The fruits of scientific and technological progress do not always find their concrete practical expression immediately after the preparation of the theoretical basis. This happened with laser technology, the possibilities of which have not been fully disclosed so far. The theory of optical quantum generators, on the basis of which the concept of devices emitting electromagnetic radiation was created, was partially mastered due to the optimization of laser technology. However, experts note that the potential of optical radiation can become the basis for a number of discoveries in the future.
The principle of operation of the device

In this case, a quantum generator is understood as a laser device operating in the optical range under conditions of stimulated monochromatic, electromagnetic or coherent radiation. The very origin of the word laser in translation indicates the effect of light stimulated emission. To date, there are several concepts for the implementation of a laser device, due to the ambiguity of the principles of operation of an optical quantum generator in different conditions.
The key difference is the principle of interaction of laser radiation with the target substance. In the process of radiation, energy is supplied in certain portions (quanta), which makes it possible to control the nature of the effect of the emitter on the working medium or material of the target object. Among the basic parameters that allow you to adjust the levels of electrochemical and optical effects of the laser, focusing, the degree of flux concentration, wavelength, directionality, etc. are distinguished. In some technological processes, the time mode of radiation also plays a role - for example, pulses can have a duration of a fraction seconds to tens of femtoseconds with intervals ranging from a moment to several years.
Synergic laser structure
At the dawn of the formation of the concept of an optical laser, the system of quantum radiation in physical terms was commonly understood as a form of self-organization of several energy components. Thus, the concept of synergetics was formed, which made it possible to formulate the main properties and stages of the evolutionary development of the laser. Regardless of the type and principle of operation of the laser, the key factor in its action is going beyond the equilibrium of light atoms, when the system becomes unstable and at the same time open.
Deviations in the spatial symmetry of the radiation create conditions for the appearance of a pulsedflow. After reaching a certain value of pumping (deviation), the optical quantum generator of coherent radiation becomes controllable and transforms into an ordered dissipative structure with elements of a self-organizing system. Under certain conditions, the device can operate in the pulsed radiation mode cyclically, and its changes will lead to chaotic pulsations.
Laser working components

Now it is worth moving from the principle of operation to specific physical and technical conditions in which a laser system with certain characteristics operates. The most important, from the point of view of the performance of optical quantum generators, is the active medium. From it, in particular, depends on the intensity of the amplification of the flow, the properties of the feedback and the optical signal as a whole. For example, radiation can occur in a gas mixture that most laser devices today operate on.
The next component is represented by an energy source. With its help, conditions are created to maintain the inversion of the population of atoms of the active medium. If we draw an analogy with a synergistic structure, then it is the energy source that will act as a kind of factor in the deviation of light from the normal state. The more powerful the support, the higher the pumping of the system and the more effective the laser effect. The third component of the working infrastructure is the resonator, which provides multiple radiation as it passes through the working environment. The same component contributes to the output of optical radiation in a usefulspectrum.
He-Ne laser device

The most common form factor of a modern laser, the structural basis of which is a gas discharge tube, optical resonator mirrors and an electric power supply. As a working medium (tube filler) a mixture of helium and neon is used, as the name implies. The tube itself is made of quartz glass. The thickness of standard cylindrical structures varies from 4 to 15 mm, and the length varies from 5 cm to 3 m. At the ends of the pipes, they are closed with flat glasses with a slight slope, which ensures a sufficient level of laser polarization.
An optical quantum generator based on a helium-neon mixture has a small spectral width of emission bands of the order of 1.5 GHz. This characteristic provides a number of operational advantages, causing the success of the device in interferometry, visual information readers, spectroscopy, etc.
Semiconductor laser device
The place of the working medium in such devices is occupied by a semiconductor, which is based on crystalline elements in the form of impurities with atoms of a tri- or pentavalent chemical (silicon, indium). In terms of conductivity, this laser stands between dielectrics and full-fledged conductors. The difference in working qualities passes through the parameters of temperature values, the concentration of impurities and the nature of the physical impact on the target material. In this case, the energy source of pumping can be electricity,magnetic radiation or electron beam.
The device of an optical semiconductor quantum generator often uses a powerful LED made of a solid material, which can accumulate large amounts of energy. Another thing is that work under conditions of increased electrical and mechanical loads quickly leads to wear of working elements.

Dye laser device
This type of optical generators laid the foundation for the formation of a new direction in laser technology, operating with a pulse duration of up to picoseconds. This became possible due to the use of organic dyes as an active medium, but another laser, usually an argon one, should perform the pumping functions.
As for the design of optical quantum generators on dyes, a special base in the form of a cuvette is used to provide ultrashort pulses, where vacuum conditions are formed. Models with a ring resonator in such an environment allow pumping liquid dye at speeds up to 10 m/s.

Features of fiber optic emitters
A type of laser device in which the functions of a resonator are performed by an optical fiber. From the point of view of operating properties, this generator is the most productive in terms of the volume of optical radiation. And this despite the fact that the design of the device has a very modest size compared to other types of lasers.
KThe features of optical quantum generators of this kind also include versatility in terms of the possibilities of connecting pump sources. Usually, whole groups of optical waveguides are used for this, which are combined into modules with an active substance, which also contributes to the structural and functional optimization of the device.
Implementation of the management system

The basis of most devices is an electrical basis, due to which energy pumping is provided directly or indirectly. In the simplest systems, through this power supply system, power indicators are monitored that affect the intensity of radiation within a certain optical range.
Professional quantum generators also contain a developed optical infrastructure for flow control. Through such modules, in particular, the direction of the nozzle, the power and length of the pulse, frequency, temperature and other operational characteristics are controlled.
Fields of application of lasers
Although optical generators are still devices with not yet fully disclosed capabilities, today it is difficult to name an area where they would not be used. The most valuable practical effect they gave the industry as a highly efficient tool for cutting solid materials at minimal cost.
Optical quantum generators are also widely used in medical methods in relation to eye microsurgery and cosmetology. For example, a universal laserso-called bloodless scalpels have become an instrument in medicine, allowing not only to dissect, but also to connect biological tissues.

Today, there are several promising directions in the development of optical radiation generators. The most popular ones include layer-by-layer synthesis technology, 3D modeling, the concept of combining with robotics (laser trackers), etc. In each case, it is assumed that optical quantum generators will have their own special application - from surface processing of materials and ultra-fast creation of composite products to fire extinguishing by means of radiation.
Obviously, more complex tasks will require increasing the power of laser technology, as a result of which the threshold of its danger will also be increased. If today the main reason for ensuring safety when working with such equipment is its harmful effect on the eyes, then in the future we can talk about special protection of materials and objects near which the use of equipment is organized.