To the credit of many Internet site visitors, they are interested not only in the personal lives of movie stars, but also in literacy issues. "How to write: "come" or "come"? is a question frequently asked by users of the World Wide Web. Let's try to figure it out.

What are we arguing about?
From the point of view of elementary logic, there are no problems in solving this issue. Both of these words are verbs in the indefinite form (infinitive), because they answer the question: “What to do?” The infinitive is exactly what defines a verb in the dictionary. So what's easier? We open the dictionary and check: come or come?
All modern dictionaries are unanimous: the correct option is "come". But for some reason, doubt arose, and it is this verb that causes fierce debate?
Let's turn to the classics. A play by A. S. Pushkin “The Stone Guest”, edition of 1948: “Ask the statue to come to Dona Anna tomorrow later in the evening and stand at the door at the clock.” What is it? The luminary of Russian poetry did not know the spelling of the word "come", and the Soviet proofreaders, known for their meticulousness, did not correct the text beforeseal?
Leo Tolstoy: "You need to come to the state of a child" (from reflections on religion). “You see, I came, therefore I could come” (from private correspondence). These texts were also published during the Soviet years. Is it a mistake?
Let's listen to the experts
There is no mistake. For many years, the choice between the words "come" or "come" did not exist today, and the second option was even more preferable.
Turning to the luminaries of the Russian language, living in past centuries, you can see the following. In the dictionary of Vladimir Dahl, there is actually no dilemma: to come or to come? As written in the publication, both options are correct. In the explanatory dictionary of Efremova and in the spelling of Ozhegov, only the verb "come" is present. In Ushakov we find the same option as the main one, but the spellings “come” and “pritti” are also considered acceptable. As for the conjugations of this verb, along with the modern “I will come, you will come”, the variants “I will come, you will come” are also allowed - marked “obsolete”
Such a discrepancy in spelling can only be explained by a special variety of forms of the Russian language and the traditions existing in it. A large number of those interested in the problem are also connected with this: what is the right thing to come or come? When faced with the option "come" in old books or other sources, many still consider it to be correct.

Someone, in order not to rack their brains over spelling, suggests simply replacing the controversial verbs with their synonyms: arrive, arrive, come. But,Of course, such a recommendation can only be regarded as a joke. Any word carries its own semantic load, and replacing it with a synonym may turn out to be either generally inappropriate or indigestible due to a number of ideas. We can say "come to a consensus", but we will never use the verb "arrive" in this situation. In principle, in the expression “come on a date”, this alternative option can be used, and the meaning of what was said will not suffer. But I would like to see the reaction of a young girl whose lover (especially if he is not a military man) would say that he asks her to come on a date…
And if so?
Even the use of the closest infinitive "to come" will not save the situation. To come is the perfect form of the verb, which indicates a certain specific result of the action: to come to consciousness, to come to a stop. And coming is an imperfect form, it does not imply the obligatory receipt of a result. Coming to a stop does not mean being there, regaining consciousness does not necessarily mean waking up.
Maybe we shouldn't cheat? Isn't it better to just remember how to spell correctly? To come, according to the rules adopted in 1956, is the only acceptable option at the moment,

Population against
Interestingly, even a specific answer to this question does not save us from new doubts and even objections. Why of the two options - to come or to come - was the first one chosen? In addition, there is a similar verb without a prefix - “to go”, but words"go" or "go" does not exist in Russian. There is "d" in other forms: I will come, they will come. Where is the logic in choosing the infinitive "to come"?
Many pay attention to the pronunciation of this word. In colloquial speech, the sound of "y" is usually lost, most often "pritti" is heard at all - why not make the written form as well?
Individual Internet users, not understanding the logic of choice, even consider the “come” option as typical tyranny of some official from an education who accepted these rules. Who knows, maybe so. This version is all the more interesting if you look at the year the rules came into force. 1956: N. Khrushchev leads the country. How many different voluntaristic decisions were made in those years?

