Universities in Germany are institutions of higher education that really provide an excellent education. In this country, you can learn almost any specialist - from an Egyptologist to an engineer. In addition, in many states of Germany, education is provided free of charge, you only need to pay a small amount as a tax (it is only about 600 euros per semester). And in general, a diploma of higher European education for many students is the way to later life.

Speaking about education in Germany, we should pay attention to the most popular universities in this country. Each year, a list of universities is compiled that have proven themselves better than others during the previous year. And, I must say, it is difficult to decide which universities will lead it. After all, the best universities in Germany number in the hundreds. The rating is headed by the technicalRhine-Westphalian University (city of Aachen). The free university of Berlin also occupies a leading position. In general, I must say, metropolitan educational institutions are quite popular. Take, for example, the Humboldt University of Berlin, famous all over the world. In general, there are a lot of prestigious higher schools in Germany - students go to study in Munich, Cologne, Heidelberg, Bremen, Dortmund and other cities where you can get an excellent education in any direction.
Classical education
The oldest universities in Germany inspire not only trust, but also undoubted respect. One of these is Heidelberg, located in the city of the same name. Perhaps one of the oldest universities in the world - its history begins in the distant 14th century, in 1386! It was from the walls of this university that the world-famous hymn of students Gaudeamus came out. Not much later, the University of Cologne opened - only two years later than Heidelberg. This university has quite an interesting history. In 1798 it was closed because the local professors did not recognize the French Revolution. More than a century passed before he started working again. Speaking about the old universities of Germany, it is impossible not to note the University of Freiburg. It has been working since 1457 and for such a solid period of time it has released the most famous people from its walls, which include Max Nonne (a famous neurologist), Paul Elrich (chemist and immunologist), Erasmus of Rotterdam (humanist) and many others. And this is not all the old universities in Germany. There is also the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, numbering 20faculties, Tübingen (it teaches medical and social sciences), as well as Mainz (considered a campus).

Technical education
There is a fairly extensive classification of educational institutions in their direction, but the most popular are those that are humanitarian and technical. Technical universities in Germany exist in almost all cities of this country. In addition to the aforementioned university, located in the city of Aachen, there are several more popular and elite educational institutions. For example, the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. In 1969, it became the educational institution that introduced a five-year program of study in the speci alty "Informatics", and after another 5 years the faculty of this specialization was opened. Ten years ago, he was awarded the honorary title of a research university, most recently, in 2009, he became one of the components of the center for nuclear research in Karlsruhe. This university has several more speci alties - electrical engineering, industrial construction, natural science and mechanical engineering. Of course, one cannot fail to note the attention of the Technical University of Munich - the second German capital. A few years ago, he entered the top three best universities in the country. In this institution, you can study for such speci alties as computer science, biology, physics, chemistry, mechanical engineering, as well as management and economics.
Perhaps, if we talk about liberal education, then attention should be paid to the University of Constanta. It was founded wronga long time ago, in comparison with the universities described above, only in 1966, however, it became quite popular. The university has several faculties related to the humanities - this is history and sociology (combined with sports), the study of art, mass media and literature, linguistics and philosophy. The Free University of Berlin also has several faculties, where there is definitely a place for students with a humanitarian mindset. There is a department for the study of classical languages, cultural studies, philosophy, archeology and Egyptology. By the way, this is an ideal place for learning for polyglots. In this university you can get a diploma of a translator, as they teach Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, Korean, Chinese, Japanese and, of course, German.

Mass media and communication
Journalism is one of the most modern speci alties. Many people are interested in this field of activity, a large number of potential students wish to receive an appropriate education in Germany. I must say that here more than 23 universities teach journalism within their walls. These educational institutions are located in Bamberg, Munich, Essen, Dresden, Berlin and some other German cities. Universities use two approaches to the training of publicists - scientific (that is, a combination of theory with practice) and practical (for this there are special schools of a narrow profile). In different universities, this speci alty belongs to different departments. For example, at the Institute of Journalism of the University of Dortmund there is a department of cultural studies,where such specialists are trained. In Mainz, this speci alty belongs to the Faculty of Social Sciences. And at the Institute of Journalism in Münster - and at all to the philosophical. By the way, the Free University of Berlin also has such a department. For those wishing to study for this speci alty, there is a great freedom of choice, since German universities also have various areas - from sports journalism to media economics.

Everyone knows how highly developed medicine is in Germany. And, I must say, here you can get an excellent medical education. Take, for example, the University of Ulm. This university works with students from all over the world and trains excellent specialists. The university has four faculties - natural sciences, mathematics and economics, medical (basic, profile), as well as computer science and engineering. If a student wants to study nursing, epidemiology, molecular medicine or bioinformatics, then his path lies in the same Free University of Berlin. There is also a faculty of veterinary medicine. By the way, it must be said that in Germany it is possible to get a doctor's degree faster than in Russia. The duration of training is from two to four years - it all depends on the profile and level of training of the student.

Jurisprudence and law
Universities in Germany of this profile also provide a good education. Although in this country this profile is less popular than technicalspeci alty. And it takes longer to study to be a lawyer - initially to unlearn about eight years in a higher educational institution, then work for about two years in court or in an appropriate law firm. After that, an almost ready specialist passes the second state exam. Only then can he be considered a true professional. Many universities in Germany offer a fairly extensive list of legal speci alties. For example, at the University of Mannheim, a well-known department is one that gives a law degree in enterprises. Many potential students want to enter the University of Munich. Ludwig-Maximilian, as this university was recognized as the best in Germany in terms of the quality of legal education.

What you need for admission
After a potential student has studied the list of universities in Germany and found the university of his dreams, questions follow regarding how to enter it and what is needed for this. There are no barriers here if a person has a small capital, some documents (which is necessary for admission to any university in Russia) and knowledge of the language. Almost any German university is ready to accept a foreign student almost for free (about 600 euros per semester). So studying in Germany for Russians is a reality. By the way, in this country there are quite a lot of students who came from Russia.
Knowledge of the language
What is required for admission is fluency in German. It is very important to confirm knowledge of the language. This is necessary in order to assureGermans is that the student is fully prepared to learn the material in the classroom. To do this, you must pass the DAF test. You must register in advance to take it. The test consists of four parts - text comprehension, oral speech, personal written speech, and conversation. Upon completion of the exam, a person is awarded a certificate, which indicates their level of language proficiency. TDN 5 is considered the highest. With this indicator, the student will be accepted by all the best universities in Germany. In order to 100% obtain this certificate, you must first take German courses. TDN level 4 is also possible, but not accepted everywhere.

Duration of training and its features
The term for which education in Germany is designed is different, it all depends on what speci alty the student went to study. In addition, the university also plays a significant role. The average term varies from three to six years. Russian students can enter universities in Germany either immediately after completing 11 grades of school, or after completing two courses of study at their university. However, then you have to go to the first course. If a student has completed four years in Russia and received a bachelor's degree, then he can get a higher education in Germany, that is, a master's degree.