Persons in Russian: rule and meaning

Persons in Russian: rule and meaning
Persons in Russian: rule and meaning

Persons in Russian are an important morphological feature of independent parts of speech. Knowing this rule well, you can easily determine the type of one-component sentences, as well as correctly compose word forms.

faces in Russian
faces in Russian

The Russian language is rich in its verbal diversity, but even among such a huge choice there is a foundation, the foundation of the language. This basis is independent parts of speech. The face of a verb in Russian can “teach” how to write complex orthograms of verbs correctly, coordinate them correctly with other parts of speech, and also correctly compose aspect forms. A verb is one of the main independent parts of speech, denoting the “action” of an object performed by someone / something. The main morphological features of the verb include: conjugation, aspect, tense, person. The Russian language in the "chest of knowledge" has two conjugations, which, again, only a good knowledge of faces will help to correctly determine.

So, there are three types of faces in Russian: 1st person, 2nd and 3rd.

Since a person is a sign of a verb that defines “who” or “what” performs an action, it must be determined using pronouns.

First person indicatesthat the narrator himself performs the action (this means that the personal pronoun “I” must be substituted for the verb): I listen, I see. As for the plural, the pronoun “we” is substituted here: we do, we cook.

faces Russian language
faces Russian language

The second person indicates that the action is performed by the interlocutor of the narrator (substitute the pronouns "you" - in the singular, or "you" in the plural): you did, you know, you saw, you worked. It is the knowledge of the second person that helps to determine the conjugation of the verb: for this, the verb must be presented in conjunction with the pronoun “you” and at the end you will already clearly see the 1st or 2nd conjugation (if the verb has the ending ESH, then this is the 1st conjugation, if the ending is YESH, then - II-e).

Persons in Russian have a third form, which indicates the subject of the action. In this case, the pronouns "he/she/it" for the singular and "they" for the plural should be substituted for the verb: they hurry, it shines, he draws, she plays.

Thus, having mastered this rule well, many grammatical and stylistic mistakes can be avoided. Also, knowing this rule helps in determining the type of a one-part simple sentence.

One-part sentences are impersonal, indefinitely personal and definitely personal. The sentences of the first type are characterized by verbs in the initial form (infinitive), as well as impersonal verbs. It is worth noting that a feature of this type of one-part sentence is the expression of the verb in it through the word"no".

In definitely-personal sentences, verbs of the 2nd person are most often found, both in the plural and in the singular.

Indefinitely personal have 3rd person verbs (that is, with the pronoun "someone / they").

face of the verb in Russian
face of the verb in Russian

Persons in Russian are a defining feature of parts of speech. They help to combine words correctly, write their suffixes / endings correctly, and also correctly express your thoughts.
