The word absurd: meaning and synonyms

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The word absurd: meaning and synonyms
The word absurd: meaning and synonyms

Often in daily speech we hear words that we do not understand clearly enough. Absurdity is one of those obscure terms. What is the meaning of the word "absurd"? Where did it come from and how to use it correctly in your speech? All this will be discussed below.

Etymology of the word "absurd"

absurd meaning
absurd meaning

This concept entered the Russian language in the 19th century from Western literature. However, the very origin of the word is ancient and has Latin roots. Absurdus means in Latin something dissonant and incoherent. And the related word surd means deafness.

There is an opinion that the ancient Romans also had in mind the modern meaning of the word, that is, they understood absurdity as a conversation between the deaf and the deaf - that is, an incoherent and ridiculous dialogue.

Also, some linguists believe that this concept was formed in the Middle Ages and it was invented by scholastic scientists.

The lexical meaning of the word "absurd"

absurd picture
absurd picture

The concept under study has a deep philosophical meaning. "Absurd" generally means illogical, irrational, itsomething that cannot be analysed. However, this is not a lack of meaning. Absurdity implies a certain meaning, but only such that it is not comparable with reality and experience. It is difficult to understand and comprehend. We can imagine it in our heads, but not in life.

Absurdity is the opposite of meaning, it is contrary to reason. In art, the absurd gave rise to such a direction as surrealism. The nonsense and even madness depicted in the paintings of S. Dali attracts by the fact that it is unusual, not the way it should be.

However, the absurd may turn out to be reality in the end. The boundaries of our thinking are blurred, no one can argue that what is now considered absurd will not be ordinary and normal in a hundred years. If any gentleman in the 19th century were told that his beloved could be called by video link, chat and see her, he would have thought that this was absurd and could not be.

Synonyms and examples of usage

Sisyphean labor is absurd
Sisyphean labor is absurd

The word absurd has several bright synonyms that will help you to put it into speech more easily:

  • nonsense;
  • absurdity;
  • nonsense;
  • absurdity;
  • nonsense;
  • nonsense.

To see how the word "absurd" works in speech, here are some examples:

  1. The absurd has become almost a cult of the philosophy of the 20th century.
  2. She expressed herself rather ridiculously and absurdly.
  3. Our mind does not accept absurdity, but fights it fiercely.

Thus, we found out that absurdity is not justthe absence of a coherent thought, but a whole philosophy that struggles with the logical foundations rooted in the human mind. Everything that does not fit in our head is absurd. But is everything that is incomprehensible absurd?