Military departments… Sometimes their presence or absence becomes a top priority when choosing a higher education institution. Of course, this primarily concerns young people, and not the fragile representatives of the weaker half of humanity, but nevertheless, there is already a fairly strong conviction about this.
In accordance with it, as a rule, there is a military department in universities with a more positive reputation. The level of education in such institutes or universities is in most cases an order of magnitude higher, which means that the competition for applicants is more serious.
In this article, we will not only talk about what these formations are, the reader will learn about their impact on the entire education system as a whole, as well as what institutes with a military department are available in our capital.
Section 1. General definition of the concept

Today you can get a military education not only in higher military schools.
At civilian educational institutions, specially withwith the aim of training officers massively and everywhere on the territory of the Russian Federation, military departments are being created.
Achievement of the goals that this formation faces is carried out in various ways, including within the framework of the military training cabinet, the military department, the organization of the military training cycle, the faculty of military training, the military training center, the military training faculty. The choice for students is actually huge.
Section 2. How does the military department affect the education system?

Any citizen in Russia, except for strictly defined categories, can be drafted into the army for active service.
As a rule, students who have been trained at the military department are no longer called up for military service. It is in connection with this that the universities, in which military departments are organized, enjoy priority among applicants throughout the country. Although, frankly speaking, a possible motive for such behavior is precisely the desire to avoid being drafted into the active army.
In modern Russia, such universities are especially popular. A higher competition for admission leads to the fact that higher educational institutions in which a military department has been created accept more prepared applicants.
According to experts, this state of affairs has led to the creation of conditions for unfair competition among Russian universities. As a result, the quality of the educational process where there is no military department suffers significantly, since relatively weak applicants are initially accepted there.
Eatand another consequence of the special situation of universities where such departments function. Due to their favorable position, as recent practice shows, they are more relaxed about the need to constantly take care of their image and create conditions for improving the quality of the educational process.
Section 3. Military Department in Moscow

Currently, they are already functioning in 27 Russian universities. And now it is quite possible to get a higher military education in humanitarian universities.
A number of technical establishments have lost such formations that were actively functioning during the Soviet Union.
As a result of this, technical universities began to lose contact with defense enterprises and the opportunity to practice new equipment produced by military factories. In addition, graduates of technical universities, where military departments were abolished, had to start serving in the army as an ordinary private.
Accredited formations operate today in:
- MATI - Russian State Technological University. K. E. Tsiolkovsky;
- Interregional Institute of Economics and Law under the EurAsEC (St. Petersburg);
- Moscow Aviation Institute;
- National Research Nuclear Institute MEPhI (Moscow)
- 23 more Russian universities.
The Union of Rectors stands for their creation in more universities. To date, 62 more educational institutions are ready to open it. However, the Ministry of Defense came up with a different idea - to create scientific companies in universities. Service after the military department is also of great importance and is currently under development.
Section 4. MGIMO

One of the leading Russian universities with this kind of department is MGIMO, whose graduates study international relations.
The founder of MGIMO is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This educational institution has a military department that graduates military linguists - this university organizes training in 53 foreign languages. Thanks to this indicator, MGIMO is included in the Guinness Book of Records.
International specialists study at least 2 foreign languages. The rating class of this educational institution is very high, according to the Expert RA agency (2014).
Section 5. MEPhI

This university is the leading research university in Russia. A nuclear reactor is located on its territory.
MEPhI is the organizer of scientific research and various events in the scientific world. MEPhI actively operates laboratories headed by leading scientists. Within the framework of such laboratories, the problems of nanobioengineering, electromagnetic methods for the production of new materials are studied.
There is a military department at MEPhI, as part of the Faculty of Cybernetics and Information Security. Education at this department is carried out in parallel with the passage of the course of basic education. In 2013 MEPhI waswork has begun on organizing the formation of scientific companies from the composition of MEPhI graduates who have not been trained at the military department.
Section 6. Expected Changes

In 2014, the preparation of a legal framework for the reform in the field of military training in universities will begin. The purpose of the reform is to create conditions for the development of students in parallel with the civilian and also the army speci alty.
It should be noted that the opportunity to conduct military training without leaving the main one allows for a more rational use of time.
Combining educational and military training involves a stage of intensive work, since it is necessary to solve many organizational, educational, methodological and financial issues.