Instruments of radiation and chemical reconnaissance and control are used to determine the approximate level of concentration of toxic compounds in the air. The devices are used inside buildings and in open areas. With their help, the concentration of substances in food, water, fodder, on different surfaces is determined. Let us further consider what chemical reconnaissance (dosimetric control) devices exist.

In practice, the following radiation and chemical reconnaissance devices are used:
- PHL-54 - field laboratory.
- PKhR-MV is a device for veterinary and medical services.
- GSP-11 - automatic gas analyzer.
- PPKhR is a semi-automatic chemical reconnaissance device.
- UG-2 is a universal gas analyzer.
- VPKhR - military chemical reconnaissance device.
General principle of action
Special indicators are used in chemical reconnaissance devices. When interacting with certain compounds, they changeits coloring. Depending on the specific type of indicator and the change in its color, the type of substance and its approximate concentration are established.
Universal gas analyzer is used for the quantitative and qualitative determination of ammonia, chlorine, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, carbon monoxide, petroleum hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, toluene, benzene, acetylene, acetone, xylene, gasoline, ethyl ether, etc. Principle the action of the UG is similar to that described above. Infected air passes through the indicator tube, changes the color of the filler. Measurement of the length of the colored column on the scale, calibrated in ml/l, indicates the content of the substance. The duration of the analysis is from 2 to 10 minutes.
Universal semi-automatic chemical reconnaissance instruments include indicator tubes of various sizes.

Devices operate in the temperature range from -10 to +50 degrees. UPGCs are equipped with an alarm system, a microprocessor unit, and a digital display. These elements significantly expand the operational capabilities of the device. Semi-automatic chemical reconnaissance instruments are used to analyze soil, air, forage, water, and various surfaces. To do this, they provide sample preparation devices.
These chemical (dosimetric) reconnaissance devices are used to ensure the safety of employees during emergency response, when inspecting storage facilities, transporting hazardous compounds, etc. The devices are equipped with a digitalalarm. The operating time of the device is 5 seconds, and the weight is 500 g. GSP-11 allows detecting vapors of ammonia, chlorine, hydrogen chloride, organophosphorus substances, nitrogen oxides and other compounds in the range of 1-10 MPC.

VKhR chemical reconnaissance device
This device is used to detect approximate concentrations of gases of hazardous compounds in indoor air, on machinery and equipment, as well as in open areas. The military chemical reconnaissance device includes a body with a cover, a pump with a nozzle, paper cassettes with indicator tubes, and smoke filters. The device is also equipped with heaters with cartridges and protective caps. To detect dangerous compounds, air is pumped through indicator tubes using a piston pump. The pump head has a socket for insertion and a corundum disk. The latter is used to file the ends of the tube. Along the edges of the disk there are two holes with markings. It matches the parameters of the tubes. There are metal pins in the holes. They provide opening of the ampoules inside the tubes. The indicator elements also contain a silica gel filler. It is impregnated with chemicals. Under the influence of the analyzed compound, the reagent acquires a color, the intensity of which depends on the content of the substance in the air. The fillers of the tubes used for the determination of hydrocyanic acid and distilled mustard gas are impregnated in advance. This explains the absence of ampoules inside these elements. When using the devicecertain rules must be followed. In particular, an ampoule with a reagent for the detection of phosgene and diphosgene must be broken in advance. They must be opened before pumping the analyzed air. In the tubes used to determine the FOV, there are two ampoules. One of them is opened before pumping, the other - after.

