Accuracy is Meaning and usage examples

Accuracy is Meaning and usage examples
Accuracy is Meaning and usage examples

The modern world dictates its own rules, based on scientific knowledge. The reality of a new model of social relations is not far off. Now the emphasis is on the self-development of the individual, the constant accumulation of theoretical knowledge. As you know, the information age is characterized by a large amount of information, where the main thing is their accuracy. It is specificity, attentiveness, accuracy, reliability: all these qualities are required when applying for a job in this age of high technology.

accuracy is
accuracy is

Computer devices are becoming more and more. Consequently, machines are beginning to replace people. The one who has proven himself badly is weeded out and a more suitable employee is taken. Here, society forgets that we are chasing one, and the other becomes useless. Each person is born by mother nature, which must be protected. However, there is no responsibility, as people prioritize survival in the face of technological progress, which is destroying the world around us. This is the other side of the coin.

Meaning of the word"accuracy"

In all sources you can find dissimilar definitions of this term. In addition, the word has a different meaning in many areas of science and technology in which it is used. First, let's define what this term generally means.

exact time
exact time

So, in the Big Encyclopedic Polytechnical Dictionary, accuracy is the degree of approximation of the true value of a process parameter, substance, object to its nominal value.


Share the accuracy of processing, mechanisms, automatic control systems, electronic computers, etc. In the technical field, processing errors may occur in the manufacture of parts. They appear as a result of inaccuracies, wear and tear and changes in machines, fixtures and tools. Another source of oversight is thermal phenomena that occur in a process system. Here, the phrase "accuracy of scales" can be an example. This concept is applicable in many scientific fields, chemistry, physics, trade, mechanical engineering, color industry. Scales are both microscopic, for example, for weighing gold, and, conversely, gigantic - for transport. They also contain errors, which mean the probability of error or a measure of the accuracy of weight measurement. It may vary within the normal range.

precision definition
precision definition

Now let's see how the philosophical encyclopedic dictionary interprets this term. Accuracy is the quality of human knowledge and action, meaningstrict compliance with a historically established or pre-established standard, model, norm, principle, rule, given mode of action.

Correct construction of the dialogue

Let's get back to the requirements for an individual, necessary during the interview for a further positive decision in the direction of the applicant. Each interview is built according to the rules of communication, business communication, in which professional suitability is clarified. The way a person speaks and conducts a dialogue is important. Speech accuracy is the ability to clearly and legibly convey thoughts. To express your opinion clearly, you need to know the information, as well as the rules of the Russian language.

Everything that is around us has a name. Therefore, in the age of information, a person seeks to know as much as possible. Vocabulary depends on the accuracy of the expression of thought. It is common to hear on radio, television, or in everyday speech misuse of words that do not match their meaning. For example, the noun "epicenter" is the area on the Earth's surface below which the focus of an earthquake is located. In everyday life there has been a distortion of meaning. Now this term is used as the main arena, the center of what is happening. That is, the phrase with the wrong meaning - "epicenter of events" - can often be heard in the media.

Use of foreign terms

When people communicate and use unfamiliar words in the wrong meaning in speech, this is a bad form and characterizes them from the worst side. Any borrowing must reflectterminological accuracy. This means that the expression is chosen correctly and will convey the meaning of what was said to the interlocutor.

the meaning of the word accuracy
the meaning of the word accuracy

For example, in the semantics of the term "priority" there is an erroneous opinion that it is akin to respect. But if you look, this is far from the case. Dictionaries interpret this term as primacy in discovery. In addition, ignorance can also lead to tautologies. The phrase "strange paradox" is already a double use of similar semantic characteristics.


In a conversation during a dialogue, the interlocutors must understand each other, otherwise there will be a misunderstanding, a distortion of information. In speech, attention to the use of homonyms, paronyms, homophones, as well as their semantic accuracy, is necessary. The definition of the term "paronym" is as follows: this is a word that differs from the paired meaning, but is similar in graphic design and sound. Here are examples: quorum - forum, excavator - escalator. Such words are found as one- and heterogeneous. Sentences can also be exemplified as the concept of inaccuracy. He was a funny guy: once he starts laughing, you can't stop. The definition of funny is confused with the correct in this context concept of funny.


These are words that are spelled the same but differ in meaning. For example: a bow is a vegetable, a bow is a weapon with arrows, a faucet is a hoist, a faucet is a plumbing fixture in the bathroom. There is another kind of similar pairs of words, homophones. These are terms that have the same onlypronunciation, such as forests and fox. There are also inaccuracies in sentences - the so-called syntactic homonymy, where the meaning of the phrase can be understood in two ways. So, the expression on the appointment of the chairman seemed successful to everyone, it can be interpreted as if the chairman was appointed, or so that the chairman appointed someone.

Polysemantic words

The Russian language is very generous and rich. In this regard, it is easy to meet misunderstandings between interlocutors, which can even lead to misunderstanding. The context should be clear and explain exactly the word that has several meanings. There are word forms that are better known with the same semantic load and are used most often like this. Therefore, it is imperative to monitor the accuracy and correctness of your statements so that there is no misunderstanding and awkwardness. Let's take an example of such a proposal. One engineer took the monastic vows and wears it to work.

Exact time

If you add another value to the three-dimensional coordinate plane, with the help of which reality does not stand still, then this will be a complete picture of the world.

processing accuracy
processing accuracy

Thus, time is the fourth dimension. There is a theory that proves that every object has a length, width and height. However, it can be in different time layers. That is, if we take a specific person, we can say that he exists in different layers of time (infancy, childhood, adolescence, etc.)

The exact time appeared in 1884 in the UK, when thespecial conference and it was decided to determine the "reference meridian". It was the starting point for all other belts. Consequently, world time has become one. In the 70s, the outdated reference system was replaced with a more advanced and accurate one, different from the binding to the Greenwich meridian.

scale accuracy
scale accuracy

So, time in the modern world is the main factor of life. Its accuracy becomes more and more valuable. Sometimes it is not enough for the main moments in life. Time must be valued and try not to waste it. In addition, we must not forget about punctuality, which characterizes a person who always performs one or another action exactly on the clock. Appreciate your time!
