The beginning of a professional career for modern young people does not begin at the end of grade 11, as many used to believe, but already at the end of grade 9. Having received a certificate at the end of basic education, young people can opt for special vocational training. This article presents the best colleges in Sochi that train specialists in various areas, as well as complete information on how to enroll in these institutions.

What speci alties do colleges teach in Sochi
The city of Sochi is the center of the Krasnodar Territory, and therefore colleges of all directions are concentrated here to train the necessary personnel that would keep all sectors of the economy in working order. Tourism-related speci alties are in high demand:
- Hotel and restaurant service.
- Hotel management.
- Hotel and restaurant business manager.
- Guide.
Also, colleges in Sochi train specialists in modern areas of information technology:
- Programming.
- Web-web design and advertising.
- Developing websites and promoting them online.
Do not forget about working speci alties in the construction and service sectors.
What you need to get into college
Applicants can enter colleges in Sochi after grade 9 - for this they need to submit a package of the following documents:
- passport or equivalent document;
- original certificate, two certified copies must also be made to it;
- certificate from a medical institution (form 086U) complete with vaccination card in form 063;
- photo set - 6 pieces, size 3x4;
- copy of he alth insurance policy;
- Results of the Unified State Exam (depending on the completed class).
In addition to personal documents, the admission committee of the educational institution must fill out an application. The form of such an application is usually available on the website of the educational institution.

From applicants who have chosen distance learning, additional documents will be required:
- marriage certificate (if available),
- extract from the work book, if any,
- certificate of employment, if the applicant already has a job.

The most popular educational institutions in Sochi
If a graduate of the 9th grade has a desire to continue his studies in a specific specialization based on the knowledge gained at school, then he can choose the college he likes in Sochifrom the list provided in this article:
- Kuban Information Technology Center.
- College of Hospitality.
- Economic and technological.
- Polytechnic.
- A branch of the Krasnodar Technical College.
- College of Management.
- College of Multicultural Education.
- Academic College in Sochi.
- Financial and legal.
- College of Arts in Sochi.
There are a wide range of professions in other institutions, such as:
- Social Technical College.
- Professional Lyceum 19.
- Trade and Culinary School No. 76.
- Medical school.
- Fire Safety Training and Production Center.
- Trade and Technology College.
- Vocational College.
Each college, technical school or school is ready to provide applicants with a wide material and technical base for professional training in their chosen speci alty. Graduates of these colleges receive state diplomas that are valid throughout the country.