Let's look at the basics of design. The methods used in it depend on the specifics of the created drawings.
Architectural design
It represents the creation of a prototype of a future non-residential or residential building. Professionals call the prototype of this object an architectural project. Working on it is a laborious and lengthy process. Building design involves the development of technical and design documentation, the performance of numerous mathematical calculations, the preparation of engineering calculations, estimates and schedules, as well as the writing of various descriptions and explanatory notes. These requirements are suitable for all types of construction and engineering work. The design of buildings involves the implementation of such operations in order to obtain the desired result after the completion of construction work.
Specific project work
All project activities, the thought process of creating the structure and image of the future building must be recorded in the form of images. The design of structures is currently impossible without the use of automated technology, electronic and computing machines, and graphic layouts. In addition, professionalspay attention to the creation of layouts of developed houses and office space.

Drawing features
The drawing method, actively used in the modern construction industry, is based on a conditional representation of objects and space on a plane using the basics of descriptive geometry. Its specificity is that the analytical process of reviewing the design assignment, as well as the creative intrigues of the ideas of the future building, the technical part of the project, are necessarily accompanied by graphic drawings, tables, texts, diagrams, sketches. Each design stage has its own graphic techniques.
Graphic projects
It has certain design stages. This technique is used to create industrial enterprises, architectural objects, and indoor planning. What are the objectives of such a design? With it, you can get smaller copies of future large buildings without using complex tools and equipment. Design methods such as graphic sketches are available to all technically competent specialists. The range of drawings varies from a large microdistrict to the smallest details of structures and buildings. It is graphics that has become an international language in the implementation of projects in various fields of human activity. If we consider the basic design methods, then it is the drawings that have become the main tools for the work of engineers and builders. They have been successfully introduced into the design practice of industrial organizations.
Model-layout technique
The layout of the model, which takes into account all the structural features of the project being created, requires a serious and long-term work of a whole team of engineers. Considering many different options, choose the only correct version. Moreover, the scale of the model is chosen depending on which particular points should be highlighted by the developers. Modeling helps to solve various problems at the stage of theoretical development of the building, to avoid problems in the process of transferring them to real construction works.

Layout-graphic method
Practice shows that if it is necessary to solve modern construction problems, an integrated approach is important. It fully satisfies the creative process of architectural design in the modern construction industry. Design technology involves a rational combination of graphic and artistic skills with compositional thinking, large-scale modeling. In addition, civil engineers also use the volumetric method. It helps to analyze the specifics of the created drawings, purpose, and also to carry out the necessary calculations.
Sketch method
Such design methods are required when searching for a three-dimensional layout and image, as well as when performing work on a large scale. The use of high-quality artistic study of all the nuances of the model, maintaining proportions, guarantees the perfect reproduction of the future architectural structure. Layout-graphic technique, which includes a volumetric method,spatial modeling is a versatile weapon in the architectural design of industrial facilities.

Photo and film design
These modern technologies have opened up huge opportunities for architects to analyze the building model being created by simulating the existence of people in the space of the proposed building. Thanks to design, modern architects create perfect compositions, reduce the likelihood of errors that occur when transferring a “paper project” into reality. The laws of mathematics, logic, office equipment, automated machines simplify the procedure for preparing documentation, speed up the design of office buildings and domestic facilities.
Systems and design methods involve processing a large amount of information, so it is important to find additional resources in order to optimize the process, meet the requirements dictated by a rapidly changing society.
All methods used in modern construction are based on design activities. They are impossible without the use of modern electronic means and automated technology. When developing master plans, working out the number of storeys of buildings, performing calculations, architects actively use IR technologies.

