Sometimes we are unable to convey our emotions if we see something incredible in front of us. Indescribable beauty affects the brain, makes breathing difficult. A person admires something, while receiving positive emotions. But what could it be? Consider further.

Indescribable beauty: what is it?
What can take your breath away? A beautiful melody, song, pleasant words, delight from a job well done, a joyful event or a vision of something beautiful. All this indicates that each of us can change our mood and general state just by looking at beauty or feeling it.
Some psychologist authors in their books claim that the indescribable beauty around cannot affect a person negatively. If a person is in a depressed state, then the first thing to do is to surround yourself with bright colors. Take a vacation and go where you haven't been before: an exotic resort, a mountain tour, an ancient city, a stylish metropolis, and so on. A change of scenery and sights of beauty can heal a depressed state of mind.

What medicine says
The way the human body works is that when it receives some information, it transmits and processes it through the brain. The left lobe is responsible for signals of pleasure. Scientists have long proved that everything that is pleasant to a person has a fabulously positive effect on all physiological processes in his body. The brain sends a signal to the cells, and a person's pulse quickens, the blood circulation process proceeds more actively, the composition of endorphins in the blood increases, and so on.
Outwardly, this is manifested by a slight reddening of the cheeks, an increase in pupils, a surge of positive emotions and a smile on the face. By the way, what is called "shining eyes", when a person is happy or satisfied with something, occurs precisely against the background of this process. Dilated pupils, coupled with redness and a smile, give the face a truly radiant look.

Indescribable beauty: examples
All terms should always be given examples. The concept of "indescribable beauty" means something different for each of us. Depending on the worldview of the individual, his environment, perception, level of intelligence and even age, pictures of the beautiful are perceived in their own way.
For a small child, indescribable beauty can be in the form of a huge children's room with many interesting slides, trampolines and swings. A teenager will find a beautiful girl from a neighboring yard, and he will endow her with this sublime concept. For a person of art, indescribable beauty can lurk in Vincent's self-portrait painting. Van Gogh. But it is unlikely that the image of an artist with a bandaged ear will attract the attention of a person who knows nothing about painting. The latter will not see anything like this even in the famous canvases with sunflowers. The esthete will rejoice at the views of ancient city buildings. And a resident of the metropolis will be happy to admire the beautiful landscapes of wild nature.

General opinion
Indescribable beauty for everyone. But be that as it may, there is some generality in this concept. Everyone will agree that the view of the Himalayan peaks can be called the most beautiful. Indescribable beauty is the landscapes of the Polynesian Islands. These are mirror-clean mountain rivers, in which silvery fish swim. Indescribable beauty is the sight of a rainbow in the sky when the sun comes out after the rain. These are the lavender fields of Provence or the Dutch lands, planted with bright tulips.
Architectural structures of ancient cities, mysterious buildings of the Mayan tribe, Egyptian pyramids. The underwater world of the seas and oceans is also multifaceted and beautiful. The starry sky, space, other planets, visible through the lens of satellite stations, delight. Our children are born of indescribable beauty. Those whom we love are beautiful to us both in soul and body. To all this and much more, the characteristic "indescribable beauty" fits perfectly.