The Soviet Union has undergone many changes in all areas throughout its existence. Take, for example, the fact that the emergence of the USSR is the result of a reform: thinking, worldview of the population, reorganization of behavior and perception of one's own position. Since at the time of the emergence of the new state, the majority of the inhabitants were simple peasants and workers, the main changes in the life of countries as a whole concerned the national economy.
The stages of creating economic councils did not always go smoothly. It was also not natural and their further successful existence. This is confirmed by the repeated introduction of this body, its constant restructuring and, as a result, the abolition of this institution completely, up to our time. Although now the authorities are again thinking about returning to this practice, however, under a different name.
What are economic councils
These are the councils of the national economy, which were created for local government. For the first time they appeared after October 1917 and were subordinate to the Supreme Council of National Economy under the SNR, which, in turn, in 1918 was controlled by the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR. The main task of the committeesThe Economic Council was to ensure the policy of the Supreme Economic Council on the ground. Such bodies were created in provinces, regions and even districts. Since the creation of the economic councils, it has included elected workers, party members, whose candidacies were approved at the relevant meetings.

The main task of the body was to establish order and ensure control over the restoration of the national economy after devastation and decline. In addition, he monitored the implementation of plans and instructions in the relevant organizations, determined the required amount of raw materials and fuel for each individual region.
Composition of the organization
The smallest cell since the creation of economic councils was the district, which was controlled by the regional, and so on. Each consisted of 14 departments that de alt with the settlement of issues of various types - from practical (for example, minerals and metalworking) to organizational (for example, banking issues).
The economic councils were able to strengthen their influence through the policy of nationalization. This meant that the more enterprises on the balance sheet of the state, the more resources are at the disposal of this authority.
But after a couple of years, the creation of economic councils turned out to be practically meaningless, in view of the course towards decentralization of management. Such a clear hierarchy, headed by the Supreme Economic Council, was no longer necessary.
Most of the district commissariats were liquidated, and the regional ones were reorganized and renamed into people's commissariats.
Second wave
After liquidation for the first time, the idea of re-creation of economic councils comes to Nikita Khrushchev. It is worth noting that this general secretary is generally considered one of the main reformers of the Soviet Union. The idea of restoring the structure arose in order to improve the organization of construction and industry management.

The creation of economic councils at the end of 1950 was supposed to improve the apparatus for managing and controlling the national economy. In fact, it was a new form of government, because its emergence gave rise to several important issues, namely: the legal status and legislative framework, the hierarchy and structure of the body.
The creation of economic councils led to the distribution of economic management between economic regions, and sometimes republics. In most cases, the territory of the hotel region was identical to the borders of the region.
The competence of a separate economic council was one industry, which made it possible not to scatter the attention of one body on several types of industry.
Tip structure
The economic councils had a sectoral nature of activity. That is, their competence did not go beyond a separate industry or construction, agriculture, trade, and so on.
This body was not subordinate to any departmental body, although it largely depended on the State Plan of individual republics and the USSR as a whole. Financing of the functioning and creation of economic councils (the year of appearance - 1957) was fully provided by the state. Although often some items of expenditure were covered by enterprises underdirect control of the organization. But this was decided at the state level.
In order to involve workers in the management of industry, it was decided to create councils as an advisory body. The beginning of the creation of economic councils was marked by the active participation of workers.

Workers' Council
It would seem that the flow of rationalization proposals from ordinary employees is good, but any idea required weighty arguments and scientific research. Otherwise, she risked being left without a real embodiment. Then it was decided to include scientists in the council in the first place. This led to the fact that the decisions taken at the meeting were always considered by higher bodies. Accordingly, they positioned themselves as more authoritative.
As a consequence, some Works Councils became famous and a new kind of competition arose - the battle for the best rational proposals. Those ideas that received approval from the authorities were implemented in industries throughout the country with a mention of the author or team. The portrait was hung on the honor roll, and the worker became a kind of celebrity. Although there was no material incentive as such and could not have been at that time due to the popular leveling.

Liquidation of ministries
The creation of economic councils year after year diminished the role of the ministries, and some of them were hastily liquidated. Management of the economy was now carried out on a territorial basis, based onwhich is the distribution of boundaries between regions based on many natural factors. The boundaries of the districts most often coincided with the boundaries of the regions and economic regions.
The liquidation of ministries and the creation of economic councils ensured an increase in the role of a separate republic in the all-Union economy.
In addition, this distribution of power allowed us to quickly solve many problems on the spot and bring management closer to production directly. Despite the fact that the creation of economic councils for the second time provided good results, the program did not last long - only 8 years. One of the reasons for the abolition of such an organization of the economy was the resignation of Khrushchev in the 64th year. At the same time, many other reforms were cancelled.

Reform sabotage
Decentralization of power was calculated on the fact that the positions and capabilities of the secretaries of regional committees were to increase several times. The stronger the small link holds, the more the chain will hold. In addition, Nikita Khrushchev himself was gaining more control over the industry, which meant strengthening his own position.
Many people's commissars openly opposed the implementation of the reform. People like Kaganovich did not comment on the situation at all, but simply openly ignored it.
This is due to several facts. First, the liquidation of sectoral ministries and the creation of economic councils meant the removal of many high-ranking political figures from their positions. Second: people's commissars and other party leaders sought to control the Secretary General and in every possible waymanipulate. The same Nikita Sergeevich was not taken seriously for a long time, considering almost a court jester.

Successful implementation: reasons
Despite the obstacles, the program was introduced. And its normal functioning was ensured thanks to the system of punishments and rewards. Simply put, the creation of economic councils took the first step from humiliating leveling to justice. For each enterprise, a supply plan and the required production rate were given. If the required minimum was not met, then radical measures were taken - dismissal. It is worth considering that such methods were not always objective.
If good reasons affected the failure of the plan, then the culprit suffered.
Cancellation of economic councils
The main reason for the liquidation of this body lies in the irrational use of resources. Individual districts tried to squeeze as much money out of the center as possible by submitting applications describing difficulties that did not exist.

Another reason is regional fragmentation on an economic basis. It's like the position of separate meals: in different plates there are separate products. But for a salad, they need to be mixed. It was the same in the industry of that time: the delay of one material due to the mistakes of the leadership of the region led to the suspension of work in another. Example: a scene from the movie "Queen of the Gas Station" when the necessary materials for the construction of the bridge could not be collected.