Prohibitions are different. Some of them are established by the state, and some we fix in our minds ourselves. Prohibition is a peculiar form of control over a person. We know that if we have broken any rule or law, we will surely be punished. This punishment can be both formal (by the state) and informal, such as torment of conscience.
Let's see what ridiculous laws for us exist in different parts of the world.
North Korea
These bans come from North Korea will shock any European. This harsh country is covered with many myths, only some of which are true.
North Korea's first strange ban is blue jeans. When you put on jeans or see a person wearing them, do you think of capitalism? Not? In this case, you will not be a welcome guest of North Korea. This ban is motivated by the fact that jeans remind people of capitalism.

The second ban of this country is religious literature, and especially the Bible. These booksalso remind citizens of Western culture.
If you're going to Singapore, don't forget to leave your gummies at home. According to the rule, no gum can be bought or sold in Singapore. If you violate this ban, you will receive a large fine for chewing gum on the streets.
Capri, an island in Italy, is a resort among Europeans and Americans. However, if you decide to visit it, then avoid wearing flip-flops. Slippers and sandals that make loud noises are prohibited.
In Poland, in the small town of Tushino, the authorities issued a strange law: a ban on Winnie the Pooh on playgrounds. The ban is explained by the fact that the fairy-tale character is half-naked.
The French commune of Granville bans elephants from the beach. This ban is motivated by a very real story when the circus came to a small town. After the performance, the circus performers, along with the elephants, went to the municipal beach, where the elephants defecated. Naturally, management should have responded to this.

In the Russian city of Chelyabinsk, driving a dirty car is against the law. If you drive a vehicle that is not clean enough, you could be fined around $30.
Italy almost everyone associates with the country of love and romance, but be careful when you kiss your lover here. In Eboli, a city in southern Italy, it is strictly forbidden to kiss intransport. Violating this law could cost you several hundred dollars.
Remember what prohibitions exist in different countries and don't break them.