Water has always acted on a person not only bewitching, but also calming. People came to her and told about their sorrows, in her imperturbable waters they found special peace and harmony. That's why Russia's numerous lakes are so remarkable!
The beauty and charm of the water surface
Calm mirror surface is stagnant water, surrounded on all sides by banks. It is also a place of worship, aesthetic pleasure. What are lakes? They can be deep (sometimes deeper than seas) and shallow, fresh and s alty, large in area and small, of volcanic, tectonic, moraine origin. Their age also differs from each other. There are no ugly or boring ones, the map of the rivers and lakes of Russia shows that there are an infinite number of them, and each of them is beautiful and perfect in its own way.
Surely any traveler who has visited this country at least once, or a resident, will have his favorite or even sacred lake. In any case, their visit is highly recommended. It is worth seeing Baikal or Lake Teletskoye once and you will fall in love with it onceand forever! This is the place of power that fills you with energy after working years, stuffy city air and long social contact. It is important not only to contemplate beauty with reverence, but also to protect it.
Deep abyss of Baikal

What is the deepest lake in Russia? Of course, this is the mysterious and unique Baikal! Every student has heard of him. This is just a magical and unique place with pure, pure water, which always has a deep blue tint. If there is not a cloud in the sky, then the surface of the water becomes just emerald! The deep lake is of high ecological value and is included in the UNESCO list. The water here is fresh, and the depth reaches 1642 meters, which allows it to be compared with the depths of the Arctic Ocean (depth 1220 meters). If suddenly there is no fresh water left, then the deepest lake in Russia will be able to quench the thirst of the population of the whole world for 50 years, as it makes up one fifth of all reserves.
It is considered the oldest lake. Think for yourself - its age is 25 million years! Its depth is due to a large crack in the earth's crust. The continental depression is gradually increasing. Olkhon Island, which stretches for 71 kilometers, remains the largest here. It divides Baikal into Small (eastern part) and Big Sea (western part).
The waters here are crystal clear, so you can see as deep as 40 meters, which allows you to distinguish the local deep-sea inhabitants. The water temperature is usually around +8 degrees Celsius. Baikal is also famousits hot springs. Two large cities that are located near its waters are Irkutsk and Ulan-Ude. Near the calm surface of the lake is not entirely serene. Earthquakes, small and large, happen all the time here.
Pearl of Karelia - Lake Onega

Baikal is the most beautiful place, but there are other lakes in Russia that captivate travelers with their mystery. Onega is one of them. They even began to call it the sea, since it is the second largest in Europe after Ladoga. The length of the lake is 245 kilometers, the greatest depth is 130 meters. Since the time of the distant ice age, many local inhabitants have remained here - fish and amphibians. This place is a storehouse of prey for lovers of fishing. The northern area is ideal for valuable fish species: trout, salmon, sterlet.
Chudskoe lake - the greatness of the dunes
Where is another of the largest and most beautiful lakes? In the northern regions, like most others. Lake Peipsi is located near Latvia and Estonia. It separates these two countries from the Pskov region. The largest length is 90 kilometers and the width is 47 kilometers. The lake is constantly replenished with water from many rivers and large streams. What is remarkable about the shores of Lake Peipus from the north side? They are a continuous chain of dunes that stretch into the distance. Their height is quite impressive - about eight, and in some places all 10 meters. Toward the west the dunes become flatter. The south side is boulders of Finnish granite.
There are alsoan island lost in the brilliant water surface. It is located in the south of the lake and has the name Zhelachek (Mezha). It also has two small villages.

No less interesting for travelers is the western part of Lake Peipsi. The shores in this area have their own unique outlines. Calm bays are combined with steep capes and gently sloping coast. These capes are so high that they reach up to 24 meters. The depth of the lake is 7.5 meters. What is the bottom? It consists mainly of sand, clayey and sandy silt. This is not such a crystal clear body of water as Baikal or the lakes of the Alps, from an aesthetic point of view. Silty precipitation makes the water cloudy. This place also did not go unnoticed by anglers. The vast waters are rich in a variety of fish. There is burbot, pike perch, salmon and others.
Velikaya Ladoga
How beautiful are the names of lakes in Russia! For example, Lake Ladoga, which conquers us with the beauty of the nature of the North and became a savior during the Second World War. The northern shores are dotted with labyrinths of straits. There are even islands and trees growing on them. The bottom relief systematically increases from the south (51 meters) to the north (depth 230 meters).
There are many islands here, which are frozen in the form of sheer bizarre rocks, their height reaches 70 meters. The eastern coast is not as indented as the western coast, where forests and shrubs can be found. Lake Ladoga is fed by the waters of thirty-two rivers. The Neva River flows out of it in a full-flowing stream, the length of which reaches 74 kilometers.

