Today, more and more often we have to deal with the depreciation of good deeds, evil is becoming the norm. How to distinguish bad deeds from good ones in the conditions of evil propaganda? And most importantly, how to explain to a child that you need to be good and do good?

What is "good"?
We love being praised, don't we? Like how good he is. What makes a good person?
He is the one who does good. Such a person tries to help the people around him, animals and nature. If everything is clear with the first two, then what does nature have to do with it?
For example, we are walking down the street and eating ice cream. We throw a wrapper from it on the asph alt. This is good? The excuse is often that "all the guys did it".
Did the generation born in the 80s hear from their parents: "If everyone jumps off the roof, will you jump too"? Herding is not always good. We must be responsible for our actions, not for a comrade.
Throwing an ice cream wrapper on the ground is bad. Let it be quite small, but still baddeed. Bring to the urn - good. This speaks of the upbringing of a person and his respect for other people. And also about respect for nature.
Good deeds are those that we do for good. From the heart, not because it is necessary.
Sample list of good deeds:
- help parents;
- good study;

- the ability to take care of your appearance;
- ability to help comrades;
- compassion for animals;
- the ability to thank and say hello;
- help others, not necessarily relatives or friends.
What is the difference between good and bad deeds? We will talk about this below.

This is bad
In the language of adults, an act that is bad is an act that violates the generally accepted norms of behavior in society.
Complicated and incomprehensible? Let's explain it more simply: bad deeds are when we offend friends, pets. We are rude to our parents, argue with our grandmother and do not obey the teacher. This is just a small list.
Let's predict what bad things we do every day.
Weekend morning. We sleep in bed, and then the younger sister runs into the room. And we are happy to wake up. We push it back. Little sister falls down and starts crying.
Mom enters, angrily reprimands us that we must not offend the little sister. And we tambourine "why did she come and wake me up".
Just a few minutes, and already two bad deeds. Offended the one who is younger. Andupset mom.
Let's go wash up, all the mirror is splattered. It would seem a trifle. But a bad move. We won’t clean up after ourselves, mom will have to do it. And instead of resting, she has to clean up.
Sit down for breakfast. We ate, left a plate on the table, and, without saying "thank you", went to play. What? Thanks for the food? Why didn't you take your plate away? Let's go back to the kitchen and put it in the sink.
We play or watch TV. And here again the little sister is spinning. Chasing her away instead of playing together or watching cartoons.
They asked us to go to the store. Oh, how we began to resent. I don’t want to go out into the street, let the adults go on their own. Mom still expelled us for bread. The mood is spoiled, we leave the entrance, towards the old woman - a neighbor. We should stop and let her through. But we are resolutely moving forward without slowing down. The elderly woman barely dodges us.
And it was only in a few hours that bad deeds accumulated. Does it make sense to list more? Hardly everyone already understood what was meant.

How to be good?
It's very hard. First you need to love your parents and sister. We love them! Is it? When they love, they don’t push and don’t drive away. What kind of love is it when we offend our little sister or upset our mother?
It's clear that you don't want to play with the little one. She is not interested. And let's try to be patient and try to take the baby. We will see for ourselves that it can be interesting with a little sister.
Or, when mom asks to go get some bread, let's smile at her. What bad deeds hurt mom more than our displeased grumbling? She goes shopping for us and teaches lessons with us. And in general, a lot of things that we don’t see fall on my mother’s shoulders.
Let's start our journey to be good. We will help our mother with pleasure and not offend her with our displeased appearance. With such a seemingly small step, our change begins.
We talked about what good and bad deeds are for children. We tried to convey the information to the smallest readers in an understandable way. The rest is for adults.