Educational technologies help class teachers solve issues related to the formation of work plans for the school year.
It is hard to imagine the activities of a modern Russian school without extracurricular activities.

Education at school is connected with active work of class teachers. Pedagogical planning, carried out in the process of such activities, has certain functions:
- guide, which is associated with the allocation of areas of activity in planning;
- subject, goals, content of activities, types and directions;
- predictive, consisting in creating a work plan, forecasting results;
- organizational, which enables teachers, thanks to rational and reasonable actions, to receive answers to certain questions during planning;
- reproductive, involving the restoration of the volume and content of the work done after a certain time period.
What is this
The organization of educational work is connected with planning. By it it is customary to mean the joint activity of the class teacher, parents, schoolchildren, aimed at identifying the goals, the content of the educational process in the class team.
The plan of educational work of the class is a model for the development and improvement of relations between members of the class team.

Work planning principles
In order to implement plans, certain educational technologies are needed. Among those principles that are required for successful educational work, we note:
- specificity;
- systematic;
- dialogue;
- continuity;
- scientific;
- individuality.
These principles of educational activity are aimed at analyzing all its constituent components, the relationship between teachers, students, parents.
The system of educational activities involves taking into account individual and collective interests, needs, value orientations of all participants in educational activities.
The main goal of educational work is the development of a harmonious personality capable of adapting to modern society.

Organization of activities
Deputy director for educational work ensures that class teachers not only draw up and submit plans for work with schoolchildren and parents, but also work according to the plans drawn up by themplans.
The specificity of educational activities at school involves an indication in the planning of the main classroom and school-wide activities.
In addition to the list of competitions, festivals, the terms of their holding must be included in the plan of educational work for the year.
Depending on the characteristics of the team, the class teacher selects in his work certain methods and forms of activity that allow to obtain the desired result.
The optimal choice of methods, methods of the teacher's activity is based on three important circumstances of his activity:
- the need to find the best option for the participation of students and their parents in the educational activities of the class, school;
- the result of such work should be ideas about the structure of the life of the class team;
- the class teacher is obliged to choose the optimal form, the structure of the plan of their activities, so that it is easy to use.

The importance of education in school
The main goal of educational work at school is the formation of conditions for self-development and self-improvement of each student. Dialogue between children, parents, teachers enables the class teacher to build trusting relationships, identify certain problems in a timely manner, and look for ways to eliminate them.
The deputy director for educational work is the main ally and assistant of any class teacher, it is his task to coordinate activitiesschool groups with educational organizations, creative institutions.
Federal standards of the second generation impose certain requirements on the organization of educational activities in modern educational institutions. For the tasks set by the Federal State Educational Standard, the class teacher must pay attention to the opinion of each child, take into account the wishes of parents, legal representatives of schoolchildren (guardians), the choice of a range of ways and options for planning life and activities of the class team.

Practical Tips
Currently, environmental education at school is one of the priority activities of the class teacher. It is during extra-curricular trips, joint holidays and events that the younger generation is introduced to nature, the skills of caring for it are formed.
Modern environmental education at school is not limited to talking about the rules of behavior in the forest, it is a comprehensive planning that takes into account various aspects of activity: the formation of he althy lifestyle skills, personal hygiene, psychological comfort.

Working with gifted children
The purpose of the educational work of the class teacher is that the children entrusted to him can develop, show their natural abilities and talents. Of course, it is precisely on how responsibly the teacher treats his functionalduties, the final result of all educational activities directly depends.
All the attempts of the class teacher related to the creation of a unified program of educational activities in the class team are aimed specifically at identifying and developing the creative abilities of the younger generation.
Children who have extraordinary abilities are much more difficult to adapt to everyday life, it is difficult for them to establish relationships with classmates. It is the teacher who should think over such activities in the class that would contribute to the maximum extent to overcoming such barriers, which helped to create a positive mood within the class.
The main goal of educational work is precisely the early detection of giftedness, the creation of optimal conditions for the subsequent development of extraordinary students.
If the teacher manages to find an approach to such students, the giftedness of the child will not be a heavy burden for him, but joy and the desire for new victories and creative achievements.