By the way, there is a large number of rainy days here, although the greatest amount of precipitation occurs in the warm season. The winds are quite strong, which leads to unrest on the lake. The waves can be up to four meters high. The water temperature in the warm season is kept at +8 degrees Celsius.
Caspian Sea-Lake

This is not only the largest lake in the world, but also quite deep. Although scientifically it is considered to be the sea. The deep lakes of Russia are mysterious and interesting for the traveler in their own way. In the northern part, the depth is small - only 5 meters. In the middle it is already getting deeper - 20 meters. The southern part of the Caspian Sea is the deepest - it reaches 1025.
This sea or lake is unevenly s alty. In places where the mouths of the river are located, the water is fresher. The water level in the lake is 25 meters below the ocean. On the coast there are such large cities as Baku, Makhachkala. The climate is sharply continental, so there are low temperatures in winter and rather high summers. Large rivers flow into the Caspian Sea: Terek, Ural, Volga.
Chany S alt Lake
There are also s alty lakes in Russia, such as Chany. It is located in the Novosibirsk region and belongs to the drainless ones. The word "vats" in translation from Turkic means "big vessel". Already in October, the lake is covered with ice and thaws only in May. Although its waters warm up to 28 degrees Celsius in summer. The area of the lake always fluctuates and reaches 2000 square meters. Itdoes not differ in great depth - only 2 meters is the average. Along the banks, which are very indented, there are thickets of reeds, reeds, various shrubs and sedges.
What else is remarkable about Lake Chany? Up to 70 islands can be counted on the water surface, some of them are not only large, but also represent amazing landscapes, have a great variety of plants and rare animal species. S alt lakes in Russia are distinguished by varying degrees of salinity. The vats are slightly s alty, as the main food is melted snow. The weather on the lake is a reflection of the continental climate. In winter, snow cover can reach up to 30 cm in height.

For tourists there are many recreation centers, there are corners where you can fish. Those who prefer boating should be careful - there is a storm here very often. Chany is also considered a mysterious, and according to some stories, an anomalous place. There is a legend that there is a strange animal of huge size that harms people and livestock.
Kuril Lake - volcanic beauty
This wonderful creation of nature is located in the very south of the Kamchatka Peninsula and is considered freshwater. The maximum depth reaches 306 meters, so it can be safely attributed to deep water. Some islands that can be found on the surface are peculiar volcanic domes that have risen from the bottom as a result of squeezing magma.
Such lakes in Russia are of particular value, so the Kurilincluded in the UNESCO heritage list. There are even thermal waters, called "Kuril springs". Their temperature reaches 45 degrees Celsius.
Cold impregnability of Lake Taimyr
This unique lake in terms of area can only be compared with Baikal. It is considered the northernmost on the planet. What unusual can a traveler find here? Characterized not only by the cold beauty and grandeur, but also by the fact that here the water is constantly changing its level. The lake is located in the Krasnoyarsk Territory beyond the Arctic Circle on the peninsula of the same name in the tundra.
You can say that the local waters are covered with ice all year round. The greatest depth is 26 meters. The water temperature in the summer does not rise above 8 degrees Celsius, and in winter it drops to zero. The thickness of the ice can reach three meters. Oddly enough, in the waters of Taimyr there are fish - whitefish, whitefish, whitefish, vendace.
Morainic lakes of Russia. Seliger

Forests, swamps, cozy coves - all this is the surrounding area of Lake Seliger. It is located in the Tver and Novgorod regions. The landscapes in this area are predominantly hilly, and in some places plains prevail. Beaches of natural origin contrast with sheer shores covered with coniferous trees. About 160 medium and small islands can be counted on the lake. The surface is covered with ice during the cold season and opens only in May. All lakes in Russia are accompanied by unique vegetation. Seliger grows not only coniferous trees, but also oaks,bird cherry, rowan.
What are moraine lakes in general? These are very picturesque corners of nature, their amazing beauty and unusual origin are simply amazing. The lakes of Russia of the moraine type are the so-called "hollows" or "closed basins", which many years ago appeared as a result of the melting of blocks of ice, therefore they are also commonly called "glacial". They can be found only in the north and northwest of Russia. They rarely differ in large size and depth. Usually their average depth does not exceed 10 meters, the banks are usually heavily indented. The largest of those reservoirs that can be attributed to moraine are Chudsko-Pskovskoye, Seliger, Ilmen, once called the Slovenian Sea among the Slavs.
As we can see, Russia is a lake district that will surely appeal to even the most sophisticated traveler.