International Banking Institute, St. Petersburg: features of education, faculties

International Banking Institute, St. Petersburg: features of education, faculties
International Banking Institute, St. Petersburg: features of education, faculties

St. Petersburg International Banking Institute was opened in 1991. This institution is one of the first domestic universities focused on targeted training of specialists for commercial banking institutions, insurance, investment firms and trading exchanges. The high quality of education is confirmed by the successful participation of MBI in various competitions at the regional and federal levels. The university has twice received an award from the Federal Service for Supervision of Science and Education, and also became a diploma winner in the quality competition of the Russian government.

international banking institution
international banking institution


Students of the International Banking Institute on a full-time basis have the opportunity to study two foreign languages. Of these, English is the main one, the choice is Spanish, French or German. It is worth noting that one of the co-founders of the university is the European Network for Financial and Banking Education.

Students participate in practices abroad, undergo internships and exchange programs of inclusive education. RecentlyMBI students improved their knowledge at the universities of the Netherlands, Finland, Spain, France, America, Switzerland. Since 2015, the institute has been practicing a summer student school together with a Dutch university in Utrecht. Students from 14 countries of the world come to this event.

Employment prospects

According to the official statistics of the Labor Committee on Employment of St. Petersburg and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, two months after graduation, 86 percent of graduates of the International Banking Institute were employed. Such a positive result became possible thanks to the systematic work practiced with first-year students. Several times a semester, students are given "Career Days", which are attended by representatives of potential employers. The event takes place in the format of live communication with the heads of commercial organizations, trainings and master classes are held, types of job interviews are simulated.

international banking institute st. petersburg
international banking institute st. petersburg

Representatives of business are invited to the departments (open lectures), which allows students to assess the situation on the labor market, analyze the real requests of employers to applicants, and understand the nuances of the corporate ethics of individual enterprises. The practical system for students is developed taking into account professional and research interests. The university has signed agreements with 27 banks and almost 50 enterprises and organizations.

Teaching staff

At the International Banking Institute of St. Petersburg, teachers of sixdepartments (five of them are graduating). Among the teaching staff, about 40 percent are current employees or heads of specialized companies or owners of their own businesses. For example, N. V. Nemchenko, a graduate of MBI in 2006, runs her own company and is a teacher at the Department of Applied Informatics and Web Programming. The course in the speci alty "Securities and Investments" is headed by Candidate of Technical Sciences Ya. G. Markov, concurrently the CEO of a financial company. More than 50 percent of teachers with many years of practice in the banking sector work at the Department of Banking Business and Innovative Financial Technologies.

international banking institute st. petersburg mbi
international banking institute st. petersburg mbi


The International Banking Institute (IBI) in St. Petersburg is located on Nevsky Prospekt - in the cultural, historical and business part of the city. Students can observe sights such as St. Isaac's and Kazan Cathedrals, the Russian Museum, Anichkov Palace and the Engineering Castle at a distance of several meters.

The location of the university is distinguished not only by the variety of cultural values nearby, but also by the presence of large banking and other commercial institutions, in many of which students undergo industrial practice. The problem of parking in megacities is becoming more urgent every day. A hundred meters from the entrance to the institute, there are two large free parking zones (Ostrovsky Square and Italianskaya Street). For those who are accustomed to riding the subway, problems of traffic jams and timelythere is no university visit. There are two metro stations near MBI: Nevsky Prospekt and Gostiny Dvor.

International Banking Institute Faculties

Modern pace of life makes young people actively move forward. While still at the first stage of education, a person should seriously think about the next step on his career ladder. In this regard, the International Banking Institute has a significant advantage over many other universities. The whole process in this institution is based on a multi-level education system.

International Banking Institute SPb
International Banking Institute SPb

The initial stage is the Derevyanko Economic Lyceum, where children from grades 7 to 11 study. After receiving certificates of secondary education, applicants can safely apply to the undergraduate faculty. Main speci alties: "Economics", "Management", "Applied Economics". The right to choose the form of education remains with the student. Daytime, part-time, evening options available.

After receiving the "bachelor" category, students can move on to the next levels - master's and postgraduate studies. The main factor in the high quality of teaching at MBI is the multi-stage, mobility and variability of education.

How to act

The first step towards entering the International Banking Institute (St. Petersburg) will not be the result of the Unified State Examination, but the right choice of the appropriate direction of preparation. MBI offers only relevant and in-demand speci alties on the labor market.

The entire admission process is described in special rules, which list the required documents, the deadlines for their submission, a sample application and other nuances. For convenience, applicants are provided with information about the availability of hostels, additional sections and the right to independent educational activities.

After successfully passing the entrance exams, it remains to submit a package of documents to the selection committee. To do this, study the work schedule of the PC, and non-residents are provided with information on how to send documents in electronic form. Further training is carried out under a contract with payment of the cost of services.

international banking institute reviews
international banking institute reviews

Bachelor's degree

About 1200 students study at this direction at the International Banking Institute, including evening and correspondence courses. Obtaining specialized education is carried out in three categories: "Economics", "Applied Informatics", "Management". In turn, the faculties are divided into several areas, from which students can choose a speci alty to their liking.

The Economy category includes:

  • Banking.
  • Accounting, auditing and analysis.
  • Financial management.
  • Insurance.
  • Securities market and investments.

Profile "Management" includes faculties:

  • Human Resource Management.
  • Logistics.
  • Business and project management.

There is one course in the Applied Computer Science category regarding the development of this program ineconomy.

The educational process at the International Banking Institute in St. Petersburg is closely connected with the introduction of the latest information technologies, as well as the possibilities of the Unified Electronic Educational Environment. Most undergraduate programs are applied in nature, given the significant role of employers in the development and content of specialized disciplines and courses.

After each stage of education, students of all forms of education, regardless of the faculty, undergo educational, industrial and undergraduate practice. Part-time students study using various distance learning configurations, including a modular and session program.

international banking institute in petersburg
international banking institute in petersburg

International Banking Institute reviews

Most university graduates speak of their studies at MBI with gratitude. Former students note that they received a high quality education. This allowed them to find a decent job or open their own business without any problems. They warmly remember the teachers, who intelligibly and voluminously provided maximum information on the chosen speci alty. In addition, graduates are proud of the introduction of the most modern educational technologies at the institute along with distance learning and a multi-stage approach to organizing the process.

international banking institute faculties
international banking institute faculties


In conclusion, here are the MBI contact details and brief information about the work schedule:

  • Postal address - 191023, St. Petersburg, Nevsky Prospect, 60 (Receptioncommission).
  • Acceptance of documents - St. Petersburg, Malaya Sadovaya street, 6.
  • Opening hours - from 10.00 to 18.00 (Monday - Friday).
  • Rector – Maria Viktorovna Sigova.