Fields of activity of the class teacher
Introduction to Russian folk culture is one of the options for organizing extracurricular activities. Planning and holding joint holidays, during which schoolchildren will get acquainted with the traditions of their ancestors, should be provided for. The House of Creativity, which is in almost every Russian city, is a reliable assistant and ally in the work of the class teacher. Psychologists classify gifted children as“risk group”, since it is among them that the percentage of suicide is high. In order to avoid such situations, the planning of the educational program at the school is carried out by teachers, psychologists in joint activities to take into account the age characteristics of schoolchildren.
After the reform of domestic education, the introduction of federal educational standards of the second generation, class teachers have a real opportunity to independently plan their activities in the class team.
Differentiation and individualization of extracurricular activities makes it possible to exclude the averaging of children that existed during the classical Soviet school.
Features of the work of a teacher:
- creating optimal conditions for the development of children in different directions;
- tracking the achievements of pupils;
- the interest of the class teacher in the uniqueness, originality of the child;
- possession of information about family relationships, financial situation.
Education is the process that is designed to manage the development of the individual. The class teacher tries to involve parents, psychologists, and other specialists in the education. By right, education can be considered an art. This is a touch to the inner world of the child, stimulation of his self-development, self-improvement. Psychologists are convinced that a teacher who is engaged in educational activities is the creator of human souls. Giving his warmth, time, strength to the guys, he forever becomes a close and dear person for them. Many children find it easier to talk about their problems to a teacher than to open up to their parents.
The house of creativity, in which various circles and creative studios function, helps the child to reveal his creative potential. And yet, despite the fact that at present, students get a lot of opportunities for self-realization and self-improvement, the school is the place where children spend the maximum amount of their time.
If there is no comfortable microclimate in a class team, there is no question of any self-improvement and self-development.
Among the principles of education that guide a modern class teacher in his work, we single out:
- natural conformity;
- unity of pedagogical and educational process;
- humanism;
- mutual creativity of the teacher and pupils.
As an illustrative example of a modern educational program designed for middle management, we will cite the material "Peace in our home", compiled by Russian teachers. Its purpose is to reveal, reveal, develop the creative individuality of each pupil. The teacher tries to rely on parents in his work, to build his activities on the principles of mutual respect and trust. As an expected result from this educational program, a significant expansion of the horizons of schoolchildren, their comprehension of the cultural values of their people, the formation of a sense of pride in their land, a respectful attitude to the customs and traditions of the family,countries.
The teacher is trying to build a system of his extracurricular activities in such a way that children communicate with each other based on the laws of beauty and goodness.
Among the main areas of work on this educational program, we note:
- studying the characteristics of schoolchildren;
- cohesion and development of a cool team;
- involving parents, representatives of different structures in the work.
The functional and active component of this educational program implies building a connection between the class council, administration, parents, as well as numerous cultural and mass organizations that exist in the city (village).
In the calendar plan, the class teacher includes not only competitions, conferences, trips, tourist gatherings, which he will organize together with members of the parent committee and class assets, but also those events that will be held on the basis of the school, as well as for outside of it. Such a grid is a working plan for a teacher, which he can use for a quarter, half a year, the entire academic year.
In order to plan educational activities, first the class teacher analyzes the individual characteristics of each child, identifies their preferences and interests. Subject to the sequence of actions, taking into account the wishes of not only schoolchildren, but also their parents (legal representatives), the teacher forms a specific program, which will become the basis for developing a full-fledged educational program.
In any education althe institution has a methodical association of class teachers, where each teacher presents his educational program to his colleagues.
It is at the meetings of the methodical associations of class teachers that specific educational plans are adopted (rejected), the individual characteristics of each class team, and the requests of parents are taken into account. The deputy director for educational work is the curator of class teachers, helps them solve issues related to the preparation of thematic plans.
It is under the guidance of the head teacher that class teachers' seminars are being prepared, at which the results of the work for the past academic year are analyzed, and long-term planning for the new year is being drawn up.
It indicates not only specific events, the timing of their holding, but also the ways and forms of participation in competitions, conferences, tournaments of parents and students. Particular attention is paid in terms of educational work to interaction with the school psychologist, conducting numerous diagnostics aimed at identifying problems in classroom groups, identifying ways to resolve them.