Design challenge
The desired method is aimed at developing projects based on the optimal summation of aesthetic, social, scientific, technical, natural, building and other conditions within order to obtain ready-made and correct solutions. With the help of automation and modeling on electronic machines of the latest generation, it is possible to support the processes of systematization, accumulation, and processing of the flow of information. Design involves an analytical comparison of ready-made options with programmed parameters and the choice of the best solution, its technical and graphic fixation, as well as obtaining the required amount of project documentation. Phototelegraph equipment, movie cameras, holographic devices, memory devices, copy centers, control panels have become integral parts in the creation of building and office space projects. All these elements are accelerating tools in the work of any designer.
Features of architectural graphics
It is a fine art movement that embraces the creative process of images and ideas in design with architectural design. A detailed development of a plan for the future structure is carried out in a drawing with a certain scale. For this, certain designations of pylons, walls, foundations, columns, marks for the location of doors and windows are used. The general plan shows the location of an ensemble of structures or a separate building in a certain area with the location of the cardinal points. The architectural drawing is interconnected with mathematical calculations and indications of the real dimensions of the building being created, it demonstrates the ratio of its components. At present, it is planned to divide architectural graphics into digital and classical. In classicalgraphics are used as the main tools such items as paints, pencils, paper. Digital graphics is impossible without the use of modern computing systems.

Design sequence
This creative process is carried out in our country according to certain state standards and norms in various sectors of the economy. Development of project documentation is carried out at the following stages:
- development of draft design;
- working out the material;
- execution of working documentation;
- approval of the finished project.
Let's consider the design stages. At the first stage, it is not supposed to coordinate the materials with the executive authorities, state supervision. Professionals consider the nuances of the sketch to be the thinking through of the main details of the future object before the final decision is made on its implementation in real construction.
With the help of a draft design, the following problems are solved:
- urban planning justification for the location of a new construction site on the ground;
- demonstration of the internal layout and appearance of the object being created;
- identifying the attractiveness of the project from the point of view of investors;
- determination of historical, cultural, urban planning, sanitary and environmental requirements.

The draft design has an explanatory note, a situational plan with nearby territories,master plan, floor plans, transport schemes, facades, sections with special "layers", options for volumetric and color solutions of facades, photomontage, 3D visualization.
Design Features
This technique is used not only in the construction industry, but also in the organizational structure of management. It consists in choosing the optimal variant of the organization in the production of management, which will increase the efficiency of personnel, increase the volume of products. The risk in the management aspect is defined as the level of uncertainty in predicting the result. It is always associated with the choice of alternatives and the calculation of the probability of the result obtained for each individual alternative.
Designing structures in a production and economic organization is considered as a complex object, including economic, administrative, organizational, informational, economic interactions that are amenable to direct study and rational design, as well as socio-psychological relationships and characteristics. They are directly related to the level of qualifications and abilities of employees, leadership style, attitude to their official duties. The peculiarity of the problem of designing the structure of organizational management lies in the fact that it should not be adequately presented in the form of a problem of formal selection of the ideal variant of the organizational structure according to the formulated, mathematically substantiated criterion of optimality. The problem involves several criteria at once, therefore, to solve itcombine the scientific methods of modern analysis, modeling, evaluation of organizational systems with the functioning of a leader, expert and specialist in the selection and evaluation of ideal options for organizational solutions.

Organizational design involves a consistent approach to the model of the optimal management structure, in which design methods play an auxiliary role in evaluating, considering, adopting the most effective ways of organizational decisions for implementation. Management structures are being designed based on methods that complement each other:
- analogies;
- structuring;
- expert-analytical approach;
- organizational modeling.
The analogy method consists in using management mechanisms and organizational forms that have justified themselves in companies with similar organizational parameters, namely goals, sizes, in comparison with the projected organization. The methodology of analogies includes the development of standard methods for managing industrial and economic organizations. What are the design goals? The analogy method is applied on the basis of two approaches that complement each other. The first is to identify certain values and patterns of change in the main organizations of control mechanisms that will be effective under certain initial conditions. The second position involves a set of general decisions about the relationship and nature of individual levels of management and positions withtaking into account the activities of the organization, the direction of its activities, as well as the creation of special regulatory parameters for the management apparatus for organizations of this type.
Expert-analytical method involves a survey and detailed study of the company. For this, qualified specialists are involved, and the selection of design tools depends on their conclusion.
Any human activity is closely related to the use of design technologies. In addition to the construction industry, the design methodology is widely used in educational institutions. Individual entrepreneurs who start their own production, first carefully study the theoretical foundations of design in order to increase the efficiency of the company, minimize unnecessary costs, and reduce the cost of products. Any action, during which it is possible to develop a new interesting business, is called project technology. The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation has developed educational standards of the second generation, in which project methods are a prerequisite for the formation of a harmoniously developed personality.