Designing a bibliographic list of references, though not the most important, but very important step in writing any scientific work. To do it right and avoid any mistakes, you need to follow a number of simple rules. What? Let's learn about them, and also consider the nuances associated with the typology of the components of the bibliographic list.
Which list is called "bibliographic"
This is the name of a systematic list of references that served as the basis for writing a scientific or research paper.

Its compilation is important because it is the actual confirmation that the abstract, term paper or dissertation is based on real data. And they are not entirely the fruit of the imagination of their creator, which would be appropriate for artistic work, but not for scientific work.
In addition, the work on the bibliographic list of references is evidence of the fundamentalresearch by the author of the study of the issue under study. Therefore, the more such a list, the better.

The entries in such a list are often associated with bibliographic references. However, these are slightly different concepts. References are used to point to parts of publications cited. Bibliographic entries, on the other hand, refer to the entire book or article and are never placed in the text or as footnotes at the bottom. They are always collected at the end of the work in one common titled list.
Typology of sources
When writing a certain opus, its author can draw inspiration not only from books, but also from other literature. Depending on its type, the following variants of sources for the bibliographic list are distinguished:

- Books. It can be both works of one author, and groups of persons. In addition, this includes dictionaries, encyclopedias, multi-volume books, yearbooks, collections and more.
- Legislative acts.
- Electronic resources.
- Articles from periodicals.
Source order
When drawing up a bibliographic list, the rules require a clear sequence of placing entries in it, according to their typology.
- Laws.
- Books.
- Articles.
- Local electronic sources (discs).
- Remote web resources.
Please note that sources in a foreign language are listed after all Russian ones.
Powhat principle should sources be located
In addition to typology, all entries in a correct bibliographic list should be systematized according to one of the following principles.
- Alphabetically. This order is most popular both on its own and in combination with others. According to this principle, the initial letters in the names of the authors are taken into account. If there are several publications of the same author in the bibliographic list, they are alphabetized by the initial letters of the titles.
- By years. This is the so-called "chronological principle". Inherent for scientific work in history and related disciplines. Its essence is that all records about the sources used are arranged according to the year of their publication. The purpose of such a principle is to show the development of views on a particular issue under study. If there are several books or articles dated by the same year in such a bibliographic list, they are systematized alphabetically.
- On topics. This method, in which all sources are placed on mini-lists, according to their subject matter. Within each such block, they are sorted alphabetically or chronologically.
- Chapter by chapter. In this case, all sources are systematized according to the chapters of scientific work, which are written on the basis of the information contained in them.
To achieve the globalization of the scientific process, uniform rules have been adopted around the world indicating how the list of sources should be organized. It is they who should tell every scientist or student in the world how to draw upbibliographic list of references.
Based on these rules, each state creates its own standards. In the main they are the same, but may differ in minor details. For example, when making a record about a web resource in the Russian Federation, "Access mode" is used. In Europe, it is being replaced by a more advanced digital object identifier (doi). At the same time, in both cases, the data indicates the location on the Internet of the source of information (website, web page).
Today, for the Russian Federation, when compiling a list of applied literature, several state standards are used.
- For the bibliographic list - GOST 7.1-2003 No. 332-st.
- GOST 7.82 - 2001 applies to local and remote electronic sources.
- There is also a more modern GOST R 7.0.5–2008. It is designed specifically for publishers and librarians. It also contains rules for the design of the list of references. However, they specialize not so much in compiling entries in lists as in bibliographic references.
Options for the title of the list of sources
Before you start compiling, you need to come up with a title. For any bibliographic list, GOST allows you to choose a more or less free name. But, within reason, not just a "Bibliography", but something more specific. It is best when the title will indicate the nature of the sources contained. Three variants are common.
- "List of references". This wording should appear in the title ifthe list contains only literature that was analyzed in the work or quotations were taken from it.
- "List of used literature and sources". If real documents appeared in the work, which in fact are sources.
- If the list contains all books, articles and documents (that were analyzed by its creator, but not necessarily included in the finished work), only "literature" can appear in its title, without the word "used".
Designing a bibliographic list according to GOST: the main algorithm
Depending on the type of source, the recording method may differ slightly. At the same time, the main design principle for all components of the list is the same.
Schematically, it looks like this:
Writer, O. W. A book about something [Source type] / O. W. Writer. - Gdeotpechatsk: Publishing House, 2018. - 123 p.
Based on this example, you can understand the basic algorithm for writing a reference in a bibliographic list.
- Author's last name, "comma" initials.
- Source type. Sometimes [Tex] or [Electronic resource], "slash".
- Responsibility information. The initials and surname of the creator/creators, "dot", "dash" are indicated here.
- Name of the city where the book was published. If it is Moscow, it is allowed to abbreviate it to "M" (not Moriarty), "colon" name of the publisher, "comma", year, "dot", "dash", number of pages, "s", "dot".
Multiple Authors
Working with scientific literature, one often has to deal with the fact that not one writer, but a whole team worked on the same book. Depending on their number, the way of writing this source is also different.
Let's consider the example of the same "Book about something" by O. W. Writer.
- If there are two or three authors, the names of the second and third are indicated only in the statement of responsibility (after the title). For example: Writer, O. W. A book about something [Text] / O. W. Writer, Z. P. Thinker. - Gdeotpechatsk: Publishing House, 2018. - 321 p.
- When a book has four or more authors, the title is written first, followed by the responsibility. Please note: when there are more than four creators, [and others] are indicated instead of the surnames of the rest. It is allowed to abbreviate all surnames except the first one. However, this is a bit contrary to GOST. A book about something [Text] / O. U. Writer, Z. P. Thinker, P. Z. Doer [and others] - Gdeotpechatsk: Publishing House, 2018. - 123 p.
Translation books
Quite often you have to deal with literature translated from another language. In this case, the link must contain not only information about the author, but also about the translator and the original language.
Consider another schematic example.
Plyushkin, V. A. Bagels as a symbol of the infinity of the Universe [Text] / V. A. Plyushkin; per. from English. N. V. Chaikina - Print-grad: Publishing house, 1998. - 456 p.
In the case of multiple authors, the formatting algorithm is similar to that specified in the previous paragraph. Just after the list of responsible persons, a "semicolon" is put and it is written about the person who made the transfer.
Bagels as a symbol of the infinity of the Universe [Text] / V. A. Plyushkin, A. V. Pirozhkov, M. S. Tortikov; per. from English. N. V. Chaikina - Print-gradsk: Publishing House, 1998. - 789 p.
If more people worked on the translation, their number is reduced in the same way as with the authors.
Bagels as a symbol of the infinity of the Universe [Text] / V. A. Plyushkin, A. V. Pirozhkov, M. S. Tortikov [and others]; per. from English. N. V. Chaikin, A. P. Kofeinikov, O. V. Konyakovsky [and others] - Print-grad: Publishing House, 1998. - 456 p.
Multi-volume editions
The method of designing sources consisting of several books is slightly different. Data on the number of volumes and the name of this particular volume are added to the title.
For example: Writer, O. W. Complete works in 20 volumes. T. 3 A book about something [Text] / O. W. Writer. - Gdeotpechatsk: Publishing House, 2018. - 321 p.
Recording the number of authors is governed by the same principle as always.
The main distinguishing feature of the record of such a link is that it is like an onion with its layers. The first layer is data about the article itself, the second - about the periodical in which it was published.
For example: Writer, O. W. An article about something [Text]// Entertaining periodicals. - Gdeotpechatsk: Publishing House, 2018. - No. 19. - P. 12-33
If the article is translated, information about the translator is added to this "onion".
Writer, O. U. An article about something [Text]; per. from English. N. V. Kuzkina, P. S. Voloshkevich, A. Sh. Maksimov [et al.]// Smart magazine. - Gdepechatsk: Publishing House, 2015. - No. 33. - P. 10-33
When recording any legal act as a source, one should adhere to the following principles:

