Among the writing assignments, one of the most popular types of essays given at school is the essay. This type of prose has a number of significant advantages. An essay is a kind of prose writing, which involves the disclosure of the author's view of the phenomenon under consideration in a relatively concise form. We need to consider the essay requirements. But this cannot be done without considering the main features of this genre.

Essay Benefits
Essay is a very convenient essay option for both the teacher and the student. Let's look at the main advantages that it has over other types of texts.
- Size. This is a clear advantage. Not always a large amount of information is really saturated. It is necessary to observe a measure between the density of presentation of what is important in the text and its volume. and essaydoes an excellent job of this. Moreover, students do not need to strain and can devote more time to rest. The same goes for teachers. Checking a dozen large papers is much harder than an essay.
- Space for creativity. This advantage applies primarily to students. The ability to create is an undoubted advantage of the authors of the essay. The writing requirements are rather weak, so the student can fully enjoy the opportunity to speak.
- The ability to confidently argue your position. Yes, when writing an essay, writing skills are trained. But even this will help to talk the human speech apparatus. Albeit slightly. As for the preparation of speeches, the ability to write in the first person will be very useful there.
Of course, there are more benefits. We have only covered the main ones. But it will be possible to realize them only if you follow the correct writing of the essay. But the requirements that allow you to do this will be listed right now.

Essay properties
Essay is a unique type of work, which literary critics often put on a par with epic, lyrics and drama - the main types of literary texts. In order to understand the requirements for an essay, it is necessary to analyze its properties. These are the main features that define this genre.
- Conciseness. An essay is a piece of very small volume. Therefore, you should try not to spread your thoughts along the tree, but to state the information clearly and clearly.
- Author's opinion. Essay notclaims to be scientific or absolute truth. It is important to understand that in such works only the author's opinion is expressed. Accordingly, such a work is written, as a rule, in the first person.
- Essays often use constructions like "in my humble opinion", "I believe" and others.
- The kind of works like this is contemplation.
- Style - journalistic. This means that it is necessary to normalize the presence of artistic turns. However, elements of other styles are allowed, as the essay form is quite free.
It is thanks to the free form of such works that there is a wide scope for creativity. This becomes the reason why, of all essays, they like writing essays the most. The fact that such works are short adds to the pleasure.

In what cases is it necessary to write such texts?
Requirements for an essay are quite simple. Accordingly, cases when such essays are given to schoolchildren are also quite common.
- When you need to formulate your opinion on some classic work. The requirements for an essay in literature include the presence of quotes in the essay that confirm the thoughts of the author, as well as the ability to work with literature.
- When it becomes necessary to test students' knowledge of historical events. Only a person who is well versed in a particular topic can formulate his opinion and argue it. Sothat the text on history is also written.
- Optional subjects may include an essay as one of the homework options. For example, philosophy is taught in some schools. Accordingly, the text should include the author's opinion regarding the views of a particular author, as is the case with literature. Only here it is easier, since philosophy is a relative science. More important is not actual knowledge of the material, but the ability to argue one's point of view.
We will start from the requirements of the literature. Although this division is rather arbitrary. The requirements for this genre are still more universal and apply to all areas of writing works belonging to it.

Essay Requirements: Structure
We have considered the basic rules by which this genre should be built. This is the style of writing and the person from which it should be built, and so on. And now let's proceed in more detail to such an important point of any work as structure. In general, the text can be written by absolutely anyone. But it is desirable to follow this order of presentation.
- Relevance of the problem. For example, if you were told to write an essay on the topic of love, then you need to explain why this issue is so important now. The opinion must be clearly argued.
- Thesis. You need to clearly articulate the thesis that you want to either approve or refute.
- Explanation of the essence of this thesis.
- Personal attitude towards him.
- Output.
This structurevery simple. Writing an essay on it is a pleasure. And now we need to consider another important issue.

Essay requirements
Although it is important, there is nothing complicated about it. Essay requirements are very simple:
- Size - no more than one A4 sheet.
- Font - 14 with one and a half spacing.
- Text alignment - justified.
That's it, the design is quite simple. However, each school has its own requirements. And this is important to understand.
Although the rules for formatting and writing an essay listed here are universal, it is important to remember one detail. Each teacher puts his own idea of this concept. It even happened that the teacher by "essay" meant a 14-page abstract. And when the whole class handed over the work to him in one sheet, he was very surprised and offended. It seemed to him that he was not respected, since they treated him so carelessly. This is food for thought for both teachers and students.