Stavropol regional multidisciplinary college: address, faculties, admission conditions and teaching staff

Stavropol regional multidisciplinary college: address, faculties, admission conditions and teaching staff
Stavropol regional multidisciplinary college: address, faculties, admission conditions and teaching staff

The Stavropol Regional Multidisciplinary College provides its students not only with secondary education, but also with additional vocational training in a variety of programs. College graduates work not only in the region, but throughout the country, never forgetting those who gave them a profession.


This educational institution gives a start in life to thousands of highly qualified professionals. Since the demand for specialists in existing profiles is very high, the educational institution is developing more and more dynamically, saturating educational programs with innovative technologies.

Stavropol Regional Multidisciplinary College prepares specialists who are able to successfully compete in the labor market, responsible and competent, freely oriented in their profession andowning many related.

Establishment in brief

Stavropol Regional Multidisciplinary College occupies a worthy place in the system of secondary vocational education. The history of the college began quite a long time ago - in 1972. Since then, the best traditions have been kept by the well-established and highly qualified team of teachers.


Addresses of the regional multidisciplinary college in Stavropol:

  • legal: Stavropol, Kulakov Ave., 8;
  • actual (by location) - Stavropol, Kulakov Ave., 8 and st. 1st Industrial, house 13. Index 355035.

On any day, except weekends and holidays, you can contact the administration of the Stavropol Regional Multidisciplinary College with questions of interest.

Material and technical base

Stavropol regional multidisciplinary college operates under license RO No. 026496409, which confirms its right to educational activities. He also has a certificate of state accreditation OP No. 007708. But the excellent quality of training of specialists is ensured not by documents, even such important ones.

The fact is that the Stavropol Regional Diversified College has a good material and technical base. These are three educational buildings, two excellent libraries, a book depository, a reading room with multimedia equipment and laptops that have constant access to the Internet. Two dormitories are equipped for students, where everyone is provided with places.



The educational buildings have excellent equipment: there are a sufficient number of simulators and complexes, proper equipment of electronic equipment and technologies for classes with multimedia components, there are the most modern electronic textbooks, as well as application software packages, a lot of audio and video materials.

There are 56 classrooms in total, in addition, there are 18 laboratories and workshops, 7 computer classes, where you can access the Internet from any place of work. The material base is constantly replenished with new and most modern technical devices.

Victory at the Olympics
Victory at the Olympics

For students

Students of the Stavropol Regional Diversified College schedule allows them to engage not only in acquiring a profession and deepening theoretical knowledge. They willingly visit either of the two sports halls or the gymnastics hall, strengthen their muscles in the gym or kick the ball in the stadium. Almost no one can do without sports training in college. Students devote a lot of time to the library, which will be discussed below separately, because it is worth it. This is a real attraction not only in the college, but also in the city scale.

Students have lunch either in the hostel or in one of the two canteens, and they prefer the latter, because the food there is tasty and quite budgetary. In case of illness, you can always contact the medical center located on the territory of the Stavropol Regional Multidisciplinary College. Herethey constantly take care of both non-resident students and local ones, and rightly so. In the dormitories, everything is arranged so that it is convenient for the student not only to live there, but also to prepare for classes. Well-established life: kitchens, laundries, showers.

At the stadium
At the stadium


Students and graduates of the college participated in city, regional, all-Russian, international competitions and very often won. They constantly hold and attend scientific and practical conferences, as well as olympiads of all levels. Students of the Stavropol Regional Multidisciplinary College always have the opportunity to show their talents, no matter in what area they are. Those who can sing - sing, those who want to dance - dance, football fans are happy to kick the ball, and programmers, as always, program - they have the most favorable conditions for this.

Not only playing sports, but also technical creativity, which flourishes in various circles and clubs of interest, and amateur performances - there is literally everything for the full development of a person in college. And it should be noted that the proposed conditions are highly valued by college students. They willingly respond to any creative proposal coming from the mentors. That is why the development of the educational process is going much faster.

Together with the university
Together with the university


It is not surprising that successes accompany the development of this educational institution. In 2010, the All-Russian competition was held, where in the program 100the best goods of Russia” the college became a diploma winner. And the following year, 2011, SRMK (Stavropol Regional Multidisciplinary College) was included at the suggestion of the regional Ministry of Education in the national register as the leading educational institution in Russia.

In addition, he became the winner of the competition among educational institutions of secondary vocational education, becoming the best of the first hundred of such outstanding educational institutions. To this must be added the fact that college graduates never have problems with employment.