These chemical reconnaissance instruments are used for continuous air analysis. They allow you to detect dangerous compounds and RV. When OM and radioactive substances are detected in the gas detector, a light and sound alarm is triggered. GSP-1 - photocolorimetric devices. In the process of pumping through a tape impregnated with reagents, contaminated air appears in it as a colored spot. This phenomenon is recorded by a photocell, which is associated with sound and light alarms. Identification of a radioactive compound is carried out using an autonomous gas-discharge counter with an electric amplifier. Automatic gas analyzers are installed at command posts and observation posts. They are also used in military units.
Indicating films
They are used to determine the presence of compounds of the "V gas" type at the time of their deposition on objects of equipment, uniforms, weapons and other surfaces. The indicator films are fixed on clearly visible planes. For example, it is placed on a uniform sleeve, helmet, windshield, building wall, turret or other tank armor, etc. To increase the reliability of detecting dangerousconnections fastening on mobile objects of equipment is carried out from four parties. In the event of the appearance of blue-green spots on the films, it is necessary to immediately report this to the commander by giving an alert signal. After that, a special treatment of open areas on the face, hands is carried out and PPE is applied. Films should be replaced 2 days after application and immediately after exposure to precipitation and degassing formulation.

These chemical reconnaissance instruments are used to detect hazardous substances in feed, water, food, air and various objects. Such devices make it possible to detect s alts of metals and hydrocyanic acid, alkaloids. Phosgene and diphosgene are detected in the air and feed with their help. Devices for chemical reconnaissance and control PKhR-MV allow taking samples of soil, water, and other materials for sending them to the laboratory for subsequent determination of the type of infectious agent. In the case of the device in a special compartment is a manual manifold pump. Inside there are also paper cassettes and indicator tubes with ampouled reagents. The set also contains:
- Jars for dry-air extraction of compounds of substances from bulk products and for sampling (with test tubes).
- Report forms.
- Waxed paper.
- Pencil.
- Plastic bags (for samples).
- Band-Aid.
- Tweezers and scissors.
- Metal spatula.
- Passport and instructions forappliance.
The cloth cassette is used to place Drexel bottles, test tubes, reagents, combustible tablets, pipettes, silica gel (activated) in tubes, protective cartridges, file for opening ampoules, toluene.

In PKhR-MV, unlike the military chemical reconnaissance device, there are:
- Two additional indicator tubes. One is designed to detect lewisite and nitrogen mustard. There are two yellow rings on one end of the tube and three on the other. The second is used for arsenic hydrogen. There are 2 black rings on this tube.
- Reagents for indicating hazardous compounds and poisons in water.
- Jars for the detection of substances in food by the method of dry air extraction.
Indicator tubes
They are considered the most important element of the PHR-MB. The indicator tube is a glass vessel sealed on both sides. Inside it there is a porous filler that has the ability to absorb gases of hazardous compounds. There is also a fairing in the tube. Due to it, the air pumped through it goes only along the periphery of the filler. In addition, a reagent is present in the tube. It can be used on a specific compound or on a group of substances. The reagent can be applied to the filler or contained in one or more miniature ampoules. At the right moment in the course of work, they are destroyed. At one end of the tube there is a marking in the form of rings. It shows the type of substance, the content of which can bereveal.

Indication of compounds begins with the most dangerous of them - nerve gases. First, life-threatening concentrations are established. To do this, tubes with red rings and dots (of the same color) are removed. With the help of a cutter, they are filed, the ends break off. Next, an ampoule with acetylcholinesterase is opened with an opener with the same marking. The pump must be held vertically. The tube is inserted into the opening of the opener from below. After opening the ampoule, its contents are moistened by the filler. The first tube is considered the control tube. There is no air flow through it. The second tube is inserted into the central hole with the unmarked end. Then 5-6 swings are done. The opener opens an ampoule with butyrylcholine iodide and phenolrot. To moisten the filler, the tubes are shaken. The result is taken into account when comparing the color changes of the filler in the tubes. In the absence of FOV in the air, cholinesterase breaks down butyrylcholine iodide into an acid residue and choline. In the presence of compounds in the air, phosphorylation of acetylcholinesterase will occur during pumping. In this case, in the control tube, the color change of the filler will be rapid. This is due to the breakdown of butyrylcholine iodide and the formation of acidic products. The color of the filler will turn yellow (from hot pink). In the experimental tube, acetylcholinesterase will lose its enzymatic properties. Accordingly, splitting will not occur or will be very slow. Filleror retain a bright pink color, or it will change after 5-10 minutes (compared to the control tube).