In modern educational institutions, thematic holidays are of great importance for the development of the personality of the younger generation. Moreover, they can be not only timed to coincide with important dates, but also be of an individual nature, for example:
- "Children's Day";
- "Linguistics Day";
- math holidays;
- "Jam Day";
- Amateur Gardener's Day.
These events are held with the aim of educating a comprehensively developed personality, as well as to increase the interest of children in a particular field of knowledge. The quality of children's education largely depends on the teacher's desire to work and be useful. Also important is his extraordinary approach to the educational process.

Children are very active now. A holiday in mathematics is an opportunity to let the child express himself from different sides of his development and at the same time contribute to new knowledge.
What is a math holiday for?
As experience shows, the science of mathematics is complex, but it is the knowledge gained in this area that a person needs every day. To themcan be attributed to:
- counting;
- do some math without a piece of paper and a pen;
- the ability to analyze;
- the ability to build logical chains;
- consider different solutions to a particular problem;
- to correctly draw conclusions from the current situations.
And in order for a child to learn all this knowledge, lessons alone are often not enough. Therefore, the educational process provides for mathematical holidays in schools and kindergartens. They teach children to use the acquired knowledge in non-standard situations.
Preschool Math
Mathematical holiday in the preschool educational institution, starting from the senior group, is an assistant to the educational process. It allows educators to achieve the following goals:
- enjoy intellectual games;
- promote the development of children's thinking;
- develop elementary counting skills;
- be able to apply previously acquired knowledge in solving a certain type of problem;
- to develop a desire to take part in games with mathematical content;
- to promote the development of the ability to come to the rescue through the use of games of a mathematical bias.

When preparing a math holiday for preschoolers, you need to remember the following points:
- since the education of children at this age is built on an emotional level, the event should causeguys a lot of positive emotions;
- assignments used during the program must meet the age criteria of the participants;
- the event should be interesting and not too long, as preschool children get tired quickly, especially if their activities are monotonous;
- must be provided for the presence of fairy tale characters who ask children for help or invite them on a trip;
- at the end of the holiday, children should receive gifts or prizes - it can be anything: pens, medals, sweets, chocolate coins.
Using the above rules for preparing the holiday will encourage children to participate in further activities.
Scenario of the holiday in the preschool educational institution
Math holidays in kindergarten require a responsible organization, since one small oversight can lead to the collapse of the whole event. Therefore, you need to think through every little thing. Having a script can help with this. The plan might be:
- The teacher is speaking. He tells the children about the importance of mathematics in life. Gives situations in which one cannot do without knowledge related to science.
- The host conducts competitions among children and parents present. Toddlers solve simple math problems.
- Children show pre-prepared scenes, recite poems.
- At the end of the event, the children, together with the teacher, sing the song “Twice two - four.”
Math holiday in a preschool should last no more than half an hour.
Of course, the key to a successful event in the preschool educational institution is the design of the premises. In this case, you can use balloons (in which there will be tasks for children), numbers, mathematical figures familiar to children.
Besides this, musical accompaniment should be thought out and a person responsible for it should be appointed. This may be the music director of the educational institution (in cases where elements of live music are used) or another educator. In any case, all participants study the script in advance.
Elementary school holiday
Events in elementary school are not much different from holidays in kindergarten. Mathematical holidays are most often held within the framework of the week of elementary school, where each day corresponds to a certain science. Children usually take an active part in this event, because, due to their age development, they are trying to establish themselves in the team due to their success in the educational process.

Assignments should be age-appropriate, but not all of them can be simple, because during the event, teachers are faced with the task of identifying gifted children. This will ensure their further development in the field of this science.
Organizing an event in a primary school
Mathematical holiday in elementary school refers to the events of the whole school plan. Therefore, it is organized jointly by all primary school teachers.
In this case, the script is still important. This is especially true when several classes are involved. The duties of teachers should be strictly distributed and spelled out at the beginning of the scenario (who is responsible for the discipline, and who is on the jury, who is the main host of the event). In this way, unforeseen situations can be avoided.

The scenario of a mathematical holiday should include an educational part. This refers to what the children did not know until that day (for example, what a compass is and why it is needed, or acquaintance with new geometric shapes). The use of this moment allows during the event to expand the horizons of students and create a situation of motivation to study mathematics.
High School Math
Mathematical holidays in secondary school also take place, because children, due to age development, lose interest in studying subjects and personal problems come to the fore.
To maintain interest in the learning process in the secondary school, events are held called "subject weeks". Thematic event allows teachers to use non-traditional construction of the educational process. The following forms help with this:
- quizzes;
- contests;
- game tasks;
- creative projects;
- Olympiad.

Mathematical Olympiads allow children to assess their level of knowledge and identify gaps. Therefore, it is advisable to conduct a school tour of this event with the whole class, but send the best to the district tour.
What should a math event scenario include?
A planned event must have a script. Mathematical holiday program must meet the following criteria:
- be interesting;
- cognitive;
- training;
- entertainment;
- envision the participation of a large number of children.
Furthermore, the scenario should be easy to understand and safe to play moments.

If the event is dedicated to travel, then the names of stations, islands, cities must correspond to the chosen topic (in this case, mathematical). Meetings with interesting people (scientists) should be aimed at motivating the study of the subject.
Since the math event involves brain activity, you should not delay it. Children will get tired and lose interest.
What resources can I use to prepare a math activity?
Preparing a holiday in mathematics is not complete without the use of additional resources. These include:
- guidelines for developing holidays;
- fun math assignments;
- Internet resource;
- experience of innovative teachers;
- Olympiad tasks of past years in mathematics.
There is only one condition. In preparationactivities, it must be remembered that the tasks offered to children must be completed by the teacher himself. Since very often on the Internet, and even in paper media, there are typos, due to which the solution becomes impossible.
All-Russian holiday
In order to motivate children to study the subject of mathematics and in order to guide them to further professional education in the country's universities, since 1990 a holiday of an all-Russian scale has been held. At the very beginning, it was the Moscow Mathematical Festival, which is part of the Olympiad program in this subject.

The event is being prepared by university professors, successful graduate students, teachers in this subject from the best schools in Moscow.
A mathematical holiday is being held at Moscow State University. In 2015, about 5,000 gifted children (grades 6-7) from different parts of Russia took part in the event.
How is the All-Russian holiday of mathematics?
Annual all-Russian mathematical holidays are held in Moscow on one of the February Sundays. Application for participation must be submitted in advance. Children accompanied by teachers or parents must arrive at Moscow State University 15 minutes before the start of the event. They are seated in classrooms, the rules of the game are explained and worksheets are given out. The duration of the event is 120 minutes. After that, there is a break for lunch, and then the teachers explain the solutions to the proposed problems.
At about 14:00, the cultural program for the participants of the event begins,the end of which is the awarding of the winners.
Feedback on Math Holidays
About any thematic holidays, experts always leave positive feedback. Mathematical activities are no exception. Teachers claim that holidays of this nature generate interest in the study of the subject in children.
Educators and parents should help children develop their abilities by offering various participation in competitions, quizzes, thematic events. Guys, in turn, at any age should correctly assess their strength. It is also useful from a psychological point of view. The student becomes more self-confident, strives to gain more knowledge.
Education of a comprehensively developed personality is a long and laborious process, but with its proper organization it is feasible. If you believe the feedback from teachers, preparing a good math holiday is not an easy task. But children and parents always come to the rescue. Together we manage to organize a really bright event.