Most children, having barely learned to eat on their own, begin to hear a new word from their beloved parents: “neatly”. However, it is much later that they really realize its meaning, let alone act accordingly. And some, even as adults, remain unable to acquire this cherished quality - accuracy. Meanwhile, there are many professions in which there is simply nothing to do without him. What are these speci alties and in general - where did the word "accuracy" come from and what does it mean?
Origin of the term
Like many other tricky words, this one also came into Russian from Latin. The term "accuracy" comes from accūrātus, which, translated from the language of the proud Romans, means "thoroughness, meticulousness, diligent execution and thoughtfulness."
In Russian, this word began to be widely used in the 18th century with the coming to power of Peter I. Probably trying to deducecountry to the European level and trying with all his might to eradicate laxity, the king began to popularize this term in order to accustom his subjects to discipline and conscientiousness.
This term has several meanings. In a broad sense, neatness is a human trait that manifests itself in the love of this individual for order, cleanliness.
Also, this word denotes the ability of a person to do his work carefully and in a timely manner, as well as to be attentive to everything he does.

Derived from this term, the adjective "neat" often characterizes an object or person as something beautiful and admirable (neat handwriting, neat hairstyle).
Antonyms and synonyms
To better understand the meaning of this character trait, it is worth knowing its synonyms and antonyms. So, terms that have a similar meaning to the word "neatness" are cleanliness and neatness. The above expressions are synonymous when it comes to hygiene.

But accuracy in work has other synonyms: scrupulousness, thoroughness, meticulousness, conscientiousness, diligence, punctuality, and scrupulousness.
The number of antonyms for this term is huge. Here are just the most famous of them: carelessness, negligence, negligence, dishonesty, inaccuracy, negligence.
Accuracy as a quality of character
As for accuracy as a personalcharacter traits - it is irreplaceable and very important for everyone. Unlike an ear for music, a talent for drawing or writing poetry, this quality is not innate and is not due to a genetic predisposition.

Accuracy is the fruit of proper upbringing (by parents in childhood) or self-education (by the individual himself at a conscious age). For this reason, the sooner parents begin to instill in their child the habit of keeping their own neatness, the more likely it is for him to grow up to be a neat person.
Unfortunately, even with the most clean parents, sometimes their child grows up as a disorderly creature, creating disorder and chaos around itself. However, do not despair, unlike other character traits, it is never too late to start cultivating accuracy in yourself, it is only important to do it carefully and systematically.
How to cultivate accuracy in yourself?
This is quite simple to do, you just have to approach the process with all seriousness. The main thing here is not speed, but constancy. If a person wants to become more clean, he needs to reconsider his own habits. For example, it is important to teach yourself to put each thing in its place, and to clean your house or workplace once a week on a well-defined day, regardless of the degree of contamination.

It is also important to cultivate accuracy in work. To do this, it is worth accustoming yourself not to be late for the beginning of the working day, and also to arrive on time orwell in advance for business meetings.
The same applies to the process of doing work. At first, special actions that require accuracy should be learned to do slowly, and as a person gets the hang of it, you can speed up the pace, but try not to suffer quality because of this.
In order to cultivate accuracy, at first it is necessary to constantly conduct self-examination. It would be nice to get a diary in which plans for the day, week, month and year will be recorded. Every evening, you should have a short review of completed and outstanding items, as well as a plan for the next day.
Professions that require accuracy
A master of his craft is a person who carefully fulfills his duties. That is why, ideally, each speci alty requires accuracy from workers. At the same time, medical workers need this trait more than others. After all, if a carelessly sewn dress can be altered, and mistakes in a book or dissertation can be corrected, then an inaccurately performed operation can cost the patient his life, and the doctor his freedom. The same goes for drivers, pilots, engineers, teachers, pharmacists and other similar professionals who are responsible for human lives every day.

Accuracy is the character trait that every sane person needs. There is an opinion that the Slavs, although quite clean, are not very accurate in terms of doing their job. As for the inaccuracy, there are legends about it.
Despite the fact that such an opinion appeared on the basis of real observations, not all Slavs treat their work so dishonestly. Otherwise, where would the world-famous Belarusian, Ukrainian, Russian, Polish craftsmen, inventors, engineers, scientists and doctors come from? But it is impossible to achieve recognition in these areas without accuracy and professionalism.

I would like to believe that every year in our country there will be more and more people who monitor their accuracy in everyday life and at work, and the "prediction" of Robert Rozhdestvensky, expressed in his wonderful poem "On the Masters", did not come true:
The world will not die from gluttony, Not from the intrigues of alien planets, Not from droughts, not from frosts, Not from super nuclear attacks -
He will die believing in the sloganGood-natured: "It will do!"".