- Title [Text] or [Electronic resource]. After it "colon".
- Information about the date of acceptance of the document. After - "two slashes".
- Data about the title of the publication, year of publication. The dot, dash, and C. (page) indication through a dash of the pages on which the data about the article is located.
Consider as an example a GOST sample for a bibliographic list, as well as others. After all, being a state standard, it also belongs to the category of regulatory documents.

Electronic resources
If, when compiling a bibliographic list, you need to indicate data about information taken from the Internet, their record has some differences. Please note: you cannot just take and indicate a link to a site or web page. This is a gross mistake.

The correct algorithm for recording an Internet source looks like this:
- Surname and initials of the author.
- Name of article or website.
- [Electronic resource], "slash".
- Responsibility data. And it can be not onlythe author, but also the name of the institution on whose website the article was published.
- Publication date information (if available).
- "Access Mode", aka URL, aka email address.
- Date of circulation: day, "dot", month "dot", year, "dot". The day when the information from the source was read by the user is indicated. Since over time, it can change, like the site itself.
For example, there is a certain article dedicated to the recently deceased cult illustrator "Marvel" - Stan Lee. Using her example, let's consider how the source should be formatted:
Landar E. Remembering Stan Lee: fans create touching art in honor of their idol [Electronic resource]. Access mode: of access: 2018-23-11)
Besides remote sources, there are local ones (disks). Writing them as a link is much closer to the book.
For example: Writer, O. W. A book about something [Electronic resource] / O. W. Writer. - Electronic data. - Gdepechatsk: Publishing House, 2016. - CD
Finish with a few examples of how to properly list references.

And this is an example of a bibliographic list. You can also familiarize yourself with its design.

And one more. Follow all the rules and then you won't have any problems. The main thing is to savesequence.

After learning how to properly compile a bibliographic list, start trying it yourself and believe: you will definitely succeed!