English proverb. Proverbs in English with translation. English sayings and proverbs

English proverb. Proverbs in English with translation. English sayings and proverbs
English proverb. Proverbs in English with translation. English sayings and proverbs

English is very figurative and well-aimed. In addition, it contains many allusions to various historical events, which over the years have become figurative expressions and sayings. The British love to chat about the weather, adore the Queen, often garden and are not averse to a delicious meal. Therefore, many of their sayings are related to such topics.

Weather expressions

Of course, you should start your acquaintance with English sayings with those related to the weather.

English proverb
English proverb

The Englishman is always ready to discuss rain or sun, and many phrases help him to do this. For example, the English proverb “It never rains, it pours” is reminiscent of the Russian “Trouble does not come alone.” More comforting meaning is hidden in the phrase "All the clouds have silver linings", meaning that each situation has its own advantages. Listing English proverbs about the weather, it is worth mentioning “A little rain must fall into every life”. The most suitable Russian equivalent sounds like "Not everything is Shrovetide for a cat." The proverb "Never mind - this is good for your garden" does not have a suitable expression for translation, which callsstoically treat any troubles, because even in the rain there are pluses. In addition, this expression emphasizes the English love for gardening and growing roses, because it reminds that rain is good for plants.

Proverbs about home

As in any country, in England a lot of attention is paid to home comfort. English sayings and proverbs are often associated with the house. Perhaps the most famous expression sounds like "One's house is a castle." In translation, it means that a person's house is his fortress. The English proverb "East or west, one's home is best" says that home is always cozier. The Russian equivalent of the saying says that walls also help at home. The saying "Walking the street of "By-and-by" you arrive at the house of "Never"" is connected with the figurative understanding of the house, which means that it is almost impossible to achieve much without effort. Literally, this phrase can be translated as follows: along the street "a little bit" you can only get to the house "never".

Phrases about friendship

Of course, the British also care about relationships with other people. English proverbs about friendship and relationships are very interesting and quite accurate. For example, there is a saying “Better to be alone than to be in bad company”, which advises to prefer the loneliness of a bad company. The English proverb “Even reckonings make long friends” advises a reasonable approach to friendships. In translation, it sounds like "Frequent counting prolongs friendship." The equivalents of English proverbs do not always exist in Russian. But the phrase“Before making friends eat a bushel of s alt with them” is fully consistent with the saying about the need to eat a pound of s alt with a friend. Differences are only in the specified measure of weight, which seems necessary to test friendship between the British and Russians.

English proverbs about friendship
English proverbs about friendship

A somewhat pessimistic view of friendship is demonstrated by the proverb “Friend is a thief of time”, according to which friends steal time. Of course, spending time with a friend can not always be called useful, but it brings positive emotions, which is also of considerable importance. A wise idea is in the phrase "Better open enemies than false friends". The translation means that an open enemy is better than a deceitful friend. Another English proverb about friendship says that "Company in distress makes your trouble less" - having friends makes any problem less significant.

English sayings and proverbs about cats

Cats are very loved by the British and are often found in their conversations. For example, the proverb “All cats are gray in the dark” is known in Russian almost verbatim: “In the dark, any cat is gray.” This apt expression notes that at dusk the colors are almost impossible to distinguish.

Proverbs in English with translation
Proverbs in English with translation

Indeed, almost any shade seems exclusively gray. The unanimity of Russians and the British regarding cats is also demonstrated by such an English proverb as “Cats shut their eyes when stealing the cream”, which in translation means that the cat knows who she stole the cream from. Harderthe phrase “Cats in gloves catch no mice” advises to treat work, which corresponds to the well-known proverb about the need for labor to get a fish. The English proverb “Curiosity kills a cat” treats a cat cruelly, but the Russian analogue of this expression writes down in the affected people, reporting that the curious Varvara had her nose torn off at the market. Another well-known phrase sounds like “The scalded cats fear cold water”, which literally means “scalded cats are afraid of cold water”, and the closest equivalent among Russian sayings can be considered the saying “Burned in milk, you blow on water”. Even nervous tension, because of which you sit like on pins and needles, the British associated with cats. The proverb sounds like "Like a cat on hot bricks." In addition, the British believe in a feline sense of humor. When the Russians say "chickens laugh", the inhabitants of foggy Albion will note - "It's enough to make cats laugh".

Proverbs about money

Money issue also did not bypass the British side. On the subject of finance, there are a variety of proverbs and sayings in the English language. For example, "Better be lucky than be rich" is a phrase that says that happiness is better than we alth.

Proverbs and sayings of the English language
Proverbs and sayings of the English language

Another statement is a little more sad and sounds like "Beggars cannot choose", that is, beggars cannot choose. There are other proverbs in English with translation and equivalents. For example, “Saved penny is gained penny”, that is, a saved penny is just like earned. And such a proverb as “You are not poor if you havelittle, but if you desire much”advises you to indulge less in material dreams. Coincides with this idea and another saying, "Money can be a good servant but they are a bad master." Do not put money at the forefront. And the very categorical citizens of foggy Albion can even say that “Muck and money are going together”, which means that the abomination is always next to money. Small earnings, on the contrary, are not considered shameful for an Englishman.

