Cookware in English: tableware

Cookware in English: tableware
Cookware in English: tableware

When studying any foreign language, a person is bound to encounter a large number of unfamiliar words, and he will certainly have to memorize them in order to expand his vocabulary and be able to build more complex sentences. But for some people, memorizing new words causes certain difficulties. To make learning foreign words easier, you can memorize them by category, such as animals, professions, or weather. In this article you will find the most common English words on the topic "dishes". And you can also find some useful tips on how to learn and remember them easier and best.

Crockery in English
Crockery in English

Tableware - tableware

To parse words from this category, first you need to understand how the word "dishes" itself is translated into English.

Dishes, if we mean exactly tableware, most often translated as tableware, but there are other words that are important to be able to distinguish:

  • tableware - tableware (spoons, forks, mugs, plates, what we usually eat from)
  • crockery - earthenware or earthenware;
  • cookware - kitchenwareutensils (such as pots);
  • dishware - dinner sets or tableware;
  • glassware - glassware.

Key words: tableware in English

  • plate - [pleɪt] - plate
  • cup - [kʌp] - cup
  • knife [naɪf] (American) or [nʌɪf] (British) - knife
  • fork - [fɔːrk] (Amer.) or [fɔːk] (Brit.) - fork
  • spoon - [spuːn] - spoon
  • chopsticks - - chopsticks
  • glass - [ɡlæs] (Amer.) or [ɡlɑːs] (Brit.) - glassware, glass, glass, glass, glass (measure of capacity)
  • pan - [pæn] - pan
  • frying pan - - frying pan
  • jug - [dʒʌɡ] - jug
  • teapot - [ˈtiːpɑːt] (Amer.) or [ˈtiːpɒt] (Brit.) - teapot
  • ladle - [ˈleɪdl] (Amer.) or [ˈleɪd(ə)l] (Brit.) - bucket
  • tureen - [tjuˈriːn] - tureen
  • tray - [treɪ] - tray
  • salad bowl - [ˈsæləd boʊl] (Amer.) or [ˈsaləd bəʊl] (Brit.) - salad bowl
  • saucepan - [ˈsɔːspæn] (Amer.) or [ˈsɔːspən] (Brit.) - pan
  • napkin - [ˈnæpkɪn] (Amer.) or [ˈnapkɪn] (Brit.) - napkin
  • coffee-pot - [ˈkɔːfiːˌpɑːt] (Amer.) or [ˈkɒfɪpɒt] (Brit.) - coffee pot
  • sugar bowl - [ˈʃʊɡər boʊl] (Amer.) or [ˈʃʊɡə bəʊl] (Brit.)
  • wineglass - [ˈwaɪn ɡlæs] (Amer.) or [ˈwaɪn ɡlɑːs] (Brit.) - glass, glass, wine glass
  • table-cloth - [ˈˈteɪblklɒθ] - tablecloth
  • thermos - [ˈθɜːrməs] (Amer.) or [ˈθəːmɒs] (Brit.) - thermos
  • teaspoon - [ˈtiːspuːn] - teaspoon
  • tea set - [tiːset]- tea set
  • grater - [ˈɡreɪtər] (Amer.) or [ˈɡreɪtə] (Brit.) - grater
  • baking sheet - [ˈbeɪkɪŋ ʃiːt] - baking sheet
  • oven - [ˈʌvn] (Amer.) or [ˈʌvən] (Brit.) - oven
  • coffee maker - [ˈkɔːf ˈmeɪkər] (Amer.) or [ˈkɒfi ˈmeɪkə] (Brit.) - coffee maker, coffee machine
  • saucer - [ˈsɔːsər] (Amer.) or [ˈsɔːsə] (Brit.) - saucer
Beautiful dining table decoration
Beautiful dining table decoration

How easy is it to remember words about "dishes"?

Learning English words, of course, is not always easy. Especially when you just memorize them. In order to learn and remember them better, many people read books, watch TV series and films in English, make flashcards and periodically repeat newly learned words. To memorize English words on the topic "dishes" as quickly as possible, you can use the following methods.

Some people attach pieces of paper or stickers with their names in English to certain objects. You can do the same in the kitchen: stick stickers on pots, cabinets, oven, or a compartment with spoons and forks. You can also try using the following method: when cooking, try to voice everything you do in English, thereby repeating and naming certain items. For example: "I take out a pan. I take a spoon. I pour juice into a glass." All this will greatly simplify the study of English words and make the whole process much more interesting than just cramming words in a column.
