Gnarled is an adjective. It is used in the masculine gender, is the initial form. In this article, you will learn what this word means. Its interpretation will be indicated, supported by example sentences. Let's start clarifying the lexical meaning.
It's worth noting that hardened is an adjective with several interpretations. They can be found in the explanatory dictionary of Efremova.
The one that got tough with dirt or sweat
Those who don't wash their clothes for a long time know exactly what a hardened one is. This is when dirty clothes become stiff and impossible to wear. She is unpleasant to the body.
One more shade of meaning can be distinguished: rough and unpleasant to the touch. This can be said about unkempt skin that has lost its smoothness.

- A pile of dirt-gritted clothes lay on the floor.
- The old man was picking up the last grains that could be found in the closet with his rough hands.
Heartless, rude
Such people do not know pity. Their sense of humanity and participation has completely atrophied. This is aboutpersonal qualities of a person, his ability to sympathize with someone else's grief or show mercy. Here are examples of sentences for the second meaning of the word "hard-nosed":
- Due to the fact that Vasya is so hardened and cruel, no one wants to be friends with him.
- Is a hard-nosed person capable of warm feelings?

Retarded in looks
We should be open to everything new. One cannot blindly believe the views that existed several centuries ago. But some people don't understand this. They are scruffy. This word describes their radical views of the world. They reject everything new and do not even think that their point of view can be wrong.
- What could be worse than a hardened man who seized power?
- One hardened citizen completely denied the possibility of building a new society.
Gnarled is a word with three interpretations. It is important to use it correctly in speech.