From GPTU No. 31 to SRMK

In 1972, GPTU No. 31 was opened for those wishing to acquire a profession, educational activities have been going on within these walls for more than 45 years. During this time, more than twenty thousand people received a start in life, who began to work for the benefit of their country. The best of the graduates are always remembered in college, they are cited as an example, they are equal to them. And excellent teachers are remembered by all students with warmth all their lives.

Those who graduated from this educational institution have always been high-profile specialists, and now they graduate no worse, because in the system of secondary vocational and non-governmental organizations of the region and Russia as a whole, the regional multidisciplinary college of Stavropol has always developed dynamically and met all the requirements of the time. Now the total number of students in the basic educational and additional programs of NGOs and SVE is approximately 1600 students.

Director Alexander Kryachko
Director Alexander Kryachko


The teaching staff consists of highly qualifiedemployees, there are more than 120 people, including 10 candidates of science and one doctor of science, about ten applicants. There are honored teachers of the Russian Federation, honorary workers of the SPO, excellent students of public education. In general, the regional multidisciplinary college (Stavropol) can be proud that almost eighty percent of its teachers received the first and highest of the qualification categories.

You can learn about college life from blogs run by Vladimir Arkhipov and Tatyana Belyanskaya. A lot of work with students is carried out by the director of the Stavropol Regional Multidisciplinary College Alexander Kryachko, his help is invaluable in solving any problems - from choosing a profession and revealing "hidden" talents to the simplest, everyday ones. Applicants are considered very carefully - from the first step. It is for them that an interesting tour of the professions that can be obtained while studying in college is being conducted.

Employers never complain about college graduates, although new and more stringent requirements are constantly being presented. And all because each applicant is given the opportunity and invaluable assistance in choosing exactly the profession that will bring not only income, but also joy throughout his life. High competitiveness, good adaptation in the team, professionalism plus sociability are required. And with these tasks the team of teachers perfectly copes. Separately, it should be noted the excellent mutual understanding between students and teachers.

Work withyouth
Work withyouth

For applicants

Getting into college is not so easy: you need good results in the certificate, here it is important not only the score for the quality of mastering general education programs, but also the availability of learning abilities, which is revealed upon admission. Of course, the most important thing is the certificate, where the average score is determined in the same way as everywhere else. A huge role is played by the development of specialized subjects.

The documents for admission will need the following: a photocopy and the original of the certificate, a photocopy of the medical policy and pages of the passport, where the photo and registration are located, as well as black and white photographs of six pieces 3 x 4 and 4 x 6 (each of them must sign on the reverse side).

Among the most popular faculties are:

  • Computer systems.
  • Sewing business.
  • Computer systems technician.
  • Fire safety.
  • Right.

Graduate employment

At present, any educational institution is experiencing big problems in this regard. But for college graduates, these difficulties are not so relevant, since an annual job fair is organized and held, the main purpose of which is to help both graduates and students choosing a place of future work, and employers in selecting the right candidates. It also contributes to the choice of a workplace and a specialist internship directly at enterprises.

The labor market and its trends are well known within the walls of the Stavropol Regional Multidisciplinary College. Timetable of classesallows students to instill not only professional skills and replenish general educational knowledge, from the first days each of them receives business communication skills through communication between mentors and students, in almost every lesson attention is paid to this. Therefore, at the moment of meeting with a potential employer, the student is already ready for direct contact.

front door
front door


This is one of the most important structural units and the most frequently visited. It is here that students are provided with information support and any literature for the educational process, knowledge is disseminated from here, the ability to communicate both spiritually and intellectually is acquired. Not only students need a library. The main resources of educational, educational, production, methodological and managerial activities are concentrated here, here is the normative instructive documentation, numerous didactic materials.

It's hard to enumerate all the resources that the library has. All information is received promptly. All students, teachers and staff are constantly here, and everyone always has wide access to the extensive collections of the library. There are a number of books available in a single copy. It is allowed to work with individual books only in the reading room, where all conditions are created for this. The area is extensive - 70 readers can study at the same time. Library technologies are constantly evolving, in college they are systematically studied and implemented inpractice.

Methods of obtaining information are becoming more numerous, and here employees keep up with the times. The services provided are always of high quality, despite the fact that there are only two employees in the library. The most modern technologies are used - electronic, but traditional ones are not forgotten. Feedback is never interrupted: sociological studies are carried out, showing the presence of demand, quality and relevance of resources. Changes to work are made immediately. All this makes the library one of the most sought after structural units in the college.