He alth Sayings

When studying English proverbs on topics related to various aspects of life, you should also pay attention to those related to a he althy body and diseases. For example, everyone knows the phrase "In a sound body there's a sound mind". In Russian, she says that a he althy body is distinguished by a he althy mind, which is hard to disagree with.

English proverb equivalents
English proverb equivalents

Giving proverbs in English with translation, one cannot fail to mention “One apple a day is keeping the doctor away”. This phrase notes that one apple a day is enough to forget about visits to the doctor. Another useful tip for maintaining good he alth sounds like "Disease is the interest of pleasures", which literally means "he alth lies in moderation." A similar idea is expressed by the saying "Gluttony killed more men than the sword", or "More people die from immoderate appetite than from the sword." The adage “Good he alth is more important than we alth” advises to value what is acquired with the help of such principles, which rightly notes that he alth is more important than money. The proverb “Drunken days will have their tomorrow”, which means that a drunkard always has a difficult tomorrow, very reasonably recommends giving up drinking. The saying “Drunkenness can reveal what soberness will conceal” has a similar meaning, which has an exact Russian equivalent: a drunk says what a sober one has on his mind.

Honesty Sayings

No less than others worries the British and the question of truth and lies. So, the British believe that the best thing is honesty, which is what the proverb “Honesty is your best policy” says. Be careful with questions so as not to listen to lies, advises the saying, which sounds like "Ask no questions and you'll be told no lies." Deceive less so as not to lose the trust of others - this is the meaning of the proverb, which sounds like "Not that once deceived will always be suspected." But sometimes it’s worth believing in the most incredible, the saying “Truth can be stranger than fiction” suggests, which can be literally translated as “truth is stranger than fiction.” It is quite difficult to make sure that this is the case - the British suggest not to believe your eyes and half of what you hear, too, according to the phrase "Do not believe all that you see and half what you hear." Beware of gossip, because it is not far from lies, advises the proverb "Gossips and lies go hand in hand." According to the British, slander goes hand in hand with deceit.

English proverbs by topic
English proverbs by topic

Love Sayings

There are a lot of proverbs about true feelings. The phrase “Beauty lies in lover's” advises to be wise about appearance.eyes”, because beauty is really more noticeable in a loved one. Forgetting about narcissism suggests the saying "If one is full of himself he is very empty", which literally translates as: "He who is too full of himself is very empty." Do not judge others too harshly, say the British. At the very least, a saying that sounds like “Do not hate at the first harm” suggests not to write a person down as an enemy from the first miss. The dictum “Longer absent, sooner forgotten” speaks of the hardships of relationships at a distance, which has an analogue in Russian - “Out of sight, out of mind.” Love is not a disease, and it cannot be cured, folk wisdom notes. After all, "No herb can cure love", there is no cure for feelings. However, it is unlikely that such a situation seriously saddens at least one Englishman.

Proverbs about work

Hard-working Englishmen are sure that it is better to do than to say. This is literally confirmed by the proverb “Better doing than saying”. But don't be too hard on yourself. This is evidenced by the saying “No living man can all things”, which means that no person can cope with all the things in the world. The proverb “He is lifeless if he is faultless” teaches not to be afraid of mistakes, which means that only the one who does nothing can remain impeccable. Only this way guarantees the complete absence of errors and failures. The British consider it necessary to plan their affairs in advance and be lazy to a minimum, which is also confirmed by the saying “Never put off till tomorrow something you can do today”, which encourages you to do everything that you can not do today.put off for the next day. The proverb “Not everyone can be master” emphasizes that not everyone can be a leader. And the famous Russian proverb about time for business and an hour for fun exactly corresponds to “All work with no play makes Jack a dull boy.”

Literally, this phrase means that a day full of work and devoid of a minute of rest turns Jack into boring boy.

English sayings and proverbs
English sayings and proverbs

Sayings about courage

A common theme of proverbs is a courageous decisive character. The British are sure: "You won't win a fair lady with a faint heart." This means that a cowardly person will not be able to conquer a beauty. In addition, luck accompanies the daredevil, as the proverb “Fortune will favors the brave” assures. The fact that cowardly people often try to harm those who are disliked, ste althily, is reported by folk wisdom in the saying “Not that fears you present hates you absent”: the one who is afraid of your presence hates you behind your back. Finally, the British also know that a non-risk person does not drink champagne, but they express this idea with the phrase "If nothing was ventured, nothing will be gained." It is worth mentioning the statement that has become a national idea: “Keep calm and carry on”. Be strong and do your job - this is the thought with which all the British live, from the queen to the simple worker. This slogan is even used on souvenir products - posters, bags, cups, magnets and notebooks of all kinds of colors and shapes.