And philologists are for it
The choice of the form "come" is debatable not only for amateurs, but also for a number of qualified specialists. And yet, some philologists consider this decision quite justified. With a reference to Kozma Prutkov (“Look at the root!”), A certain Internet specialist simply offers a detailed analysis of these words. In the infinitive "come" and in its various word forms (go, go, left, etc.), it is very difficult to single out the root. Only “and” can be considered as a common significant part, which can also be omitted (walked, left) or turned into “th” (go, leave). For the Old Church Slavonic language, to which the verb "go" belongs, this state of affairs is not uncommon. Parsing the word "go" will give us the root "and", the infix "d", the verbal suffix "ti". From this point of view, the option "come" is quite logical: "at" -prefix, "y" - the root and the same suffix.
Will this answer suit everyone? Even its author, trying to tell and prove how to write “come” correctly, how to correctly parse other word forms of this verb, still does not forget to refer to complex language processes and their difficult to explain results. Maybe that's the point?
About Russian
By netizens, as part of the dispute: "come" or "come", the spelling of many other words was also questioned. Why, for example, do we write “Bolshevik” and at the same time “stupid”, “kulak”, if, logically, all 3 words should have the same suffix? The author of the question is trying to object. Like, the variant "Bolshevik" is formed from "Bolshevism", and not from "Bolshevik", and therefore is not written through "c", like "kulak". But such an answer is not very convincing, because the word "Bolshevik", although it is present in dictionaries, is usually not used in practice. Whatever the formative noun is, the second option is usually used as an adjective.

The word "Bolshevik" and everything connected with it are no longer relevant, and you don't have to puzzle over their spelling. But how many other words are in the Russian language, the spelling of which makes you think deeply!
How to write: “I will win” or “I will win”? - comrades are interested. But no way! There are no such words! For the verb "to win" in the 1st person singular of the future tense, there is simply no form. Quite suitable options are “I can win”, “I canwin.”
"Don't lie to the mirror on your desk" is a classic version of the error that caused the conflict in the wonderful movie "We'll Live Till Monday". Two common misunderstandings: “lay down” and “lay down”. It is important to remember: the verb "lay down" without prefixes does not exist. The correct option is "put". The same verb, in turn, is also not used with prefixes; here only the words “put”, “invest”, etc. can be true.
How to form the imperative mood of the verb "go"? Well, certainly not "go" or "go"! “Go”, “come”, “drop in” are suitable options.

About borrowed words
If sometimes it is so difficult to determine the spelling of Russian words, then what can we say about foreign terms? Refusing to use them, as some zealous heads suggest, is not worth it - it’s more expensive for yourself! Which is easier: say "air conditioner" or come up with some new definition like "air-cleaner-cooler"? Somehow too difficult!
So you just need to remember. For example, your favorite coffee is espresso, not espresso; the fast train and the drink have different spellings.
About Lenin's precepts
"Study, study and study again!" - Ulyanov-Lenin once called, and it is really worth agreeing with this testament of the main Bolshevik. Studying is the only way to make your writing and speech more or less literate. Wherever it turns out, you need to get to the bottom of the matter. Where it doesn't work, just remember. Finally learn grammarbrowse dictionaries.
The Internet is sometimes interested in the derivatives of the verbs we are analyzing. They ask how to spell: “came” or “came”? It is somehow embarrassing to answer this question - the situation is analyzed in detail in school lessons. Well, of course he came! The letter "o" after hissing is still possible in the case of a few nouns (seam, burn), but in the case of verb endings it cannot be. Here you don’t even need to break your head over spelling, just pick up a textbook and learn the rules.

But how important is it to write correctly? After all, entire peoples and generations did without literacy, and nothing! Communication on the Internet now reveals blatant illiteracy, but this does not prevent people from talking and finding a common language. And if they don't, it's because of political or other differences, but by no means because of errors in the letter.
To some extent, talking about the need to express your thoughts beautifully and without errors is meaningless. Those who feel the need to be literate look for every opportunity to improve their knowledge and expand their vocabulary. To whom the presence of mistakes and a miserable style do not interfere with life in the world, he will continue to live without listening to any exhortations.
That's just… For educated people, mistakes in someone else's letter are extremely hurtful, and respect for their author is immediately lost. Someone compares an illiterate text with a dirty neck of its owner, for someone spelling errors are akin to stains on clothes. Does anyone really want to be known as a slut in strangerseyes?