sciences as administrative law, which deals with the functioning of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Without such information, it is impossible to properly conduct the procedure for disclosing and investigating committed crimes.

Technical and forensic examination of documents confirms connection with operational-search activity.

It is difficult to imagine modern forensic science without ethics, philosophy, logic, forensic psychology.

Important Facts

On the basis of philosophical categories, a general theory of forensic science is formed, ideas about its methods are created, patterns of forensic research are revealed that increase the efficiency and practical significance of forensic recommendations.

The connection with logic can be traced in the use of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, analogy, abstraction in forensic scientific research. There are quite a lot of points of contact between forensic science and forensic psychology, forensic chemistry, medicine, and psychiatry. They are aimed at fighting crime, have similar techniques and research tools.

measures to combat crime
measures to combat crime


Analysis of the objective patterns that make up the subject of forensic science shows that all objects of knowledge in this area are within the framework of legal phenomena. All the achievements of technical and natural sciences are being introduced into forensic science, which contributes toimproving the quality of experts' work.

Based on the legal features of the elements of committed crimes, forensic methods of their disclosure are being created. In order to identify the criminal, it is important to determine the signs and elements of the act, and this is exactly what modern criminologists do.

The content of forensic science includes general theory, private practices, the doctrine of the methods of collecting evidence.

It is customary to single out the following branches in forensic technology: the doctrine of traces, forensic photography, registration.

Identification is the most common means of establishing objective truth in the course of investigating a specific crime. Its essence is to compare the object with its reflections in the form of "ideal" and fixed traces left by the criminal.

Currently, identification objects are divided into two groups. The group of identifiable items includes weapons, people, substances, tools, etc.

The group of identifiable facts includes all features of the object in question.

These include features that characterize an object and can be used as part of identification. They characterize the size, shape, material of the analyzed object, its internal and external structure, functions, structure, composition.

Forensic experts conduct a variety of chemical studies, as a result of which they can identify the involvement (non-involvement) of a suspect in a specific crime.

Forensic diagnostics detects, recognizes,defines signs that help to establish the properties and states of objects, reproduce events, and find the connection of specific persons with the crime under investigation.
